Gant's baby <3

Rei Gant's avatar

Last Login: 10/28/2015 6:58 pm

Registered: 09/23/2005

Gender: Female

Let's go swimming!

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The most amazing daughter ever ...

.: Rei Gant :.

Age: 19 [[ AJ timeline; she is 6 years younger than Ema. ]]
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Occupation: None

Rei is the daughter of none other than Ex-Chief Damon Gant.

There is no information on who her mother is. Rei was brought up around the fellow detectives that worked alongside her father, and was often watched by them whenever Gant left for case matters.

Gant was jailed when she was 10; because she was so young, the police force decided to tell her that he had left for a business trip, although she would learn of what happened on her 18 birthday.

She did not take it well at all, loving her father to death. She looked up to him like he was Jesus, and believed in everything he did. Because of this, she now holds a grudge against Phoenix Wright and Ema Skye.

From the age of 10 'til 19, Rei lived alone in her father's mansion, her father sending her heaps of money whenever she needed it. She attended private school, but as she became a teenager she became rebellious without proper parenting and was expelled often.

She loves swimming, and even has her own pool, which was an 18th birthday present.

Rei can be quite childish and stubborn at times, and has no problem telling people off. She's also extremely blunt. She has a cocky attitude which gets her into trouble often.
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Love notes~ <3

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The Aged God Report | 04/21/2008 5:11 pm
The Aged God


Windmill Of Your Mind Report | 03/28/2008 1:58 pm
Windmill Of Your Mind

Yeah, I think we totally keep missing each other in the thread.

I was told about you, though.

But I only get on at odd hours.

D: ))
Lily Marshall Report | 03/24/2008 9:46 am
Lily Marshall
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``R- Really'n?!! That'd be awesum...!!!``
Lily Marshall Report | 03/24/2008 12:52 am
Lily Marshall
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``... I can't swim...``
lonewolfchillen Report | 03/23/2008 8:11 am
thanx 4 buying and Happy Easter
Lily Marshall Report | 03/23/2008 12:33 am
Lily Marshall
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``Wowzies, thank'ns!! Yer should make eggs'n with me next Easter t'en!!``
Lily Marshall Report | 03/23/2008 12:15 am
Lily Marshall
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``Hehe, happy Easter'n!!``

-gives you an egg-

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Richard Wellington Report | 03/21/2008 10:44 am
Richard Wellington

*Richard slaps you all girly-like!!!! D<*

"I don't SEE any love notes!"

Richard Wellington Report | 03/20/2008 9:37 pm
Richard Wellington

"OH YEAH?! Who would leave you a LOVE NOTE?!!?!?!?! Dx"

The Aged God Report | 01/24/2007 5:11 pm
The Aged God
Yay! i miss you! I love you! Never leave me D:::::::

Let's go swimming, bishes. <3