
birthday:8/26 virgo

Morning I will search for the person I love,
All the time until the end of time.
Even if I were to open my eyes and wake up,
I would keep longing for this illusion in the Morning.

The person I love is far away,
So far that I'm almost crying.
When I open my eyes and wake up tomorrow,
A new hope will perhaps be born
I will follow you.

No matter how agonizing the world is,
You will shine even in its darkest corners.
Cross over the end of the future,
My weakness will not shatter my spirit.
my way is overlapping with yours.
For the two of us, God bless...

This warming affection that reaches me,
It melts my reality and roams my heart.
I don't need a reason for wanting to meet you,
Just my overflowing feelings, Lovin' you

Even though our paths will be different, I'll never forget the days we spent together, my friends

When you turn around I can see your smiling face. I wish for a day where such a feeling continues eternally...

Love, in the end is contolled by your feelings. If it is like this then let our feelings be our top priority. Obstacles were made to be crosse by two people holding hands.

You don't have to keep smiling for someone else, it's okay to smile for your own sake.

Far away, I'm breathing, as if I were transparent
It would seem I was in the dark, but I was only blindfolded

Injured with pain and sadness, the you that cannot be healed
Don't say words like you can't smile or you hate people
Everything that happens in the unseen future has a meaning
So stay like this, there'll come a time when you will realize

If I could be any part of you, i'd be your tears, to be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.

Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you are to success when you give up...

An adjective meaning the state of being troubled with love, to have worries of love.

Serious question:
How would you feel if you got your happiness through someone else's sorrow?

If you lack the desire for victory, you will be defeated

It's not wrong to decieve, only to decieve the wrong target

If your chest feels agitated the first time you meet someone, then does that mean it will feel greater the next time you meet

Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

If you live your life to other people's standards, your life is no longer your own.

The empty space right beside you, that's where i want to be.

Sometimes look to your side, don't always look forward, love isn't always found right in front of you.

To be able to see your smiling face looking at me, I feel like the luckiest man alive.

I'm not going anywhere, so stay somewhere i can see you, i'm the only one that can fix that dumbassness of yours.

You broke my heart, trying to fix it with tissues won't help.

Love is something that must be fostered between 2 people. We all know the abc's of love, holding hands, kissing, gradually growing intimate, ABCDEFG... just like climbing stairs, step by step... and this way you deepen you relationship little by little. And then eventually after a long hard journey, you will arrive at I, yes love (ai), but I comes after H (ecchi) doesn't it.


Viewing 12 of 47 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Subject Delta -Big Daddy-

Report | 08/11/2009 11:49 am

Subject Delta -Big Daddy-

dang robert nice avi xD
Blair Roche

Report | 06/25/2009 6:51 pm

Blair Roche

I love your avi!
Subject Delta -Big Daddy-

Report | 06/21/2009 10:42 am

Subject Delta -Big Daddy-

wth is up with ur avi xD
happiness untainted

Report | 05/31/2009 6:23 pm

happiness untainted

your avis crouded O.o

Report | 05/29/2009 8:17 pm


XD I love your avi!

Report | 05/28/2009 8:03 am


o.x What did you do for your manga listing, just cut and paste from some scanslations site or something? xd

... or do you actually own the Japanese copies? I found you because I was searching for Ocha Nigosu on Gaia. biggrin
Kiraly Scelus

Report | 05/26/2009 9:38 pm

Kiraly Scelus

Love the poems and such on your profile! Also just noticed your aquarium post. ^_^ Chateau Erotique is a kickass thread in Friends Chat. We give tons of prizes and if you post first on any pages between midnight and noon you get 1k per page. We love meeting new people, so stop by!

Report | 02/28/2009 6:22 pm


Thanks for buying User Image have a nice day!xD xD

Report | 10/28/2008 3:28 pm


Copy and paste this to 10 people and then press F5 on your keyboard. You will win 10,000 gold each time you do it! It's worked 4 me, and it'll work 4 you
Woofa Pawnch

Report | 10/25/2008 7:10 pm

Woofa Pawnch

Anytime! Hope ya like it :3


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