Rei Takeda

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Birthday: 04/26


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Name: Juri Takeda
Age: 16
Nationality: English
Basic Personality: Silly, hyper, energetic, naive, mischevious, teasing, caring, devoted, loyal.
Location: St. Edward's School for Girls.

A Tale of Two Children

Juri Takeda wasn't a name that commanded a lot of respect within the hallowed walls of St. Edward's School for Girls. It was a name that kindled annoyance, scorn, and lifted eyebrows across every class of student, staff, and visitor. With such a negative stigma attached to her very name, how was it possible for a girl to grow up cheerful and kind? This is the story of one of the most bubbly and inventive young ladies you may ever meet however, it is also a tale of self perpetuating tragedy. Miss Juri's original name was not Takeda. Her name was not originally Japanese at all. Miss Juri, as nature would have it, was a foreigner in her country, born of an English family- and not just any family! Juri had been born to the swelled name of Bristow. Adam, her father, was an illustrious businessman with a booming business that he himself grew from meager roots. Bristow Aircraft and Alloy had been known for quality and uniqueness however, it was also known for its higher price and lack of competitive spirit. Originally in the lower bracket of the upper class, the Bristow family did not gain its success until Adam became acquainted with a gentleman named Ning Heng. Heng had been lured to the construction of Bristow aircrafts which were known for having secret compartments that were undetectable by even the most trained eye; a small detail that made a few connoisseurs question the integrity of Bristow Aircraft and Alloy. Heng on the contrary, was not a gentleman to question any creature's morality.

Mister Heng was steeped in a legend of sorts; a story that takes its reader down the road of white slavery, moral panic, and politics. The story begins in China, one hour from Shenyang- three hours from Beijing, in a city with the only airport that meets the 4C international standard of civil aviation in the western region of the Liaoning province. Within this city there was a man and his organization. Which if the pair was more sinister became a debate whispered upon the lips of generals of old and fallen varlets. The man's name was Ning Heng and his organization was called Zhou. The word Zhou means "assist" and that is just what Zhou aimed to do for its clientele. The Zhou assists the ill of mind in acquiring women, girls and occasionally boys who have been forced into bondage by means of kidnapping, debt, or the very rare case of want. This organization had a particular problem in transporting what they viewed as live cargo from China to any client's location. The solution to this problem was found in one man's genius: Bristow Aircraft and Alloy. The Zhou offered with its name money, power, and the means for a man to vault himself from social repugnance to social reverence. While Adam did not possess the most wicked of hearts, he did carry the common virus of greed. A negotiation was struck, and the name of Bristow became an international phenomenon. Business boomed and the young and eligible Mister Bristow found himself at the heart of every reception and gathering of fancy the elite could dream up. It was at a wine tasting party that he happened upon the convivial miss Seraphina, and at the wine tasting party he fell desperately in love. -We begin the thread of a little white lie.

Adam and his lovely Seraphina courted but a handful of months before they were married. The marriage was prosperous and the couple became more and more devoted to one another. Adam, unfortunately, had a secret to hide from his beloved. His connection to the Zhou would have been a disgrace to Seraphina's eyes. The thought of earning the scorn of his beautiful wife's sweet brown eyes-- the thought of an absent pillow at his bed; a pillow void of his beloved wife's ink satin locks-- it was unbearable. The white thread began to weave itself into a dangerous web of lies and as Mister Bristow had married a very clever Misses Bristow, it did not take Seraphina long to discover a pile of records that pointed their scarlet inked fingers toward Ning Heng and his despicable Zhou. It was a quiet evening in the drawing room when Seraphina confronted Adam about the Zhou. Words were exchanged and a wash basin was scattered across the floor in shattered pieces. Seraphina, upon the jagged edges of the basin, was pushed by her husband. A bloody mess was stained upon the face and beautiful locks of Adam's beloved Seraphina; made from the blood of her hand. Though the blood washed off quite simply, the stain at his wife's hair remained, fading to an unnatural shade of honeyed brown. From that night forward, Adam's beautiful Seraphina began to scorn him and she spoke no more to her husband. He was left to a silent bed, a silent companion, and a woman who irrationally feared his rash hands. The white thread becomes a web.

