
Hello my name is Samantha. I am 19 years old and am currently looking for a job. I've been out of school for less then a year: and I'll soon be going back to become an MA. That is when I get the money to actually do it. I'm an avid anime fanatic -even though I'm considered too old for that junk: according to my mother and father- and will participate in huge anime conversations. I write when I'm bored or when an idea comes to me. I'm very creative according to my parents: that's why I'm in the middle of writing a book. Hopefully I'll be able to publish it and then it'll be in stores: when that happens I will make sure people on Gaia know.

I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to comic books, anime, manga, and even the original Star Trek: only the original. But that doesn't mean I let people walk all over me. Currently I'm reading this awesome writer's stuff: her name is J. L Langley and she is awesome when it comes to writing gay love. She's got three series out: one of them is already finished. Anyways she has one called the With and Without Series: about werewolves. Another is about gay cowboys: the one she has finished. And the last one is a sci-fi type. I am an avid reader of Anne Rice: before she became Christian. Normally I have my nose in a book and I tend to zone out a lot too.


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Viewing 5 of 5 comments.


Report | 04/06/2010 11:16 am


Wow, that's kinda the opposite of mine. We had to take ours away when we moved IN
with my grandma because she doesn't like dogs. We couldn't take them to the pound either
because they would have killed them since they were pit bulls. They were the nicest dogs you
could have ever played with. They loved everyone and only got angry when you tried to take their food xD
I don't know why people think that pits are evil creatures. They aren't. They only get angry when you provoke them.
They're like humans with anger management issues once you look at it o_O But when my dogs got mad at me
they never snapped on me, they just ignored me and stepped on my feet >.> it was amazing at how HUMAN
they were

Report | 04/06/2010 9:13 am


Aw! That's a cute name ^-^ I don't know what it is about food places and shows that I like to name
animals after. I had a few ladybugs and one was named Bob, the other Larry and one Curly. I could find
another one to name Mo, so I just named the other one I found Sally Hanson (like the nail polish)

Report | 04/06/2010 9:07 am


That is too cute =3 I've never heard of anyone naming their dog Mighty Little Flea. That's adorable lol
I had original prince and princess names for my dogs...except for one that I named Dunkin Hines Because I
was eating french fries and wanted doughnuts for desert after dinner xD so he was named after ketchup and
doughnuts XD and the others were Dutchess, Smokey (after the restaurant Smokey Bones), Lucky, and Roxxi

Report | 04/06/2010 9:01 am


XDDDD Serious? Will he come if you call him Flea? *thinks* Dude, I would TOTALLY name my dog Flea!!!! Like from Mucha Lucha, he's my
favorite character >w<

Report | 08/23/2007 1:39 pm


Where'd you go? I really enjoyed our RP and I'd really like to go back to it...I'll bump it for you...

You're a great RPer and if you don't want to do that one anymore I'd like to start a new one...



ReiGenx13 :3