
Roguefang's avatar

Birthday: 02/04


when a wolf finds there mate they are together for life <33

i love you Ashley W. <333

i have found mine and i plan on being with her for as long as possible <33312-7-10 <3333 ^^

you are the only one that i want to be with <33 i cant stop thinking about you, i always think about the future...our future and i see nothing but love and happiness <33 may be one day we can have a family of our own <33 i couldn't imagine a world with out you <3333

you are the reason why i smile, the reason why i live, i don't know what i would do with out you, I've probably told you this before but i love you so much Ashley <333 and i will keep saying it all through out our lives <33 you are my whole world <3333

i wanna be the one who makes you happy when your sad, i wanna be there for you when your both happy and sad <33 i will always be there for you forever and always <33

all i want in life is to be with you and to be there for you <33 i want to be the one who comforts you when your sad and i want to be the one that you curl up with to sleep <333 i am so lucky to have you <33 words can not even begin to describe how much i love you <33

"we were given: two hands to hold. two legs to walk. two eyes to see. two ears to listen. but why only one heart? because the other was given to some one else. for us to find".

i used to be a man with out could even have said that i was a demon, but ever since we got together i have feared one thing and that is the fear of loosing you <333 i never want us to end <3333 you have showed me that i can love again <3333 because of you i can feel my heart beat once again <3333 and i love this feeling more and more with every passing second <3333 ^^ i love you so much Ashley <33333

a great guy doesn't love or get many girls, he love's just one <3333

a wise man once told me that as long as i think its ok, it doesn't matter what other people think. i think that its more than ok, i want to be with you for the rest of my life <333 i love every thing about you, i love you for you and i wouldn't have it any other way <333 through my eyes your perfect the way you are and i wouldn't change that for any thing <333

a guy give's a girl a bouquet of roses, he puts in a fake rose with the real one's and say's to the girl, i will love you until the last rose die's <3333

even though all the pain and suffering i went through nearly killed my very the end it was worth it...because if it didn't happen then i wouldn't have met you, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me...i love you Ashley <33333