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xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 10/21/2010 11:53 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

Hola Ryu-san!!!!!

Hope everything's going well for you lately....AGAIN sorry for the late message... crying October festivals have been like crazy! But awesome. I mean they even had a little soccer league going on as an event and my team won (which was 3 people)! And Even Nee-chan came to visit!! xd But anyway..... -hugs-

You play cards during lunch!? That's cool!!! Yeah...my school doesn't allow cards during lunch...D: It sucks....
And yeah! Our team would be beast! twisted Oh how's your soccer thing going? wink My team had it's first game last week and we lost 3-2... crying At the end too....

And yes, I do call my Audi Schweini!! 3nodding And I don't really know why... surprised OH and I got myself the transformer sticker and it looks awesome! Everyone at school is like...."Uh oh...we have a deceptacon in the parking-lot...."

AND THAT MAKES SENSE!!! Well...now I learned something new! Thanks Ryu-san! 4laugh
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 09/28/2010 10:34 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

Hi hi!!! -hugs-

What, you haven't had a single project? eek You are so lucky!! Though I hope the boredom goes away for you. I mean, I hope your lunch break is at least fun and filled with adventure. 3nodding And now since October is almost near, the ideas for festivals has started! So horrible projects ended yesturday! Now my normal life and fun time is finally back!! lol, I'm currently in school right now..sending you a message!! rofl

But anyway!! OMG We could so be Defense buddies!!!! Since I'm left winger! Then like our celebrations could be awesome! We could so dance and break dance when our team scores. And have epic passing team ups! xd Just thinking about it sounds awesome!!!
Thank you!

And I know isn't it awesome!? whee OMG If we went to the same school...that would be the greatest thing ever! And I wouldn't mind giving you rides home though....minus the days I have soccer practices... wink AND TRANSFORMERS!!! Excellent idea Ryu-san! Now when I go to the store I shall go buy it. And yes...my Audi is evil! Bwahaha!!! Though....I call my adorable car Schweini...don't ask me why though... neutral And wait...BMW's are from Bayern...I thought they were Barvarian....? o.o
jakuki-sama's avatar

Report | 09/20/2010 1:22 pm


Hi Nii-san!! X3
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 09/20/2010 10:28 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

RYU-SAN!!!!! -glomps- OMG I missed talking to you so much...actually....I miss my life right now...D:
School is like overpowering me...like when Lulu took over control of britannia... gonk I've had 10 Projects so far and Like 4 tests every 3 days basically....x.x Though...by the end of this month, things should be settled. Especially since the October festivals are coming! 4laugh I can't wait! They are always so much fun. :3 Oh and speaking of soccer...the tryouts have started once more. Even though my coach said I could skip them since I was still gonna make Varesity....I still went to them because for some reason, I feel relaxed when I'm out there on the field.

How's your school life going? And soccer? How have your games been like? What position are you gonna play? And Real Madrid is kicking butt!! Sorry for the overload of questions sweatdrop .

And yes!! I did get a cool car....apparently..I can't get a Ferrari but I got a 2004 Red Audi A4! And it is so awesome!!! 3nodding I of course had to make a comment on the color..since when you normally see a Ferrari it's red. The guy that we bought it from started laughing but my mom gave me a face!! rofl Silly me. And I already put a Real bumper sticker on it..actually that was the first thing I did to it! Though..I want to put another sticker on it..any recomendations? biggrin
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 08/23/2010 11:35 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

OMG HI Ryu-san!!!!! -hugs-
You started school already? Ewww....how's it going so far? Well, that was dumb of me...you just said that they gave you homework on the first day...x.x That explains how it's going.... D: And hurray!!! I'm glad that you have at least a buddy in your classes! And that you got the ones you wanted. :3
Well, my soccer hasn't started yet...since school hasn't. And really? You joined a team? Awesome! I wish you luck and hope you have fun! ^-^ And yeah...practices can be brutal...x.x

But yeah, well, for my mommy's b-day we went to my uncle's house, who lives like 2 hours from our house so...^w^
And omg there is an adorable puppy near my avatar!! So cute!! I love it when it's tail wags!! X3
Uhh....totally off topic I'm sorry...o.o
I go back to school on Wednesday...Noes!!! Hopefully I get the classes I asked for.

