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Reiko Osami

Reiko Osami's avatar

Last Login: 06/02/2009 6:46 am

Registered: 05/17/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/28/1990


Techn0logic - Summoning Tome heart

this is who i am

Hello, hello! Well, I guess you're here probably by mistake...because, seriously, who would want to know about me? But since you're here go ahead and stay awhile, won't you? I'll let you know a little bit about myself.

So, first of all, I'm new to role playing online, but I love love love to do it anyway. ^^

I'm kind of shy but I love meeting new people. It may take me a little while to get really comfortable with talking to someone, but don't let that fool you. I adore making new friends.

My friends are better than yours. I promise.

I'm a band dork. It's my life. The only reason I really go to school anymore. Heh.

I also play video games aaaaaalllllll the time. Like, all the time. An insanely large amount of the time. I love Final Fantasy, how can you not when you've been playing them since you were 4? Though Chrono Trigger is my favorite game, nothing can top it! I also love Zelda, and pretty much any RPG. I'm big into the Silent Hill series and Resident Evil, and any other game with zombies, monsters, or a good scare. I'm also quite fond of Half-Life and Portal.

The cake is a lie!

I would love to be your friend.

this is what i listen to

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

this is what you think

View All Comments

Arch Phantom Report | 11/29/2012 9:36 am
Arch Phantom
Long time no see. smile
Luminous Luminaria Report | 04/04/2009 7:14 pm
Luminous Luminaria
Hey hey! I'm home now! I would like to hang out sometime. I misses you lots. ^_^
Arch Phantom Report | 02/26/2009 3:07 pm
Arch Phantom
Hey, do you remember me?
Drop me a text sometimes.
Captain McLumberjack Report | 12/24/2008 9:47 pm
Captain McLumberjack
Heh heh.
Well you know, there was that one guy.
That had a baby.
Even if he used to be a girl.
So it can happen.
Sort of.
elliot-storii Report | 12/23/2008 4:38 pm
It's okay, dear. <3
I still love you.
elliot-storii Report | 12/23/2008 10:23 am

elliot-storii Report | 12/23/2008 10:20 am
Oh nooo Dx
your mom's car literally exploded? like, not KABOOM!! right? ;o; ...
How are you gonna' get to work?
do you need me to take you??
The Whisper in the Night Report | 12/23/2008 9:53 am
The Whisper in the Night
^_^ I'm good! XD Just getting stomp'd all over on zOMG
Captain McLumberjack Report | 12/23/2008 12:10 am
Captain McLumberjack
What's up?
Well....you know. Things and stuff.
What's up with you?
Little Miss AiLy Report | 12/22/2008 9:42 pm
Little Miss AiLy
Oh really? How old is the baby? I love babies. They're so darn cute. :3
Hmm... Left, ring... I'm trying to imagine. I'm imagining a kind of metallic but bright magenta-ish purple color. Methinks I have an overactive imagination. This gives us further incentive to see eachother so I can see your piercing. biggrin <3
Eh, I don't care. It's not like I have time to go anywhere with that liscence and I won't really need it in college since I'll probably be going out of state (no driving to home) and I'll have the luxuries of public transport when I'm not walking around like a normal college student.
Sadness does follow. Sadness is not fun.
Awww, poor Casey's mommy. Give her my best wishes.
Dignified... Now I'm imagining a Romanov-esque dignitary thing, if you get what I mean. Again, overactive imagination. Often gets me into trouble or wierd looks when I start voicing aloud odd antics involving little cartoon versions of me and surrounding peoples. Oh, odd stories indeed.
Anyway, I've gotta go to bed now because my mommy is getting very, very angry and pissy. She's a very cranky person in the evening and unfortunately, that's usually the only time we see her due to work. Not fun, not fun. Oh well, nighty-night Casey! Send me PMs or something with any plans, or just to talk, whatev. biggrin <3