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RebelSexkittyn Report | 05/14/2008 2:21 pm
Heya! and koolies, I'll add you to my msn once i get home. ((abut midnightish tonight..if you're not online, I'll understabd ;p)) SO whats all thats new with you?
RebelSexkittyn Report | 05/01/2008 9:22 pm
yeah, sme here. I loved the idea, but i hated the fact that i was really RPing with 2 people, and then it got boring after a bit. lol. we were totally iggying that other chick :/ anyways, even she ditched her own thread :/ in the end i ended up pming nevets, or whatever his char name is, and tol him ima ditch the thread. you got msn or anything?
RebelSexkittyn Report | 05/01/2008 1:17 am
wow i left you quite the amount of comments O.O anyways, just thought i'd drop by n say hi yet again ;p *big hugs* how've you been? i miss you!
RebelSexkittyn Report | 04/28/2008 10:30 pm
Ihave to admit, that's got to be the sortest comment i've ever to recieve o.o Normally i recieve paragraphs, but my eyes widened quite the distance when i read your comment. lol
RebelSexkittyn Report | 04/27/2008 8:02 pm
HEYA well that sux x.x i might start working 3 days a week now too which im knda happy for yet at the same time dreading x.x all the while, it's nice of you to have done that for her!!!!! *hugs*
- Me
RebelSexkittyn Report | 04/24/2008 11:09 pm
eww...wow that sucks. 5 times a week? For a while i was working 4 days a week, Thursday, friday saturday and monday all until midnightish or later. occasionally at 11:30, bt then i asked to work just 2 days and was workin saturday and monday. BUT NOW my boss puts me solely on Saturdays :/ it's nice to have my friday nights off though.
Anyways, I just got back from chillin with onea my girls and my baby. Binx and I checked out this demolished site down on 12th street, a street. lol. there's like only this little piece of concrete, and it's a room with a doorway, no door, the romm's about...hmm.... 8ft by 15ft or so. it was pretty freaky. lol. but sweet! geez boy why ou ork so much :/
RebelSexkittyn Report | 04/24/2008 1:17 pm
wow it seems like you work alot or something. I work like once a week x.x
but my bf buys me stuff and i live with my mom still, so meh ;p i dont use money a whole lot really, cept to take my girls and I out to DQ. OMG IT'S SO YUMMY IM AN ADDICT!
RebelSexkittyn Report | 04/23/2008 3:44 pm
Thats pretty sweet, that you look like him! That's actually a fairly bad picture of us, it's all blurry and it makes my cheeks look fat x.x lol. it's nice at the same time though. I love himm!!!! He's sick though, he's got a fever atm :/ I'm headed over to his place in a little while, I'm going to buy him something though, but dont know what. some sort of food x.x The guy's a body builder, is ALWAYS hungry. lol. And even thoguh you may look like him, he's really a 19-year old 15 year old. he's SO FUN i luffs him! lollies smile SO how've you been?
RebelSexkittyn Report | 04/21/2008 7:34 pm
PSH one long comment is not my life story -.- Sir you are confused. I STILL THINK YOU'RE EFFIN AWSOME but sadly confused some :/
OH SHYT so today i was eating a piece of chocolate, and it was all melted in my mouth. I did a stretch where like..yeah. lol. I belt down to touch my toes and then each of my feet, and like OMG I HAD CHOCOLATE GO UP MY NOSE! yeah wasnt kool didnt like it wasnt pleasant :/
Dont do that, it sucks x.x
I3ananas Report | 04/19/2008 10:41 am



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