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Ryoku-Sama7000's avatar

Last Login: 08/26/2016 9:38 pm

Registered: 10/28/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Windham

Birthday: 10/07/1992

Occupation: Cheap Labor Force

I was going to break into song and dance but then it was too long


I just went from black to not so black


I Is dot dot dot

>:3 HAHA! I finally found this thing! I felt stupid because I would look here and think, "Well gosh darn it, this was written in summer... and it REALLY sounds it. So now I'm here and fixing the stupid thing! Cause for celebration! Yeah. I so have a life. I just stay up at odd hours going through all the websites I can remember I have an account on and update the profile... seasonally... kinda... no, really I don't. I'm just bored.

On a different topic!!! I am now wisdom toothless. No one loves me so I now have empty holes in my mouth representing the hollow cavity in my chest that no one can see even though you can't really see the holes in my mouth without a flashlight which is kind of awkward. No, you have no idea how strange it is to have a flashlight live in your bathroom for a week so you can see where to aim the stupid squirty thing to take the crap out of the hole and no, that was not a sex reference PERV! said in the most affectionate way possible *slamsheadintowall* lol he- *slamsheadintowallagain* Yeah, I'm so informative.
I'm bored, buhbai!

There were Unicorns... and Butterflies... and Ponies... and Rainbows...

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Dum di da di da

me... me... umm... me? i guess whatever else i feel like posting on the web

Avi Art for Ink Shop Thing

Yes, I've decided to sell my soul out to the gods of Avi Art.
Here is the actual forum
But for all the lazy people of the world, I'll say it all here too.
I'll draw just about whatever you want for whatever you'll offer. Black and white ink are the preference but anything that makes white is appreciated too.
Other colors will be accepted.
I'll also take money if the trade system is PMSing.
As for systematics, send in the request via PM, or forum post, here is not reccomended because I rarely look here.(the earlier you say you want color, the easier is is on me and the picture. finished black and whites don't like to change to color randomly) and send up the trade whenever. It can't go through until you want it to anyway so when doesn't matter.
When the trade complete and the picture is done, it;ll go in my scrap book and we'll call it done.
There's my scrap book if you need to see what I've been doing.

I Spy With My Little Eye... Furries.

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xehanort777 Report | 11/03/2009 8:43 pm
Just fyi, you posted that statement in an aquarium Q&A.
I know weird place to decide to reply to someone, huh. I was bored...
xehanort777 Report | 11/03/2009 2:59 pm
"Try group powerpoint with a group of idiots. Sometimes I seriously think Honors means you just get the dumb people who think they're smart."

I can totally relate. One year for 'History Fair' my group was so stupid that we ended up making a science project and tryed to pass it off as "The History of Bengal Tigers". I can't believe my name went to that s**t. I had no time to try to get them to do anything else because I was so caught up with other classes! smile I like your butterflies on the prof. by the way!
Ryoku-Sama7000 Report | 06/05/2009 12:01 pm
:0 an dI finally add a comment in '09!
xD_Domo_Kitty_Scouts_xD Report | 12/29/2008 9:40 pm
thank you for the purchase come again soon! *winks*
Pretty Kitten Kat Report | 12/21/2008 12:44 am
Pretty Kitten Kat
me and my friend both love the avi art you gave us <3 thank you so much.PM me some time ^^
Ryoku-Sama7000 Report | 09/11/2008 7:57 pm
User Image continuing my one month minimum response time, bulazzz
Ryoku-Sama7000 Report | 08/04/2008 9:11 pm
o_o I think I'm probably the worst person at responding to profile comments.
Ryoku-Sama7000 Report | 07/28/2008 10:57 am
yup whatever you'll offer
WTF_ANTHONY Report | 07/28/2008 10:55 am
will u draw 4 $???
Manchester I Darkfield Report | 12/31/2007 10:26 pm
Manchester I Darkfield
Happy 08' to you too. :3

. . .

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Aaaaaah'm Dreamin' of a... summer vacation...

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Ryuuk took some sexy pills and L is...
Yeah... out of commission...
Bad Light! No date rape!!