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It's me. Your friendly neighborhood Rissa Unit.

Rissa Unit's avatar

Last Login: 08/12/2024 12:12 pm

Registered: 11/03/2009

Gender: Female

Location: In the dimension lost socks go to.

Birthday: 07/02/1991

Occupation: ...Does being a hermit count?

About the Rissa Unit

My name is Larissa, but everyone calls me Rissa. (Or else!) Just kidding, but I prefer my nicknames. I have many nicknames, but I usually go by Rissa. A few others are Rissie, Risa-Risa, Miss Riss, Derp of Legend, The Legendary Derp... (Okay, maybe not the last two... But I think they sound amusing and would be a good ice breaker. Hehe.) Though I ask that you call me Rissa and not a derp. Personal preference... ^^;;

I'm 31 years old and I keep getting older. It's a bit of a shame there's no fountain of youth. Although I'm pretty sure people would misuse it, so maybe that's a good thing, haha~

I'm very protective of my friends, who I like to refer to as my besties! Close friends, in particular, I'm very protective of. If someone tries to hurt my friends or upset them with mean troll comments or hurting their feelings... They'd better start running now because I won't let them hurt my besties! Never ever!

There are some things people would never guess about me. Here are a few things about myself that you may find interesting, or want to know if you're interested in finding a new friendly-friend~! ^__^

1. I'm BI. (And proud of it!)
2. I love making new friends, be it guy or girl! (or alien.. o-o)
3. I fall in love with fictional characters and it huuuuurtsss my poor heart.. D:
4. I write stories/poems constantly, as well as Roleplay.
5. Anime is addicting to me. RWBY. 'Nuff said.
6. Roleplaying is becoming MY LIFE.
7. I love playing video games! Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing were the first addicting games I played. Maplestory is one I started when I was a super noob at computer MMORPG type games that I still play to this day.
8. I become easily drawn into fandoms that I don't have the ability to play, but love seeing fanart of the fandom characters. (i.e. Overwatch and Undertale)
9. I'm super talkative online, but in person I'm really anxious and nervous talking with people.
10. I'm diagnosed with Aspergers' Autism. Among other things. I own my autism. It's not a curse for me, although sometimes it makes things far more difficult to handle then they should be. I like to share past things about the diagnosis' that have made me the stronger person I am today, able to own my "disorder" and use that to show (or hopefully inspire) other people that have any type of mental health diagnosis' that it CAN be overpowered. You may have a mental health diagnosis that can't leave you, but you can make the best of it and use the things YOU'VE overcome to inspire others to do their best. <3

I'm very proud and happy that I'm able to be a part of my friends' lives. I wouldn't change any of the experiences I've had with you guys for anything. I've met wonderful people and wonderful dear friends through here on Gaia... Not even all the money or things in the world could replace you guys. I love you all, and you're special to me in every way possible. I'm blessed to have met all of my friends and I hope for many years of friendship to come.

I love video games. You could call me obsessed. The first MMORPG I became addicted to; was Maplestory. Maple was a huge part of my life. I played it for 8 hours straight one time. I started off on MapleSEA, and moved to Maple Global. I have many friends who play Maplestory; and I'm spreading the news of the game around.

I also have several video game systems and If you have a 3DS, Nintendo Switch, or PS4, I'm happy to make new friends on the systems and play games together.

Well; that's all I can think of for now! ^^

Don't forget to leave a comment! I've had all my shots, I'm quite friendly, and I don't bite.

Comments Lovely People Leave Me

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Geista Report | 03/13/2024 3:17 pm
jinn in a bottle Report | 10/10/2023 5:55 pm
jinn in a bottle
Awesome avatar heart
Strikers Daughter Report | 10/03/2023 1:33 pm
Strikers Daughter
Thank you sissy! Your avi is adorable too!
AaronAlroy Report | 08/27/2023 4:56 pm
Thanks for buying from my store! heart
IcePrincess_123 Report | 08/24/2023 12:11 pm
hey lady! ouo l can't remember if l ever responded to your ty, l'm just now seeing it for what l'm pretty sure is the first time...l don't recall seeing it before. Sorry this response is like, a month and a half late lol. But you are most welcome for the bday gift(s), l'm so tickled you appreciate it hehe heart hope your bday was a special day for ya! cat_3nodding
IcePrincess_123 Report | 07/09/2023 8:39 pm
aww you're most welcome, l'm so tickled you appreciate that small token of our friendship and my happiness in celebrating your bday with you hehe heart sorry again l was late emotion_facepalm Was your bday a good one I hope? emotion_bigheart
IcePrincess_123 Report | 07/07/2023 1:18 pm
happy belated birthday, friend! emotion_bigheart I'm so sorry l missed it gonk
Geista Report | 07/05/2023 2:42 pm
Your Welcome. ❤️

Im glad you had a good Birthday.
Heize4 Report | 07/05/2023 10:42 am
Geista Report | 07/02/2023 4:12 pm
Happy Birthday heart

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My name's Rissa!