And yes!!! I was sad that the USA lost! And taking off howard! TTnTT And That my man didn't play at all in the Spain/Mexico game...WHY!?
Oh yes!! I know! Ozil and Khedira in the same team and C. Ronaldo, X. Alonso and Casillas!!! heart Amazing!!!! ^w^ All we needed now was Villa! But no, he went to Barca...poor Valencia..D:
Oh and your sis must be happy, since Bayern Munich won their game! I wish I would have seen it....I only saw the goals on Youtube...and Schweini is a lifesaver! X3

But anyway, away from soccer...can you believe that Kyle B!tch made history in Nascar!!! Curses I hate that man...D:<

And LOL. I so totally should get a ps3...but my mommy ish planning on getting me a car soon, so I can drive to school and stuff. And go to future soccer practices... biggrin I told her that I wanted a Ferrari but she gave me a face! XDD So it means I can't get it....=3=

OH! And was Vampires Sucks a funny movie?! I was planning on watching over the weekend but things ended up in a busy schedule and I couldn't...so this weekend I will go watch it! X3
jakuki-sama's avatar

Report | 08/11/2010 11:40 am


Hehehe...Hallo Nii-san!!!! -huggles-
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 08/11/2010 8:02 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

Hey ryu-san sorry I wasn't on last week, I went out of town since it was my mom's birthday! -hugs- OMG Wait! The first was Schweini's b-day!? So was my mom's!!! rofl I must go tell her!!!! X3 And you're obsessed with germany now? XD It's okay, I mean....I am still about villa...x.x

Oh and to answer that question of yours in what shows/animes/games nee-chan and I make fun of, well it's like a lot!!! XD Like for example; Code Geass, Resident Evil, Bleach and Yu-gi-oh....lol and now since your sis and her friend do the same with soccer.....I do the same with like any sport...just because of their face expressions and actions!! XDD And yes I have seen Keikashi! It's so cute and funny!!!!! X3 I love the dad!! 4laugh I guess it's because he's way too random for a dad......o.o Oh and the main girl too...she's way too badass!!! X3

In other news...Khedira went to Real Madrid! Which is awesome!!! XD Plus they beat LA Galaxy...sorry Donovan..I love you, but not as much as Real! X3 And USA lost last night to Brazil!! TTnTT I mean...I kinda had a feeling they would but I still believed that a miracle would happen.....But Coach Bradley just HAD to take off Howard and the good guys..... gonk For once I yelled at the man...... sad And today Spain plays against Mexico.....HURRAY!!! I get to see my man play again!!!! heart

And you've started school already?! NO!!!! D: I start in 2 weeks.....^-^'' Well, I hope you are having fun! Did you get classes you wanted? How's your week been so far? Wish you luck for the new year! 3nodding -hugs-

Take care my buddy! Oh and Nee-chan says hi and sends Hugs! X3
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 07/29/2010 6:35 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

OMG LOL!!!! Your sis and her friend are amazing funny!! XDD It's basically the samething with nee-chan and me. Except we make fun of like movie pairings and anime ones. :3 And the name Balls will never get old! Oh I saw like so many vids of awesome soccer goals...puts mine to shame....x.x But they were so inspiring!!! heart Iloved them all!! Like the header curve, the one close to the outside line, sighs..... beasty!

