The hands of God

Ryoketsu of the Shadows's avatar

Last Login: 05/15/2024 10:57 pm

Registered: 11/27/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Hell

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The words they speak

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Mister Banter Report | 06/16/2008 5:43 pm
Mister Banter
Kataro Vengeance Report | 04/16/2008 7:12 pm
Kataro Vengeance
that makes me feel like smackin a monkey.
Saccharine Light Report | 04/08/2008 2:13 pm
Saccharine Light
Comment for you. ^^

I love the bio for your character, mine is kinda crappy right now.

Xx the ANBU xX Report | 02/24/2008 7:12 pm
Xx the ANBU xX
8888888888888888888 ________888_8:::888888:::::::::::::::::::::::::88888888888___888 ___________88:::::88888888::::::m::::::::::::::88888888888____8 _________888888888888888888:M::::::::::::::::8888888888888 ________88888888888888888888:::::::::::::::::M88888888888888 ________8888888888888888888888:::::::::::::M8888888888888888 _________8888888888888888888888::::::::::M888888888888888888 ________8888888888888888::88888:::::::::M88888888888888888888 ______88888888888888888:::88888::::::::M888888888888888___8888 _____88888888888888888:::88888::::::M:::::;o*M*o;888888888____88 ____88888888888888888:::8888:::::::M::::::::::::::::::88888888____8 ___88888888888888888::::88:::::::::M:;:::::::::::::::::::888888888 __8888888888888888888:::8:::::::::M::::aAa::::::::::::M8888888888_______8 __88___8888888888::88::::8::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::888888888888888_8888 _88__88888888888:::8::::::::::::::M:::::::::::;::::::::88:88888888888888888 _8__8888888888888::::::::::::::::M::::@@@@::::::::8w8888888888888888 __88888888888:888:::::::::::::::M:::::::@a@:::::::M8i888888888888888 _8888888888::::88:::::::::::::::M888:::::::::::::::::M88z88888888888888888 8888888888:::::8::::::::::::::::M88888::::::::::::MM888888888888888888888 888888888:::::8::::::::::::::::M8888888MAmAMVMM88*88888888___88888888 888888_M::::::::::::::::::::::M888888888:::::::::MM8888888888888___8888888 8888___M:::::::::::::::::::::M88888888888:::::::MM88888888888888____88888 _888___M::::::::::::::::::::M8888888888888M:::::mM888888888888____888 __888__M:::::::::::::::::::M8888:8888888888888:::m::Mm8888_8888___888 ___88__M:::::::::::::::::::8888:8888888888888888:::::::::Mm8___8888___888 ___88__M::::::::::::::::8888M::88888::888888888888::::::::::Mm8888____88 ___8___MM:::::::::::::8888M::::8888:::::888888888888::::::::::::Mm8_____4 _______8M::::::::::::8888M:::::::888::::::::88:::8888888::::::::::::::Mm_____2 ______88MM:::::::::8888M::::::::::88:::::::::8:::::888888:::::::::M::::::M _____8888M:::::::::888MM::::::::::::8::::::::::::M::::8888:::::::::::M::::M ____88888M:::::::::88:M:::::::::::::::8:::::::::::::M:::8888::::::::::::M::M ___88_888MM::::::888:M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888::::::::::::::M: ___8_88888M::::::88::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:88:::::::::::::::::M _____88888M::::::88::M:::::::::::::::::*88*::::::::::::M:88::::::::::::::::::::M ____888888M::::::88::M:::::::::::::::88@@88::::::::::M::88:::::::::::::::::::::M ____888888MM::::88::MM:::::::::::::88@@88:::::::::::M::::8:::::::::::::::::::::*8 ____88888__M::::::8::MM:::::::::::::::*88*:::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::::88@ ____8888___MM:::::::::MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::88@@ _____888____M:::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::888/ _____888____MM:::::::::::MMM:::::::::::::::::::::MM::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::MM ______88_____M:::::::::::::MMMM::::::::::::MMMM::::::::MM::::::::::::::::::::MMM _______88____MM:::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMMM:::::::::::::MMM:::::::MMMMMM ________88____MM:::::::::::::::::::MMMMM::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMMII _________88___8MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMMMM __________8___88MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M:::M:::::::::::MMM ______________888MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::::::::MM::::::MM _____________88888MM::::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::mM:::::MM _____________888888MM:::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::::::MMM::M ____________88888888MM::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::::::::::MM:::M ___________88_8888888M:::::::::::::MMM:::::::::::::::::::::M::::M ___________8__888888_M::::::::::MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::::M ______________888888_M::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::::::M _____________888888__M:::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M _____________888888__M:::::::M::::::::::::::@.::::::::::::::::::::::M _____________88888___M:::::::::::::::::::::@@:::::::::::::::::::::::M ____________88888___M::::::::::::::::::::DIS::::::::::::::::::::::::::M ___________88888___M:
Splendiculous Report | 02/04/2008 7:23 pm
Comment bomb~

Kataro Vengeance Report | 01/04/2008 12:50 pm
Kataro Vengeance
ur gay stop going to reno u f** i want to chill and smoke niga
Vyeve Report | 12/21/2007 12:25 pm
Evening, dear. I simply wanted to wish you a merry solstice!
M4M Report | 09/05/2007 1:49 pm
Oi, I shall steal a comment! >:]
violent BLACK Report | 08/31/2007 12:19 pm
violent BLACK



I lurve you.


violent BLACK Report | 08/30/2007 2:44 pm
violent BLACK


Noo wayy.




