
Okay! Hi there, my name is Jenna and holy cow i'm strange, and the world knows it. I love to b outdoors and being free to roam about the neighborhood.

I have boyish brown hair and hazle eyes. I wear glasses because stabbing my eye out with contacts hurts to much.

I am constantly mistaken for a guy because I don't like to show my more femine side, but when I do, people say I look very sophisticated and grown up.

I live in Colorado in a small town called LaJunta. Everyone knows evryone else in this small part of the world.

I love friends and I tend to blabber about things when with new people. I'm shy if I don't know you, but i'm free flowing and wierd when I do.

That's all about I can think of right about now...


Viewing 12 of 35 friends


My Thoughts of the World^^

OMG! I havem't looked at all this crap for the longest time...yeah probably 'cus nobody really reads my jumky stuff.*shrugs* ah well



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Evermore Your Angel

Report | 07/13/2014 11:23 am

Evermore Your Angel

Hey sexy emotion_bigheart

Report | 05/02/2009 2:43 pm


ur welcome
not problem friend
hey nice avatar ur avatar it so nice girl
F-zero Captain Falcon

Report | 03/17/2009 8:29 am

F-zero Captain Falcon

Hi chuu! ^.^
:... Sowwis... >.< .. Hasn't talked with chuu for like 6-8 months now ... T-T ...

I remember you ! * huggles you * ^^

.. You used to have this black/white punk hair with a chocobo ^..^ ..

We met in the rally =D

You always called me loves lol ^^

... That was good times ! ^^

My name was ''Helioz'' at that moment ....

Hope you remember me =^_^=

...Have a wondrous day Rinu Kun =3

- Kirill

Report | 12/24/2008 1:54 pm


no thnx User Image merry X-mas
Evermore Your Angel

Report | 11/29/2008 10:44 am

Evermore Your Angel

lol! Lurve ya to Ho Ho Hobag.
Melodic Streetlights

Report | 11/29/2008 9:53 am

Melodic Streetlights

thanks for buying ! =) take care.

Report | 11/27/2008 7:57 am


lol better?

Report | 11/27/2008 7:53 am


ok i'll set up a trade then

Report | 11/27/2008 7:49 am


umm i spent my money yesterday buying all the stuff i'm wearing but i do have a 1000 left want it?

Report | 11/27/2008 7:45 am



