

"Do you know wherein lies the sin? It wasnt in partaking of the fruit of the tree...

Do you know wherin lies the sin? It wasnt in lending an ear to the serpent's enticements...

Do you still not know wherin lies your sin? Therein lies your sin..."

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((WARNING: These pictures are not mine!!))

Name: Serenity Walters

alias: Rose, The Valentine, Death Blossom

age: 19

height: 5' 8''

weight: 120 lb

Body: slinder and skinny, pale skin. However her veins are green from the power surging within her.

Eyes: red from albinoism. Her eyes have a powerful gleam to them, almost like the stars.

hair: she dyes it pink, but shes actually albino, shy about her white hair. Because of Galactus's powers bestown upon her, her hair resembles petals almost connected to eachother flowing gently against her head.

Powers and weapons: From the gifs bestowed on her by Galactus, Rose's body has morphed into a cosmic green house, able to create special pollin like energy orbs. when she puts this into a plant through her body, Shes able to ressurect or make a plant turn violent, turning on certain lifeforms, even growing in size. However, if a human inhales or is touched by this pollin, theres a great chance their going to be burned by it.

She is able to travel through space to be close to her master and travel at high speeds, as well with a ability to fly. Shes also able to creat slight energy shields to protect herself, but they only last so many times with the use. She mostly tries to use the local plant life to her advantage, as well as the combat skills she learned from the gang. However, she does have great indurance now from this gift, As well as sight. She can also use a slight range of telekenises, but she has to be in stable condition and complete concentration to do this, so she rarely does this.

her signature weapon from galactus to help control these powers is a vine covered staff she carries with her on her back.

attire: it usually varies between leather and lolita wear, but now it is a rose style dress that clings to her upper body, then flowing outwards at the skirt, wearing only sandals strapped to her feet, the straps going up to her knees. the sleeves are tight to her arms, but billow out at the wrist.

Mental state: while not completely mentally insane, Rose is deeply troubled from things that have happened to her in the past, which often affects her train of thought in the present. For example, she is very reluctant to be near people with great ammounts of money or luxurious things, for her family used to be that way. Usually however she puts on a sweet and sensitive personality when speaking to people she meets for the first time, but once she realizes their intentions or how they act, her true vicious personality appears.

Weakness biggrin o to her many powers now, its hard to actually physically hit her. However, its still pretty easy to get in her head and assault her mentally with words, to distract her. Also, the longer she fights, the weaker she gets physically.

Bio: Not much is known about serenity's past life. Though she gives hints throught her encounters with people, its hard to tell if shes lying or telling the truth. what we do know is that she was born in a moderately sized town in New York. where she lived in a high class society with her over demanding and distant father, and her sister.

around age 8, rose's father died from a "hit and run", and her sister was put under a nanny's care. Serenity ran away from her home, refusing to stay with a adult she didnt even know, and began to get herself associated with gangs. it was the gang's that taught her how to fight and defend herself, how to hide her true feelings from people, and gave her a new name.

they soon began to call her rose the valentine for the way she was able to act innocent and calm, to suddenly go insane and on a blood rage, and charm people to trust her. Because of this, most of the gangs she got herself into seemed to fear her, but also keep a close eye on her in case she tries to even turn her back on the gang.

This eventually does happen During the winter of 2006, While during a get toghter with the peticular group she was in, the police busted into the warehouse and broke the sect up. Rose and only a few others escaped, who would later help her in a string of robberies across the city, mostly at jewelry stores and banks owned by double-life mobsters.

In the Month of July, a series of events lead to her being taken into the hands of Galactus with a handfull of people, and was chosen to be his new herald..death blossom. Soon she will be following any orders given to her by her new galactic master, wether it be finding a planet for him to devour, or taking care of certain people.


Viewing 12 of 102 friends


Valentine Notes

just some stuff from the mind of me!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

The 10th Doctor Allons-y

Report | 05/10/2011 10:04 am

The 10th Doctor Allons-y

Hi rose
The 10th Doctor Allons-y

Report | 03/07/2011 2:17 pm

The 10th Doctor Allons-y

Fille en Porcelaine

Report | 12/24/2010 6:38 pm

Fille en Porcelaine

Omfg. Look who lives.
The 10th Doctor Allons-y

Report | 12/02/2010 9:47 pm

The 10th Doctor Allons-y

hey how ya doing?
Sweet and Evil Girlycard

Report | 11/13/2010 9:19 pm

Sweet and Evil Girlycard

*waves* a friend of Cross I presume? *giggles*
Peachie Peachie

Report | 10/03/2010 8:47 am

Peachie Peachie

Chris Pitch PI

Report | 09/25/2010 6:32 pm

Chris Pitch PI

[x] This game takes a glorious s**t on Twilight.
The 10th Doctor Allons-y

Report | 09/25/2010 6:29 pm

The 10th Doctor Allons-y

hey rose
Tamaranean Titan

Report | 08/07/2010 12:21 pm

Tamaranean Titan

This is your one and only warning.

You have not yet posted in the Crime Syndicate Guild, if you fail to do so I will unfortunately have to remove you from the Guild. Please, For the sake of the Guild and everyone in it, get posting.

~ Lois
Dread Dormammu

Report | 07/25/2010 1:37 pm

Dread Dormammu

The ploy worked. As the cosmically enhanced plants grew and covered the missle silo's, they detonated upon impact of the vines and roots covering them. There were still a number of Gatling guns going, but soon they two were overgrown with plant life. Soon, there was silence again.




