
"My name? It's been so long since I first realized I'd forgotten it, that now I answer to the name she gave me. Mary, just call me Mary."

The young female looked up, as if she were regaining some of her courage. Maybe she was loosing this battle with her tear ducts. Her mistress, mother, and often times her teacher had gone to sleep. Not truely death, but the same long absense would be there. The only woman she'd ever had impure thoughts about, was now gone for a long time. The soft roll of the blood tainted tears down her cheeks made this all the more challenging to continue. You'd almost feel sorry for her, almost.

"...my story isn't easy to tell, because it's so very recent. What is a life, if not a short time to be witnessed. Where do I begin, where do I really start this perposterous tale?"

The soft clicking of her shoes, black with not even the slightest heel caused you to look to her feet. The long, loose black skirt she wore, came to just above her ankles. Her softly white hand held the fabric in a determined fist on her left. The shirt, black as well and neatly tucked into her skirt. The sleves were long, and cuffed plainly. She wore something on her head, looking much like the habit of a nun. Yes that's what it was, she resembled a young nun. Strange, so very strange for this young vampire to be dressed this way. Her lips parted, those soft, full, rounded lips parted for more words.

"My parents, they were never very good at raiseing me. I love life, and that always had me in trouble. Everywhere, anytime I was in trouble. I could not focus, and sometimes I started fights that I could not win. They loved me. My parents died. I think it was my father that was driving, when the truck hit them. He was so sad," soft tears began to roll down her cheeks again, staining them with the blood they consisted of.

"...he thought it was his fault. He said it was god's choice to bring my mother out of life. He said it was a mistake too. Something about how she wanted to drive, but he wouldn't let her."

Mary shook her head, as she took a deep breath and sat down. She smoothed the long, loose black skirt and looked up at you. Those eyes, were like razors. Cutting into your core and ripping your stomach in half. So much pain.

"...he died, the next day. He wasn't a strong man, but he loved us. My mother's family, didn't want me. They said I was a delinquent. My father's family, well my father's brother was so upset he'd taken his own life, he couldn't have me stay there. He always said he'd let me come live with him when I got older, but that never happened.

Everyday, the sisters from the convent would come to teach us. On sundays they'd teach us about god and his glory. I wasn't sure I even believed them, but it was love. I was so alone, they became my family. They'd praise me on how smart I was, tell me I could serve the lord well. I never even wondered if that's what I wanted, because i wanted that family.

We orphans, were never allowed to roam the world like everyone else. Then it was no different when I went to live at the convent. I was sixteen, almost a woman. They took me in, like I was already one of them. I did the work, and studied. I sang, oh I loved to sing. I would walk out in the garden and even make up my own songs. I cleaned, and I did my chores. I was to take vows, to be married to god. Pledge my life in service to someone who I didn't even know exhisted.

As the time grew closer to my age of adulthood, I wondered more and more. Why did this feel like I was being pushed? To this day I am still in confusion. My life was boring, but I liked it then. Now I suppose I'd go insane, to live that life again. I was nearly eighteen, almost a woman. Almost..," Mary paused again as if it hurt even now to recall the differance between the life she might have lived, and the exhistance she had now.

"I was still the same person, that I was when i was a child. Reckless, and defiant in some cases, though I always seemed to submit to those who I choosed. I loved when I had the chance to accompany a sister to a visit. It was rare, but that small bit of freedom excited me. Sometimes I'd think about running off, but they were my family. As long as I was welcome, I wanted to stay." another pause as tears dripped off her chin and made dark spots on her black skirt.

"One night, I was walking out in the garden." Mary seemed to whisper, if only slightly. Sounding as if she was telling a secret.

"I wasn't supposed to be out of my room at night, but it was so beautiful out. There were no clouds, and the city lights almost didn't interfere with the stars. Everything was so quiet and peaceful, I was entranced. There was a sound, just beyond the first gate of the convent. There were three, just to clear that up. Some one was walking. It scared me so badly that I couldn't move, I didn't want to be in trouble.

That person, wasn't supposed to...there wasn't supposted to be anyone visiting the convent, ever. It didn't matter, because that person was Margarete. She told me later that she had felt, like making the convent her hunting ground. When I saw her, with her mask and those red curls flailing in the wind, I could not even scream. Why?" she smiles, "..because before i could open my mouth she had her hand over it. Then came the pain, and the fear i had never felt. I was dizzy and weak, and best i could tell she had bitten me. I was so confused, that I did all that she commanded my body to do. Then for some reason I spoke, which I still have no idea how. I asked her,'..then there is no god to save me?' In my dilerium, I had saved my own life and ended it. I heard her laughing, and she took me into her arms. I questioned her then, for no woman could have picked me up in this way. I was and still am, five feet and seven inches tall, and though i don't know my exact weight it scared me that i was so light to her.

I lost consciousness, I know because when i woke up we were not in the convent. It was not Sister Mary Eliza with a bandage pressed to my neck. No, it was her. The same demon that had leaped clear over the gate and taken me away. I meant to scream but my throat hurt so badly I couldn't speak. She was touching my face and whispering something that i couldn't hear.

Then as I realized what was happening, I broke into tears. Awful, weak, sobbing tears that I haven't since have come over me. Her voice was loud, cruel even as she told me to stop. I did, I don't know how but all of the emotion drained out of me by her command. It was then that she lowered her mouth to my wound, and dug her teeth in again. I didn't scream, I wanted to but there was no will in me. I was gasping, as she came up and began talking again.

She was asking me something, as i was fading out. I can't remember what i said to her, but it was yes. Yes to an end to my life at the convent, yes to a life with her. How could I refuse her? This was before her time in hell, so with those grey eyes of hers she hypnotized my mortal eyes.

It was her wrist that came to my lips, and her blood that spilled onto them. I wouldn't take it, my lips stayed closed for the longest time. I felt a sharp pull upwards, she had my mouth pressed into the crook of her arm. I saw a flash, a blade it must've been. She opened her cartaroid artery and pressed my lips to her open gash.

The salty, horrifically pleasurable liquid rushed into my mouth. If i hadn't swallowed, I would've died. Drowned, but no I was stronger then that. When I awoke, some night later she explained every thing to me." Mary looks at you, with something like pride in her eyes.

"...I am one of three living fledglings of the Lady DeClair. She is older then time, though she won't claim it herself."

Mary sighed and wiped at her tears with the back of her hand. The blood staining her slightly peach tinted skin. Margarete, beside her would make Mary look mortal. Her hair, a slightly red brown and her eyes the same mysterious grey as her sire's.
(will rewrite when the story is more clear, this is just a basic outline)

<3 Rachel Brice
<3 Emily Alrick

Rachel and Emily both deserve the name "Dance Goddess".


A place to write.

It's just a place to put words. Be afraid, because they are my words.



Viewing 8 of 8 comments.


Report | 01/26/2008 2:41 pm


hola hooker-pants

Report | 11/08/2007 6:31 pm



I knows you.

Report | 09/04/2007 1:40 pm


Awesome story and great vid!

Report | 03/02/2007 1:43 pm


gah! stalker! lol we had fun tho. and that cupcake was really good...lol

Report | 01/11/2007 2:06 pm


Lurvely profile ye have here... And now I have ye to thank for my inspiration with yer links. >.<

Report | 11/27/2006 6:17 pm


Nice Avi ^_^
Sparkle the Betta

Report | 11/07/2006 11:52 pm

Sparkle the Betta

Thank you! I like your chactor aswell

Report | 10/25/2006 1:21 am


Hello and welcome to my profile. Enjoy the read, post a comment if you feel so inclined.


She's back.

The story of Mary.