My Friends

I wish there were a way I could add all my friends to my profile, but there are far too many wonderful to add here. If you are my friend, know that you hold an extremely special place in my heart, and although cheesy, I love you all very much! heart

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Soundtrack to My Life

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Masterpeices!! <3

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-Ethereal_Always <3333

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-Broken Caged Bird

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-Guardian Arlen

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-Purchased by Quadchik15

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-The Plain Old Jawbreaker

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-Emily Hateke

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-Rainbow Piggies

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-Omega Sunrise

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A Rose A Day Chases the Blues Away

Rose_spells's avatar

Last Login: 02/01/2020 10:02 am

Registered: 10/23/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Ripon

Birthday: 05/24/1989

Like an open book

Name: Kelsi

Call Me: Rose_spells, Rose, Rosie Posie, Ms. Smexy...Happy now, Skittles?

Age: 20

Location: Wisconsin

Likes: Friends, Nice people, Wicked, Roses, Wall-E, Kermit the Frog, Gifting people, Helping in any way shape or form, The ones I love, People understanding my passions, Music, Being Weird, Chocolate, Packages in the mail at school, Up, Dug, Kevin, Shrimp

Dislikes: Creeps, Meanies, People who put my friends down, Sad people sad , Drama, Being helpless, People thinking that I'm stupid, People who only care about the vertigre/outside, Beggers, People who use me, Ursula the Sea Witch from Little Mermaid

Goals: Become a Special Education teacher, Change the world in some way, shape, or form, Figure myself out, Understand people in general, Figure out the world, Fix my religious views

About Me:
-I'm odd O.o
-I'm not weird, I'm "unique" ^_^ I like that much better
-I'm a child at heart
-Don't mess with my friends.
-Every night, I look to the stars, curious what's up there, and whether or not something is looking down from the stars, curious what's here.
-I'm deep-thoughted, though I'm blonde and a ditz.
-When I say that I'm there for you always, I really am. I am truly a loyal person no matter what.
-I find beauty in things that many cannot...
-I have become addicted to my phone.
-I love Kingdom Hearts and Tony Hawk Pro Skater.
-You could consider me a prissy priss, but I think that I'm a tomboy at heart?
-I see the world as a domino effect: You cannot have light without dark. You cannot have good without evil. You cannot know the beautiful souls within the world without also seeing the horrors and devilish demons as well.
-I try my best at everything I do.
-Someday I want to change the world somehow, even if people don't know it's me
-I can be frightening sometimes, because I have odd brain babies xD
-I have an extremely low confidence level
-I have the tendency to get emo over the littlest things, and have been told that I could have depression.
-In contrast to the last statement, I view myself as a generally happy person. I try to brighten up the world little by little.
-I overanalyze things. Especially myself...
-I love discussing religion to just about everyone, no matter the topic. Hearing other faiths' beliefs amazes me.
-I believe in the supernatural more than I believe in reality.
-I'm very open minded.
-I have expensive tastes, but I consider myself very humble.
-I have certain friends that I owe my life to. heart I love you all.

I haven't been on Gaia very much lately. If you want to contact me when I'm not on, see below.

Contacting me off-Gaia:

AIM- yazuindazu

My stats

Posts per Day: 2.48

Total Posts: 15346

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Can't do it, silly! <3

I'm Here!

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Awesome Poems from Awesome People <3

She wears a gask mask,
This funny lovely Rose,
She's diligent in her tasks,
And will always listen to your woes.

She's as crazy as a purple cat
And as hilarious as a guy washing his car in the rain
She has the power to punch you flat
And make your life steadily wane

Just joking guys, she's not violent
But if you get her angry and tense
While wearing thin habiliment
You're gonna die, Mr. Dense.


Rose fears that she's losing her mind,
But we all do within good time.
So fear not, for your lovely room awaits,
in the loony bin with me as your roommate!

-Omega Sunrise

An elf with an elegant pose
Everyone knows her by the name of Rose
Wherever she walks, we hear the ring of bells
She mezmorises us all, thus we call her Rose_Spells


This powerful rose who weaves magical spells,
What's her name,
What's her game?
Rose_spells, of course.

This girl has a sharp right hook
And a crazier bunch of friends
She's got that cool gas mask look
Angry? She'll make your life end.

This girl is quite inept,
Says she,
But we're in her debt,
Because she made our brains go whee!


This classy elf who deserves a gold medal
For all the tasks of which she has done
She can make you whistle happily like a boiling kettle.
She exudes a unique aura of adventure and fun.

As loony as her asylum room mate,
But matched with her crazier buddies,
She's the girl you just can't hate.
She's modest sometimes, she is.

Whenever she passes by
You can hear the faint sound of bells
Or perchance the cry of a eye
Being punctured with a sharp right hook like cracked shells.

She's hardworking in the things she does
And never ever gives up on us.
Her name is beautiful, just like her.



View All Comments

Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/27/2013 10:02 pm
yea, we did xd
if you want to catch up more you could always PM me, I feel sorta weird discussing lots of things over profile comments xd
Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/27/2013 5:16 pm
only sometimes xd
Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/23/2013 6:29 pm
no, but sometimes I wish I was doing a bit more with.. everything
Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/21/2013 10:17 pm
eh, not really, have just kinda been going through the motions of life xd
what about you?
Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/20/2013 10:36 pm
yay biggrin
I'm so happy to hear that heart
Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/20/2013 8:41 pm
pretty good, I've had some hectic things going on in my life, but things turned out really great in the end 3nodding
how about you?
Neko-Chan666 Report | 10/19/2013 7:06 pm
I do remember you biggrin
I can't remember which event it was we met during, but I absolutely remember befriending you quickly and talking often afterwards, and I remember drawing things for your forum too 3nodding
hillary84 Report | 05/24/2013 6:39 am
Happy Birthday!! yum_cupcake
Arshtat the Empyrean Report | 02/10/2012 7:04 pm
Arshtat the Empyrean
Hi! Yeah I came back smile Great to hear from you!! How are you?
Arshtat the Empyrean Report | 02/05/2012 9:38 pm
Arshtat the Empyrean
Kels? It's Brooke from Ripon, are you still on Gaia?


3nodding [b:05b38e71d1]80% of my items are on a shared account!![/b:05b38e71d1] 3nodding

[b:05b38e71d1]Rosie is: [/b:05b38e71d1][/color:05b38e71d1][i:05b38e71d1]mostly on Tri n Rose! And back on Gaia!!![/i:05b38e71d1]


Thank you so much everyone for everything! Emily, Shanra, Saber Pendragon, Piggies, Mako, and Jericho! heart You all are too much!


Hmmm...Yeah, Right....

But isn't they perty?! biggrin Yeah, I'm just showing off ideas...

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Art I've Drawn- I know I'm not good, but it's fun!

I have a Shop: Dr. Rosie's Art Shop (Link in Signature)

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The Plain Old JawBreaker
Illusionist of Heart
Colorful Oinkers
Tri n Rose

Real Life Friends <3

:c It's too small, but it says:Emily_Hatake thinks: Rose_spells is Amazing!