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Cary_Love_Some_More Report | 12/21/2008 6:21 pm
ill try
Cary_Love_Some_More Report | 12/19/2008 3:14 pm
Kpstary Report | 12/07/2008 9:21 pm
hewwo c: lolz
Kpstary Report | 11/28/2008 3:29 pm
Oh lol. Gotta keep those grades up missy (>.> wink lol jk
Cary_Love_Some_More Report | 11/22/2008 12:00 pm
hey sis how u doing???
r u grounded??? O_O
Kpstary Report | 11/20/2008 7:29 pm
aww =[ dat sux, so ur grounded?!!??!?!? O_O how long? and wut did u do yung missy (>.> wink lol xD
Kpstary Report | 11/18/2008 5:36 pm
im good, how bout ya? it feels so long since we lol
Kpstary Report | 11/14/2008 5:42 pm
hi!!! long time no...uhm...virtual see? lol
an epiphany moment Report | 09/10/2008 6:44 pm
an epiphany moment
hey thar. it's spam the one that told you about kyle. . . this is me, and i can't find your buttons sweatdrop
TuRtLeS_SaY_RaWr_BiSh Report | 09/01/2008 4:01 pm
what im exicted

Love (my opinion) <3

Love is a BIG word...
and it shouldn't be thrown around lightly....
Love should ALWAYS be sure...
U shouldn't tell someone u love them just because ur dating them...
"i love you's" should never been hallow..
they should always hold meaning..
and should never be said just to make someone happy...
if i tell you that i love you... i am SURE of it.. and i am definatly going to mean it...
being happy with someone isn't loving them...
loveing someone is being willing to do ANYTHING on earth for that person... and being willing to sacrifice everything for them...
Love is a walk in a warm summer rain...
Love is like that place on the beach where your feet just barely touch the water, but the foot prints still disappear..
Love is like warm breeze in November, taking the chill from your face...
Love is gentle...
Love doesn't judge any one...
love is patient...
Love is taking a risk...
Love is sure of itself...
Love isn't second guessing of itself...
Love is what YOU make it to be...
Whether ur in love, or falling in love...
Love is yours...
always and forever...

About Me! :]

I am Kayla! :] <3
I am 14 :]
Hazel/green eyes
Strawberry blonde/light red hair
1/2 italian! i love my heritage.
i LOVE my friends!
i love my life!
my parents arent so awesome tho. lol. my mom is great, but dad is a WAY different story.
Music is my LIFE!!!
i am a song writer.
a singer.
and a violin player..
i am also working on learning guitar and piano... and i wanna learn drums!
i am awesome in school... the one issue w/ that is that i HATE school.
i am in desparate need of Algebra help!
i love writing!
i skateboard... :]
i'm a lover, not a fighter!
my best friends mean the WORLD to me, and i consider them my sisters and brothers! (Cary and Tig)
i listen to ALL kinds of music. and i do mean ALL!
I am a music lover! If i had to pick one thing to do nonstop for the rest of my life, it would be to play/sing.

FAV QUOTES (most of them are mine)
God is love, and he respects love, whether it's between a parent and a child, a man and a woman, or bestfriends...

I am a firm believer that family should be a #1 priority, because in the end, your family is all you have.

Art makes life what it is! w/o some sort of art form, nothing we have would've ever taken shape!
little miss raindrop