woot! boredom is rotting my brain!

Hey, dudes. i'm just your average fifteen year old goth chick. i'm constantly all about my art and my music. i'm an okay artist, i have a deviantart account. if you wanna check it out, here's a link: http://reiuzumaki-chan1993.deviantart.com/ as for my music, you gotta hang out with me to hear that. I play many instuments: the guitar (acoustic, electric, and bass), the drums, the violin (mostly fiddling), the mandolin, the irish bouzouki, and the piano. I also sing pretty okay. i am a very expressive person. i occasionally write poems and songs. I express most of my feelings through art. I can draw in several styles of anime. i can draw in the styles of Inuyasha, Naruto, Hayao Miyazaki, Bleach and that's about it untill i explore my artistic talent any further.

i'm basically a vampire, i guess you could say. i'm gothic, nocturnal, i love the taste of blood... i dunno. i seriously get only an hour of sleep a day.i have dark circles around my eys so bad i have to make it look like its make-up. i'm also kind of anti-social except towards my boyfriend.

well, i gotta go, but i'll see ya l8r!!!
