Riku-Gato-Chan's avatar

Last Login: 08/09/2009 2:55 pm

Gender: Female

Alil' ok a lot about me

CHELLO!!I am a hyper-active tomboy who loves anything sweet!I like music,dancing,singing,writing,drawing!I LOVE manga and one-shots!My favorite kind of music is rock(metal not collage bubble-gum DX).I support gays.I am totally random!I am a christan but I don't belive in all of the bible.I have a crazy little puppy named Kuzco.My life long dream is to live in Japan.I do believ in star signs(i'm a leo).Somtimes i have quiet spells(depression).
I HATE the color pink(by it's self) and people who don't express there feelings.I totally want friends who arn't afraid to get out there and see the world,people who stand up for them selfs,and immature people(Did i mention that i'm immature XD).YES I AM ADORKABLE! ANY WAYS I live in a tottal fantasy world I REFUSE TO BELIVE REALITY IS REAL!!!Now this next part you may read it and totally disagree or say I'm a horible person but it's just how I feel!Ehem...I think that crying is for the weak.If you ask me a question and you don't like the answer well you shouldn't of asked my opinion I'm not gonna lie,sorry.I am of my word so if we make a deal you better watch every word you say.Well that felt good!I've never actually had a boy friend so I have no experience in love.I think that I willnever have a boyfriend because love is just a harsh game and I'm agianst love in so many ways,now don't get me wrong I love my parents and my friends.Like all people i do have a dark side,not to worry though,thats usually dosn't come out online only in real life.


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Kitsungurl96 Report | 02/03/2009 8:33 pm
omg HI
1_0f_a_KiNd Report | 11/03/2008 3:36 pm
luke skywalker XD
1_0f_a_KiNd Report | 10/20/2008 3:31 pm
hi roxy how are we going to mess with the little school girl a.k.a poor little emo kid User Image
autumn honeydew Report | 04/22/2008 6:25 pm
copy/paste this to 10 ppl then prees f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really rocks trust me
XxCuppycakeDinoxX Report | 03/29/2008 7:35 am

Is This Adrianna?

If It Is....

Visit Me.

rubmyp-u-s-s-ypls Report | 03/27/2008 12:45 pm
You Gotta Love Your T a s t y - F u l SPAM!




spamming your profile!!


The Beautiful Qtpie has just spammed your PROFILE!!!

*giggle*! hehehe!! hahaha! muah ha ha!!!!

sorry! hehee! suuuugggaarr rruussh!!!!!

Darkness144 Report | 03/26/2008 11:41 pm
Nice avatar. User Image
rubmyp-u-s-s-ypls Report | 03/24/2008 1:33 pm
hey! im the girl you met from the jigsaw puzzle game so..... im not sure if u still remember hoo i am. yea uh..... i was just wondering if u can buy me something for my ufo cause im trying to reach 2000 coinz and i only have 1886 so i dont really want to buy anything or u can lend me some coinz cause i really need some ok COMMENT BACK!!!!!!!
Melaneei Report | 03/18/2008 11:38 am
hey waazzz up wierdness??

ahh nvm babai!!Any1 hoo reads this do u go onn maplestory?????????
Melaneei Report | 03/18/2008 10:50 am
answer meeeeeeee

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