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Reverent Magna

Reverent Magna's avatar

Last Login: 05/08/2020 9:59 pm

Registered: 01/01/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/03/1989

Scrawlings . . .

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My Thoughts.

Poems. Writings. Issues that concern me and more.


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Storm Stryker.
[img:234406eb52] images/stormstryker.png[/img:234406eb52][/align:234406eb52]


The Drop-bys

The man behind the avatar.

Hi, I'm Isaiah. I live in Baltimore, Maryland and I'm an African American. I am a college student who does photography. If you want to see it, go to this website:

Also, follow me on twitter at

Now as for my personal life, I love going out to travel and hanging out with my friends. Another thing that I love food. If I could, I would "live to eat" instead of eating to live. However as "semi-connoisseur-like", I would never over do it or I'll be taken as an uncultured glutton. I love bad weather (i.e. rain, hail, blizzards, tornadoes, etc.) and I can be stupendously random at times. If there is anything else that you want to know, message me. Later.

Things I like:

Facebook, Gaia, & Twitter.
Summer & Winter.
The color purple. (not the movie)
Feeding my Wanderlust!
Being in college.
Figuring out good things about myself.
Cold weather.
Going out and having a good time.
Finding unexpected cash in my pockets. (actually who doesn't?)
Roller coasters.
Muslims--they seem like pretty cool peoples. Maybe one day when I get strong enough in the Word, I'll debate with one!
Food (Preferably Italian & (Eastern) Asian foods)
People who are honest with me.
God smile
Debating with people on certain topics.
1. Hip-Hop, Soul, & R&B
2. Gospel/ Religious
3. House & Dance
4. Classical
5. Rock & Alternative Music
6. Soundtrack Music
Being Imaginative.
My grandmother (even though I got things inside of me that won't allow me to do anything for her--trust me; its a LONG story...)

Things I DON'T like:

My social awkwardness.
Fake friends.
People who take their time doing stuff
Terrible Music (I mean something that plays the same notes and lyrics over and over an over again)
Being forced to stay in one specific spot when I don't need to.
My allergies.
Dogs, and not the type that barks at you from your backyard.
Traffic jams.
People that refuse to do things to things to their fullest extent.
Saying things that piss people off so bad that they leave.
Being any of the three or them combined: Broke, Jobless, &/ or Hungry.
Me being wrong. Period.
People who claim to be Christian yet turn out to be hypocrites
People who hold back open road.
Me cramming down peoples' throats how I'm a Christian. Not only is it a characteristic of a hypocrite and a braggart, but it's not a Christian thing do and its actually quite repulsive. If you are a real Christian, people should able to see it in you without you having to say anything about it--this is something that I am working towards.

Comments, Questions, Concerns, etc.

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TheBlackWingedWarAngel Report | 06/22/2012 12:51 am
XNabyX Report | 05/14/2012 9:05 pm
Hahaha, I know and thank you!
stargazing sunsets Report | 05/14/2012 5:57 pm
stargazing sunsets
No problem. You seemed quite the interesting person. But quite honest which is nice to see from time to time.
maeora Report | 10/23/2011 5:05 pm
Thanks! Your post was well worth my five days wait. xD
Smul Report | 10/23/2011 9:36 am
Your post was too short for my taste talk2hand
theawesomeprussia2690 Report | 07/16/2011 6:10 pm
Nothin much, How about ya?
madcap laughs Report | 06/02/2011 10:04 pm
madcap laughs


                        BUT WAITWAITWAIT, WHAT'S YOUR URL? xD

Lazy-Senpai Kronprinz Report | 05/31/2011 10:03 am
Lazy-Senpai Kronprinz
Ah, I see.

Lazy-Senpai Kronprinz Report | 05/31/2011 9:49 am
Lazy-Senpai Kronprinz

kawaii desu negro chan Report | 04/23/2011 7:27 pm
kawaii desu negro chan
A lot? lol, I turned 18 yesterday, s I'm pretty content.
