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Hi! My name is Andrew but my nickname is Rew or Rewbie. My favorite subject in school is math and I like to play soccer. Bleach is my absolute fave anime and I think Tōshirō Hitsugaya is rad. Luciphine (in my friends list) is my mom. XD

Birthday: July 8th
Western zodiac: Cancer
Chinese zodiac: Rabbit

Likes: angels, animals, anime, books, camping, cats, chai, chocolate, coffee, comics, cosplay, costumes, dogs, dragons, fencing, ice cream, karate, key lime pie, kung fu, martial arts, math, movies, music, ninjas, pineapple cream cheese pie, pirates, reading, road trips, sci fi, soccer, stars, swimming, sword fighting, tea, the ocean, travel

Dislikes: homework, rude people, stinging insects

Fave colors: Blue, turquoise, & purple


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