The abilities to kill

Character Sheet:

Character Name: Ryoketsu Tenseki
Sex: Male
Race: Half-Demon
Age: Forgotten.

Weapons (Physical):

The Nosferatus: When Ryo is the dominant personality, he wields a katana called ‘Nosferatus’. It is a gleaming white sword with a gold colored design running along the blunt side. Although the blade appears to be a normally forged katana, it was forged by a demon race long forgotten. It has unbreakable properties, and is quite sharp.

The Tainted Muramasa: When Shadow has possession of the body, he wields ‘The Tainted Muramasa’, a massive six-foot long Dai Katana forged by the legendary sword smith Sengo Muramasa. However, the blade has been tweaked to allow Shadow’s demonic power to increase the already legendary blade’s cutting power. When he has infused it with his energy, it is shown through the dark purple taint of the blade. Other physical features of the tainted energy would be a ‘pulse’ or crackle of what looks like purple electrical energy which fumes from the blade at random times. This blade, when infused with the energy, has the effect of acting as if the blade was a concentrated form of lava. That is to say, the blade is tremendously potent.

Adamantium Vambraces: On either side of his arms, Ryo wields a vambrace made of Adamantium. While the vambraces could be used for defensive purposes, using the powerful metal to block most physical weapons with ease, it actually conceals claws under the metal plating. The claws can be sent out at Ryo’s will, and are well hidden. Most people wouldn’t realize they were there until a simple punch landed against their body had the added effect of three rather sharp blades puncturing their skin.

Daggers of the Demon:Ryo and Shadow both also have access to two long daggers that are hidden in his cloak, attached to his waist. The daggers are made out of the same Adamantium allow as his vambraces, and the end of the hilt has a small ring, or loop. The loop allows for the user to have a better grip on the blades, as well as having the ability to protect the index finger from general harm. It is also more then possible for the user to spin the blades on his index finger, and if he is skilled enough, could release it at a precise time to make it head towards his current target.

Defenses (Magical):

Anti-Magic Shield: Ryoketsu has a very potent ability that allows him to focus high amounts of energy into his body. When he unleashes it, a beam of energy is sent from the tip of his finger. The beam travels until it hits solid mass, and then draws the form of a glyph on the surface of what it touches. The glyph glows momentarily, and then becomes ‘dormant’ to the point where all that is left is a slightly pulsing red emblem on the ground. It is unclear what the symbol on the ground means, but it is believed to be the crest of Shadow’s demon heritage. As long as the glyph remains, everyone within three hundred feet will be unable to call forth any non physical abilities. That is to say, if it isn’t melee combat, the energy used in the attack will be instantly evaporated. Not only cancelling the effect, but also draining the energy it normally would have taken from the user. This affects Ryoketsu, as well as his opponents. This also has the same effect on any magic entering the field, so it would be unwise for someone to try and teleport inside or outside of it. This can, however, be destroyed by a powerful blow to the middle of the created glyph. Of course, it would be hard to do so in the middle of melee combat. And can be easily re-created after it is destroyed.

Other Abilities (Magical):

Shadow Control: Aside from being able to make the Anti Magic Glyph with his energy, Ryoketsu has an adept ability of controlling darkness. He can manipulate darkness into many concentrated forms. And if he uses even more energy, it is possible for him to solidify the concentrated form he has created. This can be used for anything from making weapons, to creating little things such as roses. While he can also create objects from the darkness, he can also break his own body down into darkness and travel through it anywhere in the world. But this can only be used to travel to places that he has visual concepts of. And it is impossible for him to use it in combat, as it requires the utmost attention and concentration. A failed attempt would result in his body being separated into pieces.

Bio: Ryoketsu Tenseki was a famed warrior, excelling in melee combat. His swordplay was unmatched during his time, and people began to think of him as most did in this situation, ‘The God of War’. Sometime during his younger years of life, probably around his early twenties, he was attacked by a demon. A demon called Shadow. Shadow easily bested him with his magical abilities, restraining him while he assimilated himself into Ryo’s soul. Once he had control of the body, he too became an even greater being. He was a grand master of the melee arts, excelled by his magical abilities. But some time, a few hundred into his crude life, Ryoketsu managed to take his body back. And a few hundred years later, an agreement was made between the two to have a ‘shared’ body. In this way, they both benefited from each other’s skills, while retaining control. Shadow prefers to be passive however, only forcing his way out as dominant owner of the body when he feels it is absolutely necessary.

Personality: Ryoketsu is very friendly, a determined yet peaceful warrior that enjoys combat as a way to better himself. He can be quite flirtatious around the ladies. Shadow however, is cruel, intimidating, and loves anything that involves the suffering of others. The only being in the world that he would consider a friend is Ryoketsu himself, acting as his guardian in a way. Of course, that’s because they share the same body.


I look so good it's like a slap to the face. Oh wait.

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Kataro Vengeance