Mister Bristow began to pay nightly homage to a small tavern where he could share dialogue with other scorned men and women, though never once did his eye or heart stray from his beloved wife. It was there within the tar smoked walls of the tavern that he met a peculiar gentleman who always presented himself in a shrouded cloak. The hooded figure's name was presented as Neru and the odd fellow had a proposition for young Bristow that was more peculiar than he himself. From the depths of his black robes, the strange gentleman had procured what he professed to be the elixir of eternal life; an elixir he was willing to share with Adam if the illustrious Mister Bristow promised to return his favor with two of his own. Youth and immortality were two things that had always enchanted the greedy pull of Adam's heart and as his assumptions were inclined toward the notion that the odd fellow named Neru desired money and a share of the Bristow corporation, Adam agreed to fulfill the favors in exchange for this strange elixir of life everlasting. The vile was given with a shake of hands though no exchange of address. Neru had simply promised to return when the time was ripe and ready. -The web becomes tangled.

Bristow returned to his home and promptly mixed the elixir into his wife's evening tea. Rather than hoard the beauty of immortality for himself, Adam was content to wait for Neru's return to claim his own elixir of life. Humbly, Adam presented the tea to his wife as an apology for his rash behavior and immoral lust for the material world. Seraphina, unaware of the toxin within accepted the tea silently. The moment the brew touched her lips, the poor beauty was cursed. Within the cup had been poured the blood of the Moss folk: a race of hunted moth Faeries whose blood contained a toxin that could ripen itself within a human host to produce the blood of life eternal. In order for the elixir to be made, it must pass through one generation. Only powerful demons could drink the blood of one purified generation and in order for any human or lesser being to drink the purified blood of the moss folk, they needed to purify the blood through three generations. Waiting for grandchildren was an easy task for demons and faeries however, finding a host that could pass the poisoned blood on enough generations was a problem. The blood, as it were, did give the drinker immense power-- but at a price. The consumer of the poison was driven to madness if he or she did not die promptly from drinking the tainted blood. After madness the cursed slowly become a tree that symbolizes the emotion best suited to their fragile state of mind: a process that could take more than a century in a simple human and more than a thousand years within the body of an able demon. Seraphina was not so fortunate as to die from the taint of the moss blood. Instead, the poor woman's locks blanched to a shade of ghostly white and her mind was sealed away in madness and constant turmoil. Adam was destroyed from within upon witnessing the downfall of his wife. Had he only made right with his wife in severing his ties with the Zhou, he may have never met with the damnable Neru-- may have never caused his wife's silence to begin with. Even though Adam had realized his error, his heart had been hardened and he still would not give up his wretched name in association with Heng's Zhou. All the money in the world could not buy a cure for his beloved Seraphina though-- just as all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put back together the fallen King. -The web collapses.

Love can be a dangerous emotion when mounded with turmoil. Adam was besotted with Seraphina even in her state of madness. He longed to be in her company if only just to smell her perfume. Adam was totally helpless; a fragile wreck in a storm of emotion and while his love sounded unpleasant, as Rochester would say, his love was all consuming. Mister Bristow's love was near madness however, when such love would reciprocated it would bring the greatest pleasure. Craving such reciprocation, Mister Bristow sought to return his wife to sanity. Hoping that she would reawaken herself for the sake of a child, Adam saw to it that his wife was soon with child. He placed an advertisement for a midwife and nanny to which only one individual replied: one Myobu Takeda. None in the profession wished to hurl themselves at a clinically insane woman who was to give birth but the foreign woman who spoke little English and had never been to England herself! Still, the young woman arrived fresh from her schooling and helped to deliver the Bristow's heir. When the child was born, Myobu presented the girl to her father. Deep within the umber eyes of the girl was something that displeased Adam... and her hair had been colored a mysterious shade of faded brown: a reminder of the poison that Adam had sewn to his wife. Seraphina did not once offer a smile to the child, and since the child had failed to please both father and mother, she became the object of Mister Bristow's scorn; she was the scarlet letter incarnate. The child was named Juliette though not in the romantic idea of faithful love as portrayed in Romeo and Juliet rather, in the afterthought that Juliet had betrayed her own family and father to pursue the pleasure of her Romeo. The name had been given with malice as every moment of her father's attention was. -A cat's cradle is born.
Myobu was the only woman that showed young Juliette kindness and love-- and because of this the Bristow's daughter grew up kind and thoughtful-- though a bit off around the edges. While Adam never physically abused his daughter, he was very hard on her-- and Juliette was pressed beneath the constant stigma that she had fallen and would always fall short of the expectations the world would inevitably heap upon her. Miss Bristow developed an engrained phobia of shortcomings, public scorn, and humiliation. To this date, that is why the cherubic Bristow maintains her "happy" and "energetic" facade- no matter how tough and thick the mire around her becomes. The young Bristow's childhood was spent in the tutelage of Myobu Takeda who had reared her in her own Japanese ways. With no little meaningful contact with her father and no dialogue from her mother, miss Bristow developed a severe handicap in socializing with her fellow English peers. While Juliette had been reared in the heart of the upper echelon of England, the child's English was very poor to say the least. The Bristow's daughter hadn't the need to communicate with any person other than Myobuand thus the child's crutch fell in the form of question: why practice English at all? She often played with neighborhood children however, the language barrier kept meaningful interaction to a minimum. The little one frequently sat by her mother's side combing her silky white hair or making up odd stories in order to pass the days of madness her mother knew. This instilled a sense of creativity and the perpetual need for dialogue: to speak for her mother in the absence of her ability. To date, the young miss Bristow still chatters without cease, stringing nonsensical topics together with stories and childish metaphors. Juliette's nights were filled with the sight of her mother pacing the halls passively, a behavior which young Juliette insisted was simply to keep the wear pattern of the hallways even and crisp. More than the heart wrenching sights of her mad mother was the fear that bred itself about her father; the idea that he might one day snap and be rid of his burdensome daughter for being unable to cure fair Seraphina's madness. When Juliette's twelfth birthday came, the moss blood within her ripened. Though the years came and went, the Bristow child never aged and nor did fair Seraphina: time had frozen. Years passed and miss Myobu became the only person in the child's life that did not fear her eternal youth. The moment Adam realized his child's malady, he isolated the girl bitterly damning her for stealing away his wife's untainted immortality. Miss Juliette was confined to the house. All ties she had with her English friends were broken. Even though she was now caged, young Juliette did her best to remain kind and chipper if only for her mother and miss Myobu's sake. Time was not a kind mistress to the Bristow family. As time passed, Seraphina stopped eating. -The noose descends.

