
User Image Name: Klavier Gavin
Age: 24
Occupation: Prosecutor, Rock Band Vocalist

Klavier is a rare, honest prosecutor. Though a lot of the time he seems really careless in how he conducts his job (he prefers to leave the investigative legwork to the police), he takes his band seriously, and honestly cares about making sure the right person is convicted. In court he's cool and confident, and he loves to tease.

*excerpt from Court-Records

Let's rock, ja?

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Sexbang on 11/28/2022
Dovima on 12/27/2020
OtakuKat on 12/21/2020
Otaku Fan Renge on 12/21/2020
Ashercroix on 07/18/2020


I name my guitars after the people who send them.

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Achtung, baby!

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"Are you here to visit Prosecutor Gavin, scourge of the courtroom? Or perhaps Klavier Gavin, lead vocalist of the Gavinners?"

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"Either way, welcome to my page! Feel free to browse around, ja?"

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Dovima Report | 12/31/2020 9:05 am
Thank you rock god!
Dovima Report | 12/27/2020 11:43 am
Cool rock avi!
Allison_Afton Report | 09/17/2014 12:46 pm
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"Hey Bro how's it going? I am really sorry about Kristoph..I'm considering getting him aquitted somehow. Should i? I don't know what to do i'm so confused.... PArt of me wants to save him, the other believes he will go out for revenge if i do... Please tell me what i should do, Klavier.." cat_crying
Miss Natalya Arlovskaya Report | 12/27/2011 12:42 am
Miss Natalya Arlovskaya
I must say... I am a fan of you.
Solve it with Science Report | 10/17/2011 2:20 am
Solve it with Science

"No~ Tch, I'm not. having any trouble."

Just fine. So very comfortable here it feels like laying on air. You know she can very well have enough room if she 'accidentally' kicks you off the couch.. You know just sayin'. Whoops, don't mind the nudge into your hip. Accident. She swears.

Solve it with Science Report | 10/16/2011 9:29 am
Solve it with Science

"Wash it too many times and you will...heh."
You know NOTHING. 8|

If only she could, BUT Ema is too tired to imagine the couch larger or wider which would feel like more distance between them rather than half a inch a apart.
Solve it with Science Report | 10/15/2011 10:46 pm
Solve it with Science

"Awww....well, I'm weeping for you in the inside really."
Can't you tell?

"I'm sure another wash will help it. Least you didn't get bald spot."
DX Nuuuuuuuuu.....not at this moment. I mean no

Sure just lay there and TAKE it. Though all the while you still manage to aggravate her.

"Probably a red head."
She said nudging him in the side before falling over to the side. Scooch, you're hogging the couch. It's not long enough!
Solve it with Science Report | 10/14/2011 7:09 am
Solve it with Science

What? A bit of laughter. Why yes. She thinks your fuss is rather funny to be honest.
"Hehe...least you didn't throw a diva fit. I guess having your hair colored the wrong color could make anyone upset. I wouldn't say it's obvious. I just pay attention to detai--"

Oh, wait a moment. She had to think about it for a moment.

"Wait, are you not a natural blond?"
Don't mind her pulling you closer to get a better look she want to look at your roots. >:V ARE YOU A BRUNETTE?!


IT DOES help her sleep at night. Thank you. 8|

WHUMP. That's the sound of a nearby throw pillow flattened to your face, but thankfully not enough to do any damage of course.

"I'M the tease? Yeah, right."
She doesn't speak it to twist your horn ya know...not a lie. She liked it better when you didn't embarrassed her by calling her that. Has any man said that to her before? Probably not.
Solve it with Science Report | 10/13/2011 7:30 pm
Solve it with Science

Unicorns are so unpredictable
"Did you get a haircut or something recently...? It looks a little different."

Goes quiet for a moment before feeling the heat rushing to her face. What? WHAT?

"R-ruhig. Ich verstehe das nicht, es sprechen oft, Klavier~"

Only time she spoke a lot of it was in Germany. She only speaks it to you so she doesn't get rusty with it.
gonk It's for cultural purposes only!
Solve it with Science Report | 10/12/2011 6:23 pm
Solve it with Science

"Well, kudos to you for looking like a fresh daisy every other day, Mr.Rockstar."

She blinked a little in surprise when he retracted back. Geeze, did it hurt that much? That might make her feel a little bad.

"Ich wusste es.... Didn't think a bump on the head would hurt that much though."

Usually when you pet a majestic unicorn you get a wish~ <3

Well she would be careful as she shifted in her position to gently stroke her fingers along his scalp through his hair slowly. Huh, his hair was actually pretty soft. Though it's pretty obvious he takes care of it.
