
RubeSpiked's avatar

Last Login: 11/26/2010 1:20 pm

Gender: Male

Location: Monroe, NJ

Birthday: 07/20/1990

Occupation: Photographer and Poet (I also write stories)

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I’m really not like you. Some of you may be, but very slim chance. Sometimes I feel like I need no friends. No, I don’t hate the world, and no, I’m not emo (--what most of you would classify someone who is always sad). This isn’t a random “Oh god, I hate everything. Sometimes I wish I didn’t exist” about me. I know that at least 80% of you would assume that from reading the beginning. This is a REAL “about me.” One that isn’t based on how popular I am on MySpace or one that is based on something that I want people to THINK I am. This is the real me. I’m very independent. I like being by myself. I like working on things by myself. I like doing everything by myself. I get lonely, yeah. It’s hard when your that type of person. People can’t change how they are. They can try, and act like they change, but in reality, it’s just them trying to impress you. I spend at least 70% of my day on the computer. I don’t smoke or drink. To the people that say “Live life to the fullest and have fun drinking/smoking!” ..oh please. You won’t be saying that when you’re on your death bed because of lung cancer or drunk driving. I like helping people. When a person falls down and drops their books, ill be the person who is helping him or her pick them back up, not the person who is laughing with the crowed. I get hurt VERY EASILY. I take EVERYTHING you say to me to heart, even if you are just kidding. I rather watch a movie and eat dinner with you than go out to party. I’m not as shy as I was before. I can express my emotions SO MUCH BETTER through writing. It’s easier to type what I feel rather than saying it. I like to consider myself an artist. Photography is my passion, with a huge side of Photoshop. I like making pictures look impossible. Listen; Photoshop is not about making yourself any better looking. I don’t use Photoshop for that s**t. I use it to express my imagination. You don’t see any of my pictures looking the same now do you? No. I actually take time into working with pictures. I get REALLY mad when people leave fake comments. Please, be real with me, and ill be real with you. I believe in true love; and that you DONT have to wait forever to find it. I seriously HATE when people steal my ideas. Be unique, be something else rather than trying to be like me, please. My parents are amazing. They made me into what i am today. They risked their lives to bring me to America, where I can actually be something. If you ever break my trust, you will NEVER gain it back, I’m sorry. I been heart broken a few times by people. Take my heart, treat it like a cheap cloth, i don’t care; ill treat yours like its being slaughtered. Getting out a two year relationship is hard. I learned not to trust people like I did before. Shes happy now, and thats great for her. Now its time to find my own happiness. Nobody said it was easy. I'll take it back to the start. I cant say I don't miss her, but I also cant say I'll want it any different.I don't think she figured out what love was. Hopefully I’ll find someone for me very soon. I’m emotional. Not by the sense of crying; because I rarely cry at ALL. But by the sense that i take EVERYTHING to heart. Even if your joking. Whatever you say affects me. Everything. I dislike talking over the phone. I never do it, i just text. I _hate_ conceited people. Seriously, get over yourself. I bet I can find 20 other people that are better looking than you. I don't like college very much. I thought I would, but I don't. I go to an art institute, and even though its the things i love the most, i still hate classes. I feel like I know more than the teachers. I wish I could go back to high school where i saw my friends everyday. I put people first instead of myself first. I know thats not always good, because I'm the one that is suppose to make myself happy, but seeing other people happy IS what makes Me happy. My name is Rube. NOT "RUBEN" .. people always assume that. My FULL name is Ruberman (pronounced ROOB-ER-MEN .. in English. In Spanish it sounds completely different.) Unique name, I know, but I'm a unique person :] But most people just call me Rube.



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xl SANTiAGo lx Report | 02/17/2010 3:52 pm
xl SANTiAGo lx
thanks for the purchase =p
Surely I Am Broken Report | 08/15/2008 4:53 pm
Surely I Am Broken
Ello Rube =D
Cawkk Report | 08/12/2008 2:27 pm
Lul, it's me again, Thats Hawt xB
:/ So what's up?
;D I have a girl avatar now.
Thats Hawt xB Report | 08/06/2008 10:04 am
Thats Hawt xB
Oh mmk.
Thats Hawt xB Report | 08/01/2008 10:34 am
Thats Hawt xB
Lmao, you're friends with Bonez?
She and I go waaaay back cool
FUDGE PACKER LOL Report | 07/28/2008 9:57 pm
I LOOOVE Your photography!
Very interesting.
x_XDark Mistr3sSx_X Report | 07/25/2008 10:10 am
x_XDark Mistr3sSx_X

i remember you.

long time no talk buddy. hope ya still remeber me!
well anywayz ur still awesome!
peace :3
Chelly Likes Shoes Report | 07/23/2008 7:02 pm
Chelly Likes Shoes
I saw in your 'About Me' how it said "you're not like me," and that intruiged me to read further. (: As I was reading, I couldn't help but notice that, yeah. I am like you. Quite similar, actually. I'm quite the happy person, and I love my close friends more than life itself. And if giving up what I love the most means them being happier than I could ever dream of being, so be it. Most of the time, I prefer being alone, and maybe talking to people online or something. I dread phone calls. As opposed to you not being able to take jokes very well, I take them quite harmlessly. It's hard for me to take anyone serious anymore, or trust them. I was hurt once, badly, a couple of years ago, and I can't put my complete trust into anyone anymore. Words don't mean much to me like they used to. It's when I get attatched to someone, and never want to let go, and they break what we had. I can never get over things like that. Yes, I'm young (15), but don't let that stop you from believing that I'm more mature than almost every 19 year old that I know. I agree with you that people can't change. It's not that they don't, they literally can't. Some people, maybe, depending on their situation. But most people never really change on the inside. I don't like parties. People tell me I'm fun, and invite me to go to parties, but the ones I've gone to, I couldn't wait to get out of. I don't know what it is, I just don't enjoy things like that. I'd rather just take a walk or something, alone.

Also, I can't stop looking at your photography. This is simply marvelous work, really. You shouldn't even need to be in college, for whatever art class you're taking. It's so amazing. I've seen a lot of good art, and I'm saying this in all honesty. I wouldn't tell you if I didn't really think so. It's beautiful, anyway. You have quite the eye for beauty. (: I admire your work, and your outlook on life. I don't know if you're the type of person who cares about random people like myself, but if not, then try being a little more open-minded. It'll do you well. ;]

Oh, and you're very very good looking. Had to throw that in there. xP
Thats Hawt xB Report | 07/19/2008 8:40 am
Thats Hawt xB
I haven't talked to you in like, a bazillion years.
Captain MoNEY SqUAD Report | 05/12/2008 4:41 pm
Captain MoNEY SqUAD
gold nao biggrin


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Thats Hawt xB
B a C o N ownz U

i felt like having a normal picture :) Stop talking about my hair :)

WITNESS THE POWER OF A BOY THAT'S LOST CONTROL (the wings are coming from my elbows btw)

you can see the FINAL version of this picture on

Bow chika bow bow

No photoshop, just color filter.

Me and the crew =3

my awsome clone hack <333