
Russell's character bio: ( questions or comments on any of this? PM me. Also, DO NOT STEAL ANY IDEAS / CONCEPTS, PLZKTHNX )

First Name: Russell

Middle Name / Alias: ( none )

Last Name: FallPaw

Species: Elf

Age: ( unknown - human equivalent: 25 )

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Weight: ( undecided )

Physical Description: Russell has three forms, actually. The first is the most common, the body he was born with. He's a tall elf, with naturally tan skin, and the color he was given during the coloring ceremony was a royal blue, and he has four piercings on each ear ( a loop at the base followed by three gems all shrinking in size until the outer-most one ). His eyes are forest green, and his hair is scarlet red, fluffy, and falls all the way down his back, ending just about thigh-length. His second form, the second most common, that which his spirit was born with, is an extremely light blue, humanoid wolf ( "anthropomorphic" is the actual word ) with gigantic wings that have iridescent feathers that shine either violet or dark blue depending on the light. However, he still retains his natural eye and hair color. Lastly, is his pure-spirit form ( the last one is a middle ground between his spirit and physical body ), which is a quadrupedal, light-blue wolf with great wings ( same qualities as the last form ).

Clothing: Russell initially wore simple, blue pants with a green, button-up shirt ( most likely inspired by his uncle, Puck ), but through his trails ( including death and rebirth ), he's since adopted a new wardrobe. He now fancies a light-blue robe ( much the same as the fur color of his spiritual form ), though he's kept the simple, blue pants with a simple, brown, leather belt, though in his spiritual form he discards the robe due to the interference with his wings.

Image URL: [link]

Family Relations: Zen FallPaw ( brother ), Akida FallPaw ( sister ), Lylach FallPaw ( mother ), Lucious FallPaw ( father ), Puck "Jack" FallPaw ( uncle ), Rosa FallPaw ( aunt ), Aloe SilverFeather ( grandmother ), Barry SilverFeather ( grandfather ), Jordon FallPaw ( grandfather ), Sylvia FallPaw ( grandmother ), Eddie FallPaw ( great-great-grandfather ), Lola FallPaw ( great-great-grandmother ), Jayden WolfEye ( distant cousin )

Other Relations: Rodney Brooks ( close friend ), G.P. ( close friend ), Kyle Santler ( close friend / personal tailor ), Alistair ( sworn enemy ), Angelina ( friend ), Ryli ( spirit guide ), Skeeter ( spirit guide ), Tod ( friend ), Elijah Vakcuz ( friend ), Elizer Vakcuz ( friend ), Draik Vakcuz ( friend ), Kotier ( acquaintance ), Shana Vakcuz ( friend ), Fleer ( close friend ), Roger Silverwood ( close friend ), Frank ( acquaintance ), Krobar ( acquaintance ), Radon ( acquaintance ), Eduard ( friend ), Schroeder ( friend ), Spootch ( friend )

Personality Traits: Russell has a very strong moral code, and he definitely has a leader mentality. He's a peace keeper for the most part, though if deemed necessary, he will use violence if it means the outcome is more peaceful than if it weren't used... though this is VERY seldom, and rare much more than one carefully aimed punch - he loathes weapons with ever ounce of his being. He's a very kind, caring, and compassionate leader often times making him a favorite, and he tries to be as fair as he can given the situation, though if he honestly sees someone more fit than him to lead, he will back down. He's always had the big-brother mentality with ultimately is what makes him such a fierce protector and born leader.

Occupation: Russell has grown up in a world that occupation is not a big worry, so he's never really had much of a job. However, he has worked in the Earth Military, and once on Lopezz he was hired with his brother, Zen, as a mechanic due to his vast mechanical knowledge gained in the military.

Biography: Russell was born on the Siberian tundra quite awhile sooner than either of his siblings - being allowed to grow some before his parents decided to have another child. He was always very strong-willed, but compliant and fair at the same time. His constant need to question WHY he was doing something sometimes gave him trouble, but for the most part he was a good child and good worker. When his sister was born he was a bit questioning as to whether or not he'd still be loved ( as many young children do when a new sibling is brought to the scene ), but that didn't last very long since he quickly became the self-proclaimed care giver and protector of his little sister. When his little brother was on the way he didn't even flinch, but took on the same roll as before, helping raise his younger siblings all the while, and always with a kind, reassuring smile. After moving over to what is now known today as Yellowknife, Canada, Russell quickly acquainted himself with the land. The family lived in relative peace until the industrial revolution came, and especially the gold rush. They were kind and hospitable to most passers-by, but kept to themselves mostly. Their house still laid in the very outskirts of the newly developed town, but they were close enough that they became well-known neighbors, often being called upon and asked for help, which they kindly gave but still tried to keep seperate from the rest of the town. However, their luck ran out as soon as WWII was initiated, the Canadian government coming to "draft" Russell, and ending up with Zen as well. However, it turned out that they had just taken the two to be traded for information from the US government. Russell and Zen were then transported to various training camps throughout the nation until they were officially recruited under the new branch dubbed the "Earth Military". They were soon shipped off to Europe to fight, and it wasn't much more than a year on the battle field that Russell was shot in the chest - not immediately creating a sucking chest wound, but the bullet just barely grazed the lung making his death long and drawn out, though not really painful, just uncomfortable. In his death he was surprised to find that he had changed shape, and there were two spirits awaiting his arrival who helped train him back into the ways of living as a spirit. Little by little, the longer he remained in the spiritual realm the more he remembered of his past lives and past experiences in the spiritual realm, and the more comfortable he began to feel... until one day he was very suddenly and very unceremoniously sucked back into the physical plane by a cult of cannibals hoping to summon someone to lead them into war with a smaller, but fiercer tribe. He refused, and so they began to set him up for a feast, and in his panic he found that he no longer retained much of the knowledge he had in the spiritual realm - his memories had been reduced to that he had BEFORE he initially died... but also in his panic he found out that he could still hear his spiritual guides telling him what to do, and that the resurrection was very crudely done so he still remained attached to the spiritual plane and therefore able to use spiritual energy and magic if he worked at it. In a panicked state he pulled forth all the power he could muster, which made a shield that lasted just long enough for him to bowl through the crowd and made it to the edge of the forest the were in ( the summoning ceremony was taking place in a large, open area of the forest ). While in the forest he ran into Roger and Fleer, which he joined up with until he met Kyle, who took note of Russell's interesting tattoos and several years later came back to tell Russell that he'd found another elf with the same tattoo style, but black. Russell immediately requested that Kyle take him to the other elf, in which Kyle gladly took Russell to a completely different planet in a completely different galaxy ( so, the third planet Russell has been on, discluding the spiritual plane ) where he was reunited with Zen and his family.


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