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That spring, while the cherry and apple trees were in full blossom, Myobu came to inform Mister Bristow that she would be leaving the family's services. She had recently become engaged and would be moving back to her homeland to live with her fiancé. As heartbroken as Juliette was, she was happy for her prescious Myobu's good fortune-- after all! Myobu had promised to visit her every single holiday. Adam was not thrilled to hear the news. If Myobu left the family's services, no one would care for his wretch of a daughter. He would be left with a child he loathed and a wife who was incapable of surviving without the constant vigilance of a nurse. Madness had overtaken Adam, bursting from the silk cocoon he once called love. In a fit of rage that fateful day, Adam killed Myobu plunging a letter opener into her breast. Young Juliette entered her father's study the moment Myobu had fallen. Mister Bristow turned to kill his only child knowing full well that as she had born witness to his crime, she would leak his sin to his beloved wife. Loathing his daughter's imagined failure, Adam had hoped to rid himself of the burden. Adam had convinced himself that could not handle the child without the slain nurse. The golden letter opener was lifted once more to strike the Bristow's only heir. Seriphina shielded her daughter from the fatal blow her husband would have offered rendering the letter opener deep within Adam's precious wife's arm. It was then, as the blood pooled down her fair white arm, that Seraphina spoke. The words have never been repeated and likely never would be. Whatever these words were, they compelled Adam send his daughter away to St. Edwards the very next day. Mister Bristow could not bear the idea that his wife loved his daughter more than him. Adam made out his will, hid it well, and sent word to Heng letting him know that he would no longer be a part of his Zhou. From that day forward, Juliette denounced her own name. She loved her family, but refused to carry on her father's name; her father's shame. In memory of her lost beloved nurse, she took up Myobu's last name deeming herself: "Juri Takeda". -The noose tightens.

Saint Edwards was a harsh school for any young girl to be sent to. Just inside of Shibuya's city limits, the campus was relatively large and well cared for. Saint Edward's was an all girl's finishing school for the elite of Japan. Some girls were sent to the morbid walls for reformation, most were sent to polish their manners, and then there was a small percentage the school took in as charity. Humiliation and strict chastisement were daily ritual within the grey walls of the finishing school. Degradation and abuse was a social norm within the walls and any pupil that found herself within the ill scorn of a professor or prominent student was damned to suffer a sad existence within the institution. Punishment prescribed by the school was harsh: corporal punishment. For so much as slouching, the girls could receive a thrashing that would leave them aching for days. 98% of the girls that attend Saint Edwards are not subject to such humiliation and abuse. Their parents signed a form that denied the school the right to discipline their children. The rules hardly have an effect on the majority of the girls-- but to students like Juri-- St. Edwards is a VERY difficult place to attend. Juri didn't fit in from day one. She didn't know the first thing about social graces and Takeda was dubbed to be quite immature for her age. While most of the girls were already behaving quiet and polished, Miss Juri was bursting at the seams with excitement. She was ostracized for her odd disposition and lack of social-smarts-- and was often the butt of every joke... and winds up locked in her locker very frequently. -The noose ascends.

