
Hair biggrin ark Brown natural red highlights (burnette) and it is below shoulders lol I like details sry lol

Eyes biggrin ark Brown
Favorite body part lol: Feet (HEY! they are awesome! I should be a model!) lol and hands and the hell with it everything!
Favorite food: Whatever I cook lol chocolate and meat ya!
Favorite sport: Soccer!
Favorite anime: Bleach and Naruto!
Weight: HA! ya right (but it is under 135 lb.)
Pass timers: Trampoline! yay! and nothing! Outside I guess to lol. And computer it what I'm doing now lol.
Likes: Healthy, smart, clean, average and nice people. Everything except the following stuff.
Dislikes: Whores, Sluts, People who pick on others, Butter, People who swear tooo much, dirty, fat (like veryyy), oily, Mean unhealthy (they can be but chose not to be), and lazy people I hate that LAZY people who aren't motivated and do nothing to help themselves!!!!! ARRGGGH and cry babies and when people faint at the drop of blood. LOL I'm not a dark person it just annoys me lol sry no offence I don't mind but I don't like it. And liars. Ya just yucky people.
Favorite colour: Red!!
Favorite Country: Canada
Favorite Flower: Yellow Roses!
Fears: only the dark and creepy people who are like murders or criminals.
Ambitions: Convert smokers to non- smokers and to have world peace lol no only the first one 2nd one too high.
Favorite animal: All!! Except bugs I only like bees wasps and worms and lady bugs everything else is creep even butterflies.
----You can stop reading now if you want to I'm just bored right now------
I can speak 3 languages and say hello in like 25 lol.
favorite season: Summer!!!
Favorite Holiday: Summer Vacation lol it not a religious holiday but it is a holiday not a holy day.
Favorite month: July and August
Favorite terrain: Dessert!
Favorite subject in School: English!! lol I know my spelling I'm just lazy lol



Stuff I Write is Here!!

Stuff I write about and sometimes I will copy and paste my storis when I start English class lol So you can see them if you want to. But that won't be till Febuary March time. Yes I can spell lol but I'm lazy.




Sometimes people have to leave and they won't come back even thought they are alive.