
Resara's avatar

Registered: 01/03/2007

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Birthday: 06/01

Occupation: Dictator of the World

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A Nony Mouse Trades

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On an occasion a serious thought will pop into my mind and I will write it here. Otherwise it will be random things I feel are worth mentioning. Please comment. (by the way: your shoe's untied.XD)

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Soldier A by Vic Mignogna with random anime clips


Wow. It's been forever since I've been here and I miss it so much.
Well, I've graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts in special education all level and general education early childhood through 6th grade and a minor in English second language.
I teach 3rd grade special education in New Mexico. I have 4 teaching certifications.
I have 3 wonderful cats (Taffy, Cindy, and Elly).
I don't write anymore since my job takes up a lot if my time but I still talk over stories with my voices and wish I had a moment to write any of it down. Maybe now that life is settling down I will be able to go back to it.




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Nemket_The_Neanderthal Report | 12/25/2013 1:44 pm
I don't tend tp RP very well so ill pass XD
Nemket_The_Neanderthal Report | 12/21/2013 11:36 pm
I run your guild. Wooed yet?
DXSciz Report | 07/02/2013 10:12 am
Hipster Lizard wants to know if you have a 'RockFace Page', but knows that's something you have never heard of.
michael322 Report | 09/05/2012 7:50 pm
I found out that math not being a strong point was really important early on since programming is very math intensive :X lol. I also wanted to minor in english anyways because I enjoy writing so it was an easy transition. I didn't know you were interested in animation too surprised how did you get started? I don't know what mediaedit is... but I got my first introduction to animation from a program called alice from Carnegie and Mellon. This was the program that also introduced me into programming ((its meant as a programming learning tool but it lets you do animations too)) Pivot stick figure animator was also another program I got into a little (not as much as Alice... but I think pivot was a lot easier since it was all stick figures lol) Ooh yea I see what you mean... but I think they would stop when they realized the consequences of such actions. Any particular thing you want to do first once you rule the world?
michael322 Report | 09/05/2012 7:33 am
I am indeed at UT, my major is English now. Flash is an animation program like adobe flash? The real problem with using flash is I can't draw for s**t lol. I still enjoy it, although not finding time to try it out lately > . <. Ohhh whatcha gonna do after you graduate? Any particular place you looking forward to working at? Or are you immediately gonna just usurp the world leaders and take over on graduation night?
michael322 Report | 09/04/2012 7:45 am
Pretty good starting my third year in college now just started like last week. Had a pretty good summer, learned a little bit of flash and trying to take up the piano but that's not going so well now that I moved into my new apartment. Don't have a table in my room so don't really know where to put it in order to try playing it. How about you? How have you been?
michael322 Report | 08/30/2012 7:47 pm
Hi big sis
Nemket_The_Neanderthal Report | 08/23/2012 11:23 am
Algebra, adn trig. same year. I have to finish a semester of math in a quarter.
Yeah it's fun, when I have the patience to die a billion times. (melee classes are severely under powered)
Nemket_The_Neanderthal Report | 08/21/2012 1:18 am
Not bad actually, this is hopefully my last year of school, unless math kicks my butt again. I got a girlfriend coming up on 4 months. Sister moved out. Oh and, Skyrim. Skyrim all day everyday. You know we aren't friends on here?
Nemket_The_Neanderthal Report | 08/19/2012 10:35 pm
No I totally forgot who you are. Im sorry....OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU!!!!! Its no problem, I'm always forgetting about gaia but I do want to see WRUD thrive again. It makes me sad to see it this way. I enjoy trying to lead these weirdos to greatness though.

I hate that I care so much about someone who cannot see me. I wish I could... I wish I might... Be able to forget him.At least for one night.

I open my arms and pray that I can fly. For if I cannot, there is no one to catch me.

No matter how strong I may seem.
No matter how weak I never am.
No matter what others hear or say.
Whenever I cry out,
Please remember the human inside me.
Remember that I feel.
Remember that I think.
Remember I can only ever be me.
Remember my imperfections.
Despite my strengths
I still need hope too.

In my dream for a better day,
I search the skies for a better way.
In my heart is a silent frost,
I pray that I never remain so lost.
In my soul there is a care,
oh how I wish it wasn't there.
Do not say sweet words of unbidden hope.
Do not taint my lips with your bitter kiss.
And I shall remain here.
At your words, may the ice protect my heart from the troubles you have brought.
At your touch, may my body wither and rot.
At your silence, may I find the courage to move on
to better days.
to more hopeful ways.

I can fool the world so well that they never see my true self.
All they see is a bright smile when I cry.
All they hear is my laughter when I scream.
I am an amazing actress and the world is my stage.
I can fool anyone.
And I will sit here, alone, for my crime.
Because, when you pretend that you are always okay,
no one cares enough to see past the facade.
No one wants to know that you are not alright.
If it would make you sad to know that I need you,
I would rather cry alone and be able to see your smile when I return from my tears.