OMG FOR REALS?! LOL THAT'S SO FUNNY!!! Sadly you can make so many jokes about it!!! XDD I would so wanna live there!! rofl

OMG That's a beast team too!! Thank u for the compliment..but by the sounds of things, you are so much better than I am... 3nodding
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 07/28/2010 5:52 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

Yeah!! I totally feel asleep many times during a baseball match! XDD

And A secret love affair!? LOL What is your sis talking about with her friend?! LOL I mean....Nee-chan and I have had plenty of weird convos o__o ...so....Yep! I'm interested! And lol she thought Ballack was spelled Ballsack!? XDD I did too!!! I was just starting at the tv and then all of a sudden a commentator says his name, so I look to see who he's talking about and all I caught on his shirt was "Ball" and I was all...."What's his name!?" But then they showed his full name on the bottom and I was all...."Oh.....nevermind...." lol
Yeah..poor Suarez....D:

And yeah! OMG 6?! Crap! I must train more!!! Hmm..my party pokemon...Typholsion, Gyrados, Jolteon, Lucario, Clefairy and Flygon. biggrin What's yours?!
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 07/20/2010 6:54 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

Yeah why does Baseball have to be the past time here..D: Whatev....And yes, Bosh is all they needed. Yeah, that bald guy is a good player (he has just the most complicated last name ever... o.o

And totally more entertaining. With beast players and stuff...well except that #9 guy, Suarez...he's a big jerk! >.<But I felt bad for him because even his own country was boo-ing at him...D: What weird thing does your sis and her buddy have that's strange? AND WHAT!? Lahm got married?! When!? Tell your sis I'm here for her. And d'awwww...Lahm's name in the team is Lahmy?! That's so cute!!! And what problem with the captains? -ish confused-
OMG For real?! Podolski almost went to Real Madrid!? That would have been a beast team....o.o What is it with the spanish liking the germans too much...? What's Ballack's funny nickname *w*

I know!!!! these people rock over here...well, for once I mean....x.x And thank you! Wow...I don't know who is more of a fangirl..me or your sis...XD But anyway, I've defeated 3 gym leaders. biggrin How about you? Where are u in kanto?
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 07/14/2010 7:50 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

-hugs- WOOT!!!!! XD And OMG for real!? Americans think that the octopus was the best and not the goal!? Tells you that they don't care about soccer....D: Which I wish they would.... And gah! Speaking of sports I'm sorry for your new addition in your Basketball team....Yuck! LeBron AND Wade!? Not a good combo....I mean look at the All Star game....Wade basically did EVERYTHING, but did he get credit from LeBron...NO!!!! And that's why Wade got the trophy and not that fame sick player. Bwahaha!! XD

Back to soccer! I actually would have even prefered Uruguay in the finals....0.0 They have a better team like Diego..He kicks butt!! X3 I almost fainted when he took that shot to the crossbar...... x.x

LOL Really? Your sis has this thing for Lahm. I mean I wouldn't blaime her...he's adorable. (Oh boy..my girly side is showing) But Villa has taken my heart! heart And his voice is a bit deeper which sounds cool! LOL Really? Sadly..I'm divided now by Barcelona and Real Madrid...why? Well because of Villa...D: And I've always liked Casillas..but still...Oh and Raul, can't forget about him! X3 And if Schweinst....Schweini (that's adorable!!! I'm gonna start using that one now, thanks!) joins Real Madrid heck ya!!!! Though..I'm gonna miss him, and I bet his team from Munich...D:

OMG Simon.....HOLY COW! The coach does look a bit like him!!!! O.O That's even more scary!!! >.< And I know...I said the same too! XD

Yes!!! The hotel people threw a little party when Spain went to the Finals, when Germany took 3rd, and when Spain won everything. It was awesome! Plus I won 100 bucks too for playing and actually winning in the FIFA 10 little tournament they had on the XBox 360!!! X3 Epic huh? Hmmm....awesome gifts? Well....my daddy surprised me and actually got me a David Villa jersey!! heart It was amazing! And Nee-chan got me a new DS since mine broke not that long ago.....plus the trip for my b-day! X3 Which I'm finally at Kanto btw! X3

Well, take care my awesome Ryu-san! -highfive-
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 07/12/2010 7:26 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

OMG HI RYU-SAN!!!!!!!!! *glomp* I am like uber DUPER HAPPY!!!!! X3 Spain won the WORLD CUP!!!! I mean, I bet you already knew that...but still!! OMG!

