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Ryouta Shikonesora

Ryouta Shikonesora's avatar

Last Login: 12/31/2015 12:34 am

Registered: 07/28/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Pennsylvania (United States)

Birthday: 10/18/1991

Occupation: College Student


Name: Ryouta Shikonesora
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Sexuality: Unknown
Birthplace: Shikonesora Territory, Tokohara

Race: Youkai (Inugami)
Height: 5'10"
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair/Fur Color: Crimson
Build: Somewhat Muscular (built a bit more for agility than strength)
Skin Color: Slightly Tan

Occupation: Young Wanderer
Weapons: None (fights unarmed with martial arts)
Abilities: Enhanced strength, agility, and endurance; enhanced senses of smell and hearing; increased resistances to illnesses and poisons; ability to create and manipulate electrical energy.

Ryouta is the second son of Chief Shikonesora. While he and his half-brother Touken share the same father, Ryouta was born to a different mother many years after the death of the chief's first mate. Ryouta was raised similarly to Touken, though his father was a bit easier on him, mostly because the same expectations that were held for Touken as the first-born did not apply to him. In fact, Ryouta actually learned very little in the ways of combat during his time spent in his home world.

Since Ryouta was born quite some time after Touken had already begun traveling to other worlds, he was never able to meet his half-brother growing up. He had come to look up to Touken over time after hearing many stories about him from his father and the tribe elders and wanted to meet him someday. Eventually, once he got older, Ryouta decided that if his brother wasn't going to return home, then he was going to go look for him on his own. He snuck out one night and ended up falling into a portal that took him to unknown world, where he eventually met up with another youkai named Raven.

Ryouta traveled with Raven while he looked for his brother, meanwhile learning martial arts under him. He got to know the other youkai along the way before eventually meeting up with Touken at long last. Since then, Ryouta has traveled with his brother, learning what he can from him while trying not to cause him too much trouble. While he realizes that he's still just learning and is inexperienced, Ryouta still likes to try to find opportunities to prove himself in combat, though he can sometimes get in a bit over his head.

In general, Ryouta is a very agreeable person. Unlike most youkai, he is fairly accepting of humans and doesn't automatically see them as being bad. He isn't particularly quick to pick a fight, but he's not afraid to use force if necessary. Ryouta is usually accepting of new people unless he sees them as a threat and can be quite talkative if he becomes interested in another person. Also, perhaps due to his relatively young age, Ryouta can be easily excited and a bit hyperactive at times. He is also quite curious and is especially fond of learning new things and finding new people to spar with.


Update: Character information is in profile.



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