Rosemarie Roughknight

Rosemarie Roughknight's avatar

Registered: 07/03/2006

Gender: Female


Name: Rosemarie
Age: appears 14-16 ((Actual Age: 4,200 Give or take a few hundred))
Birthdate: Unknown
Race: Pure Mix. (Don't ask)
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Teal
Eye Color: Pink
Height: 5'4” (Really 5' 3 1/2”)
Weight: 150 lbs
Home: The White Tower

Mother: Kage Triblut
Father: Rygar Triblut
Current Wife: Mhaura Knightbane
Brothers: Ghalleon Whitewolf, Reyus Whitewolf, Blank Triblut
Sisters: Diana Whitewolf II, Lucy Roughknight, Dawn Triblut, Dragoria Triblut, Justice Whitewolfe, Scarlet Whitewolf, Kagure Veltan
Children: Aidan Roughknight, Vissim Roughknight, Devin Whitewolfe, Skoll Knightbane, Hati Knightbane, Fayth Knightbane

Masamune (Katana and large hammer form), a duplicate of Kage's crystal katana, and a sniper rifle

History: (Very shortened version)
Dressed to look younger than her 'queen' self, she began attending a school on Bas-Haides under a different name. When she got to her sewing class she found out that she was supposed to teach it and was promoted to Teacher status by Denogenos. Thus she began teaching the class. Her two youngest children (Skoll and Hati) were attending the school as well but are now off on their own adventure with their other siblings (Keylana and Devin), cousin (Lucia), and a friend (Natir); Rose follows them around making sure nothing terrible happens to them.

Childlike and carefree. She is known for expression her emotions in very visible manners, generally with facial expressions or by magic. Occasionally has blood-lust tendencies where she will either nom on someone or disappear and slaughter some random person on the street.

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  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Goof Course[221]

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Luna Kuroi Whitewolf Report | 09/05/2012 11:03 am
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Grav Lupus Report | 08/28/2012 9:57 am
Rosie!!!! I miss you!!!!
Grav Lupus Report | 08/07/2012 4:26 pm
lol It would be easier to post if I remembered how I got to it in the first place.
Grav Lupus Report | 07/22/2012 12:18 pm
Do you and Ry still post in Lazy guild on here?
Grav Lupus Report | 07/21/2012 9:54 am
Shadow01192 Report | 07/21/2011 1:57 am
. . .You have a point. Not that I have shown my ugly mug for a little while.
HenshinGeki Report | 11/14/2009 12:21 pm
The new KH is awesome ain't it ^_^ I am kind of tempted to start a roleplay based on it.
Empress Lemulco Report | 07/09/2009 9:30 pm
It's kinda funny!
Me, you, and serenity all chose the same color of the new outfit with the same fan
Luceid Whitewolfe Report | 01/14/2009 3:47 pm
"Hey sis." Luceid walked in wearing a skirt and curtsied before kissing her hand with a smile. "How are you today?
II Stelmaria II Report | 12/25/2008 10:53 am
Thanks for perchasing the stockings from my store. I like your profile and your avitar is very pretty by the way.
Rygar Whitewolf
Rosemarie Roughknight