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A Not So Original Biography...

On Gaia, I'm known as Rikarou, but in the real world I'm known as Jessica. No, I'm not a transvestite, I just wanted a male account. But..if this troubles you too much, add my female account (Her name is Akaibaru). I guess that would be smart anyway, because this is my...I believe the term is 'mule account'? As in an extra account? Hai, I believe that's the term...

Anyway, I am the age of 13 in the cosmetically prestigious state of Florida, located in the U.S. Here, I live with my father, who happens to be on the opposite side of Florida, two hours away from my siblings and mother. I like this arrangement. See, I seem to have anger management problems and other emotional problems...and so on, and so forth. This 'emo' side of me clashes with my family. It's better off that I'm over here. After all, my love of poetry, music, arts, and ect. is to 'emo' for them all, although I believe that they need to be more cultured. Speaking of my loves, singing and drawing is high up there...even if I suck. But don't worry, you'll never hear me sing...and maybe never see my drawings. I'm open-minded, but at times I can be opinionated...and stubborn, very stubborn.... Like when it comes to Naruto! It's my favorite show, and if you have a problem with that..well, I don't care! To me, it's the best thing on T.V.!

Well, this is to be all that is written of me for now...I believe my other account has a bit more information than this, so if you're wondering (which I know you're not), you may check it out. Don't worry, more info will be on both later.

G'day for now!

My Minions...jealous? XD


BTW, if you can't read what it says above, ask me to PM it to you. ^^