
Hello! Welcome to my profile! I am 17 years old and I love anime! 4laugh Don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite very much xD Just don't be rude to me or I'll be rude to you too. Anyway, here's a little about myself!

Loves/Likes: heart whee

-Inuyasha heart

-Naruto heart

-Kingdom Hearts series heart heart heart heart heart

-Final Fantasy Seres heart heart heart heart heart



-Sophie(my puppy) heart heart heart

-Sassy and Cocoa(my kitties) heart heart heart


-playing video games

-Playing on the computer

-Summer (only cause school is out. I hate the hot weather and bugs)

-Writing Stories



-and much more!

Hates/Dislikes: scream evil


-Brussel sprouts


-rude people


-obnoxious people

-all bullies

-online beggers

-racism, sexism, discrimination

Hobbies: 4laugh blaugh

-Friends and family



-writing stories

-video games

-Playing and learning the guitar

-My puppy and kitties

Yeah, that's about it. Please keep it peaceful here. I don't want any rude comments or people bashing other people's opinions and ideas. If you do that, I'll just report it or delete the comment...and possibly put you on my ignore list. So please, respect others on my profile and respect me. Have a good day! blaugh


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name: Volcano