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Reggie Elric's avatar

Last Login: 04/02/2009 9:09 pm

Registered: 03/06/2008

Location: Everywhere

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

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Reginald Hohenheim Commodore Elric...

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Uh... hello I guess and welcome to my profile. My name is Reginald Hohenheim Commodore Elric, The Bounty Huinter Alchemist. Eldest child of Edward and Rose Elric. I guess, by now you're probably wondering more about me... well, all right. u_u

When I was eight years-old my father was murdered in a military mission. Ever since... and ever since my mother's death of heart-break not as well I've been out seeking vengeance on the man who has taken the life of my parents.

It just so happens that in the process, my younger sister (By four years), lost her eye when I was attacked by a group of men a few years ago when she happened to be following me the night I ran away. So, in being her older brother, and I feel I have need to do so, I sacrificed my own eye for her with alchemy. (Much like my father did for my uncle Alphonse.)

Later on in my travels I met an old childhood friend whom I hadn't met for a good seven or eight years, (Because of the whole, my father getting murdered thing, so we moved back to Resembool and crap) Skyler T. Mustang. When I saw him again he didn't exactly seem like the same person any more. He seemed much too overwhelmed with money and fame (Being the son of a General and a well-known alchemist, after all). But... it didn't take him long to join us on our journey (For reasons I'm still not exactly all that sure about).

Then finally, about a year later I met someone very special to me... u_u

Um... but despite all this, I've continued to hunt down the man who did this unspeakable act to my father. And on the day I finally get to meet him face-to-face mark my words: I will show him no mercy.

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More things about me:

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Height: 5'7 (I didn't inherit my fathers... uh... growth problem...) ^^;

Eyes: Gold

Hair: Brown

Skin Tone: Slightly Tanned. (Like a mixture of both my parents' skin tones mixed together.)

Birthday: October 19th

Occupation: Unofficial Bounty Hunter, but I also do alchemy.

Habits: Smoking, was a bed wetter as a child.

Single?: No. (Taken by Mary Yao)

Life Goal: To "Take Care" of the man who murdered my father.

Weapon of choice: Usually my Hand Gun, but in other cases alchemy or a dagger of some sort.


Here is my family before my sister Tess was born, and before everything... happened... u__u

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Picture is a (c) of thereallifedaria of DeviantART, taken as request by me.

Any Thoughts? Comments?

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Amulet K Ihara Report | 11/27/2008 11:16 am
Amulet K Ihara
I just relized*sp* something, that pic your frieds drew for you of Ed,Reg and Rose....Reggie dosn't have a cowlick XDDDD
Amulet K Ihara Report | 11/25/2008 1:42 pm
Amulet K Ihara
hey Reg, how ya been :3
Homunculus Ignorance Report | 11/22/2008 8:11 am
Homunculus Ignorance
Ig- Likewise, Reginald, likewise.
Homunculus Ignorance Report | 11/09/2008 8:01 pm
Homunculus Ignorance
Pardon for the double post but WHAT THE HELL.

"Get off my lawn"? I assume you're referring to Mary.
Homunculus Ignorance Report | 11/09/2008 7:56 pm
Homunculus Ignorance
EXCUSE me!??
Haseo_Tanaka Report | 11/09/2008 7:22 pm
Nice drawings, and ur pro and avi's cool too!
Homunculus Ignorance Report | 11/08/2008 5:14 pm
Homunculus Ignorance

Hi, Reggie-friend! Iggy is just dropping by to say hii~! Oh, and-


KenTexan Report | 11/06/2008 4:31 am
Er, I see that you and Ignorance aren't quite getting along yet. Well, he never really GETS ALONG with anyone, but you get what I mean.
Whyyy can't you both just be friendly-friends? :CCC

Oh, and be careful of Nanashi... Ig says he's a rapist sometimes.
Homunculus Ignorance Report | 11/06/2008 4:03 am
Homunculus Ignorance
What the hell are you referring to...!?
Purblind Nanashi Report | 11/06/2008 4:01 am
Purblind Nanashi
Neh, sorry about the misunderstanding, Reggie. No hard feelings, eh?


My Dream Avi:

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