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Name:: Heather
Nickname(s):: Friend's know it.
Age:: 16
Birthday:: 01-30
Birthplace:: A hospital, lol
Current Location:: My house, lol
Eye Color:: Blue, as you can tell from my pictures.
Hair Color:: Brown, as you can tell from my pictures, it's darker now.
Height:: 5'7 - 5'8 ish
Weight:: That's my business
Lefty or Righty:: Right handed
Zodiac Sign:: Aquarius
What Do You Drive:: I don't
Screenname:: You'll have to ask

Color:: Red, black, white, grey, etc.
Number:: So many different ones..
Band:: Not sure
Music Genre:: Not sure, I just listen to what attracts me to it
TV Show:: I watch a lot of tv, so I don't really know
Movie:: Not sure, there's a lot I like
Kind of Movie:: Horror or romance, or drama, pretty much anything
Cartoon:: I don't watch cartoons much anymore
Sport:: I don't really like sports..
Fast Food Restaurant:: Yuck! Grease..
Food:: Like I said, I'm not very picky
Ice Cream:: Not sure, I LOVE ice cream =)
Cereal:: Not sure, I like a bunch of different ones
Candy:: Depends, but chocolate mainly
Drink:: Not sure, I'm not very picky

~DO YOU...~
Have any siblings:: Mhm
Have any pets:: Mhm
Have a job:: Not yet
Have a cellphone:: Chyah! Best cell phone in the world!
Have any special talents or skills:: I sing
Have any fears:: God yeah..
Have a bedtime:: Yeah, when I fall asleep, lo; =P
Sing in the shower:: Mhm
Want to go to college:: Mhm
Get along with your parents:: Sometimes
Have any piercings:: Mhm
Have any tattoos:: Mhm
Swear:: Psh...chyah..
Smoke:: Yuck!!! Noo!!
Drink:: Not much
Do Drugs:: Of course not!

Ever been in love:: Maybe..I don't know anymore..
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend:: That's not a question you ask someone
Are you single:: Yup.
Are you in a relationship:: Nope.
Do you have a crush on someone:: Mhm
Ever been dumped:: *thinks* Don't know.
Ever dumped someone:: Mhm

Fruit or Vegetable:: Depends on what I want at the moment
Black or White:: Both
Lights On or Lights Off:: Off
TV or Movie:: Depends on who it's with
Car or Truck:: Hmm..depends on who's driving and who's with me
Cash or Check:: Cash
Rock or Rap:: Rock, duh!!!
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Depends.
French Toast or French Fries:: Those aren't even near the same thing..
Strawberries or Blueberries:: Depends, but I'd mainly eat strawberries
Cookies or Muffins:: Depends, but mainly cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break:: Hmm...I just like breaks in general
Hugs or Kisses:: Why can't cha have both? Hehe ^^

Danced in a public place:: Mhm
Smiled for no reason:: Mhm
Laughed so hard you cried:: Mhm
Talked to someone you don't know:: That's how you make friends, genius
Drank alcohol:: Yeah
Done drugs:: Depends what kind you're asking about
Partied 'til the sun came up:: Um..*thinks* yeah, I think so
Gotten a ticket:: I don't drive
Been arrested:: Nope, I'm a good kind =)
Been convicted of a crime:: Nope, I'm a good kid =)
Been in a wreck:: Not a horrible one, but yeah
Been out of the country:: I've been out of the state

Are you a virgin:: DUH!!
Ever TP'd someone's house:: Not yet
Ever egged someone's house:: Don't think so, not yet anyway, lol
How many languages do you speak:: I also speak spanish (not very good) and know some words in japanese
Who do you compare yourself to:: Myself, thanks
Ever regret anything:: Yeah..
Do you like being tickled:: Depends on who's tickling me wink
What are your goals:: Too many to name..
Are your fingers tired:: Uh no
Are you tired of this survey:: Mhm
Are you happy:: Not really, to be honest...



Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 06/06/2008 11:32 am


you have ALOT of "Basic" information

Report | 04/24/2008 5:02 pm


No prob, the names Sven

Report | 02/20/2008 8:16 pm


Cute Pic.

Report | 01/27/2008 3:24 pm


oh okay, me too; you add me or I add you what's going down? User Image

Report | 01/27/2008 3:19 pm


No just people can be very complex...and I sadly am not, but thats not the point. I just like alot of things

Report | 01/27/2008 3:16 pm


it doesn't narrow anything down, their's alot to know about someone especially me

Report | 01/27/2008 3:09 pm


Fly...What do you wanna know?

Report | 01/27/2008 2:05 pm


Oh No!

Thats okay, It was explained...

sorry if I came off a little foreward and scary...


I'm actually not that scary

Report | 01/02/2008 1:11 pm


i took your comment virginity! muhahaha!

Dont comment on my profile plz unless you want lyn to find out >.>