Meanwhile, back in England-- The strange gentleman caled Neru had returned to Adam's company collect his favors. What could Neru have possibly wanted from Adam at this point? Neru was quite disappointed to find a disheveled Adam without his child for Neru had wish to harvest the purified blood that rested ripe within the Bristow's heir. Upon seeing Neru, Adam demanded to know if his wife's sanity had been one of the demanded favors. Neru informed Bristow that his first favor was the blood of his child he and his wife had created and that the second was Adam's life. Adam's head was severed from his shoulders; his body left to slump in the entryway. The strange gentleman left the Bristow residence that night taking up search for the priceless blood that rested within a little girl worlds away. While Seraphina had never approved of her husband's sins, she had never stopped loving him. When she found her husband's body-- dead and mangled, the Bristow widow fell into despair. That night, Seraphina set fire to her bed curtains. The master bedroom burnt completely-- and there was nothing left of Juri's beloved mother-- not even one white hair. The house had been badly damaged. The fate of the family fortune and business was left to Miss Jur. Bristow Alloy and Aircrafts proceeded without the aid of the Zhou... and income was managed by the company's new president, who was given a considerable raise. Miss Juri was granted the true fortune of the company and the promise that she would one day run the extensive Bristow Enterprise. Unfortunately, Ning Heng did not see the future as the will had written it. When Bristow's word reached Heng, the Zhou's notorious leader made a voyage to England. His mission was to murder Adam and take in the Bristow's heir as his own that he would have his hands in the industry he had come to enjoy. Heng did not find Mister Bristow as he had planned and once he discovered the mangled body of Mister Bristow, he had his men prop the headless body up in Adam's study. The head of Bristow resides within Heng's private collection damning miss Juri to an odd predicament-- with a fortune to her name and life-- Miss Juri was left to the legal custody of St. Edwards. How is it possible to screen potential parents for the gateway to a fortune and legacy? How would the demon Neru be kept at length from the child? What would happen when Heng discovered the location of the Bristow child? -The empty noose is left to swing.


[Wanna RP? Don't be a d**k. Detail is required-- so try to post in setnence format. I'll ignore your netspeak on the profile-- I'll just assume we've all had 4th grade English. Yuri, Hetero, Ageplay-- it's all good to me. I just wanna play! P.S. Juri has... a huge crush on Fran.]


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Letters to Mother

Enclosed atop an abandoned cardboard box sat a neatly bound brown-leather book. Within it were the contents of Juri takeda's deepest thoughts. Personal and forbidden, who would dare take a peek at a girl's most private possession? Of course-- the war


View All Comments

Kentauride Leslie Report | 08/26/2009 11:02 am
Kentauride Leslie
Cute avi and nice profile. 4laugh
Shachou Rufuse Report | 06/20/2009 1:54 pm
Shachou Rufuse
Juri~ *huggles.*

I missed you. biggrin How has my daughter been?
Shachou Rufuse Report | 06/06/2009 12:29 pm
Shachou Rufuse
Shachou Rufuse Report | 01/27/2009 5:06 pm
Shachou Rufuse
..nani? D:
Soldier-of-Memory Report | 01/09/2009 4:18 am
hmm, ff7 eh?
Shachou Rufuse Report | 12/30/2008 11:54 pm
Shachou Rufuse
hahaha, I totally forgot about the chocolate soap. *gigglesnort.* xd Watch Rufus write a song about it... Chocolate soap, damn kids never shut up without their-- chocolate sooap~.. */shot*
hiwatt Report | 12/30/2008 6:19 pm
-gives 100 ruppes-
Shachou Rufuse Report | 12/10/2008 8:17 pm
Shachou Rufuse
Aha... :3 I see people are still trying to adopt you.. xD

I'm sorry I haven't been around a wole lot. D: I've been on other accounts n stuff, and I just got bored of Rufus.

Juri is still Rufus's hyperactive little snot headed kiddo. heart biggrin xD
Shachou Rufuse Report | 12/08/2008 7:48 pm
Shachou Rufuse
Juri grew up!? o__o!!

I've been away too long. D:
Garland Van Gawain Report | 12/03/2008 12:39 pm
Garland Van Gawain
his face remains straightedn~ yeah.. .but you'd be out to choose any school of your likeing. . . and you'd be put into a better place, im only considering your wellfare Juri. isent that enough>?



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