Fairy of Animals

User ImageHello it's nice to meet you my names Roxy and here's my story

One day in Gardenia I was working at the Frutti Music Bar which is a bar my father owns in Gardenia,at first I thought the Winx girls were a bunch of snobbish vain girls.Later on I changed my opinion about them when they followed me to my personal room at the Frutti Music Bar I actually became even more suspicious of the girls, thinking they were crazy.However, after becoming friends with the girls,I was attacked by the Wizards of the Black Circle, leading me to believe in magic and earn the Winx their Believix. Slowly and after learning that I was the Fairy of Animals, I start to use some of my limited powers on my dog Artu, such as making him talk along with the other Love & Pet Animals. After a while I decided to show my powers to my Dad Klaus, but during my attempt, I discovered it was really Duman in disguise.

After being kidnapped, I manage to escape and save my father, but Gantlos tried to stop me. After Gantlos harms Artu, I became very enraged and transformed into a fairy. After struggling to use my new magic to protect myself, the other Winx girls arrive to save me after making a large group of people in Gardenia believe in fairies. Once the Wizards disappear and I reunite with Artu and Klaus, I complained to Bloom that I did not want to be a fairy, as it is too dangerous, but when Ogron attacks Bloom and my father, with help from the woman in my dreams, I fought back.
As I gained more and more confidence with each passing day, I wanted nothing more than to free the Earth Fairies from imprisonment, and I was vital when the Winx go to free them.

Once I helped free my fellow Earth Fairies, I felt sad due to the fact that they all wanted revenge. After Bloom defeats Nebula in a fight several days later, I manage to convince Morgana to drop her campaign for revenge. After the Black Circle betray their promise to surrender, I and the rest of the girls, are deeply saddened by Nabu's sacrifice in order to stop the Black Circle's plot.

The following morning,I had a vision of Morgana being trapped somewhere in the castle. After fighting off Nebula and the Warrior Fairies (including Aisha), I freed Morgana from the magic mirror , I also find out that she is my mother and that I am the princess of Tir Nan Og. Once Morgana is free, I was overjoyed at finally finding my mother, and Bloom again comments that Iam so much like her.
After following the Earth Fairies to the Omega Realm, I aided Morgana and the Winx in convincing them not to seek revenge and aids in the defeat of the Wizards once and for all.
After leaving Omega, I witness Morgana's abdication and the crowning of Nebula as the new queen since I was to young to become queen,and Aisha's rejoining the Winx, and returns to Gardenia with the Winx and Morgana. That following night, I accepted Faragonda's offer to study at Alfea.

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