

thoughts, feelings, sobs



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Dirk English

Report | 12/23/2009 9:09 am

Dirk English

your never online
vivianna thirrin

Report | 11/03/2009 5:21 pm

vivianna thirrin

yea re re it's me
TotaIIy Baked

Report | 03/17/2009 7:49 pm

TotaIIy Baked

o -o Oi, Joey, how it be?
Dirk English

Report | 11/30/2008 5:19 pm

Dirk English

hey im perfectly fine! bored depressed but ill live hey so how are you havent talked to you in a long time so i wanna know whats up! how are you? do you like your school? i miss you i hope i can see you soon someday maybe i dunno nevermind i guess ...... soo what'cha doin?
Spartian c

Report | 11/19/2008 5:02 pm

Spartian c

*yawns* Hello Joe
Dirk English

Report | 11/17/2008 4:47 am

Dirk English


Report | 11/09/2008 10:36 am


LMAO!!! you so would be the person to loose my number..tsk tsk. haha jk. I love you..okay just PM me and I'll give you the NUBMA!

aww poor baby! I'm sorry, I'll make your life better when we all get to hang out again. Cause I have a way to make you smile that no one can do. User Image Xenia is fine...everyone is. Keely and I are good. I'm hanging in there by a thread just always thinking...you know me... I'm always thinking always...I know what a pitty I've got so many thoughts in my head that I just have to always ponder about...okay okay I'll stop talking...User Image

anyway...how is life my darling? We've missed you so much and hate that you've gone away...

How's Park view???

Report | 11/06/2008 9:23 pm


I'm sorry that I can't... Oh baby...Don't start that again....that's awful, you should try to go onto something else, like...hmm...like like Eating Chocolate!!!!! User Image

I miss you too, I think about you all the time and how your new school is, and all the new things that are happeneing, I'm so sorry your having a hard time, we should hang and make everything A-okay and make it all better so you don't feel soo sad.

Y exactly so sad? what's been bothering you to make it sooo sad for you? I'm always here to listen..anytime, and you should have my number to call me, I'll be glad to be the should you can cry on I don't mind.

My life is going okay...I've been a little depressed myself but I haven't gone back to cutting, it hasn't reached that far back yet...but I've been sad too, just having some issues that come up once in a while...you know the norm stuff that "everyone' is suppose to be going through when their not?!?!?!?!!!

Well my little hobo, I love you soo much, and keep messaging me, I love reading what's goin on with you.

Keely, xenia and I misses you too, a whole lot and we love you with all our hearts!

I gots a Boyfriend now! User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image that's the best thing that has happened to me this year... I know... Nana a hoe. jk jk jk jk

ttyl babe!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxxxxoxoxoxox User Image
TotaIIy Baked

Report | 11/05/2008 5:23 pm

TotaIIy Baked

Oh and PM me, I don't use the comment system anymore User Image
TotaIIy Baked

Report | 11/05/2008 5:23 pm

TotaIIy Baked

Hello Love, How's it going?