Though...if only the finals was against Germany.....that would have been more entertaining since the Germans had something to go for....well...so did the Netherlands...but still....the game was most fouls and cards. D: Well, there were some things that TOTALLY should have been called but the ref was blind to see it...D:< Though...there was one that even I would have done...XD And that was the one that the savoir made on the #6 guy! 8D But then Casillas started crying and it was the most adorable thing EVER!!! X3 Same with Villa being all happy and stuff...so smexy! X3

And I'm also happy that Germany came in 3rd...they so deserved it, especially this year's team. :3 They have had the best team in German history...well...in my opinion...the one they had 2 years ago is nothing compared to this one. And OMG Have you heard? Real Madrid is looking into Schweintseiger as a possible new player!!! heart EPICNESS!!! X3

And the one with the golden boot is little Mueller from Germany! I'm happy for him! biggrin Sorry Villa....I know you're my man, but still...he deserved it more.....Plus, I didn't want Villa to tie with Raul! Who was probably THE greatest player that Spain has ever had! Just like poor Klose..he didn't have a chance to tie with the greatest player ever! TTnTT At least he's in second though....D: AND can you believe that Lahm, Podolski and their coach had to get sick...ON THEIR FINAL GAME! DX Gosh..... TTnTT I hope the coach didn't do any bad with them....o.o Oh god why did I say that..X.X

Well, anyways, THANK YOU FOR WISHING ME A HAPPY B-DAY!!!!! *hugs* You are so sweet!! I've had the greatest b-day in forever! And now you've even added the cherry to my icecream! ^w^ (Please don't take that the wrong way....D smile
Yes, only one friend of mine has the ps3....though...he's not in town...and won't be for a while..D: Sorry....x.x

Hope you have a great day Ryu-san, and sorry for not responding earlier,it's just that my parents had taken me out of town for a few days with Nee-chan for my b-day...and it was hilarious since I was watching some of the games on the hotel's t.v in the lobby, that even parties started afterwards! XDD Never expected there to be such nice and amazing people there..X3
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 06/30/2010 9:04 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

LOL!!! I even started with Cyndaquil!!! XDD But holy cow! O.O I'm so behind....TTnTT I've only defeated the 6th Gym leader...trying to train my Pokemon.... until level 40.....x.x

Yeah very true...At least it's not super far...I only say that since she basically was like my next door neighbor for like ever!! D: The good part is that we'll still go to the same school X3 Hurray!!!

Yeah!! I know!! I'm happy that they won! D'aww... it's okay, I just wanted them to end in a good position that's all....I so want Spain to win anyway...as for my favorite players....o///o That's harsh! There are so many amazing ones like David Villa, Casillas, Torres, Puyol, Pique, Kaka, Donavan, Bradly, Howard, Bocanegra, Lahm, Podolski, Klose, Schenweinstger (I think that's how you spell it.... o.o), Messi and some other players that I totally forgot their names!!!! DX Well, #10 from Netherlands and some players from S. Africa and Italy. :3 So....I can't really choose my favorite...D: But...if I had to choose in a matter of life or death...It would be David Villa. :3 He's so amazing! heart Though...I should go with Lahm since I play the same position as him!! XDD So I see him as a role model.. :3 Plus the things that he does outside of soccer.. heart

YES LAKER WON!!! D: poop!!!! TTnTT Fricking idoits..And yes I have seen Toy Story 3 and it was amazing and cute!! Plus I got the Percy Jackson movie today and have like watched twice!!! XDD
I knew you would like the pic-video... Well, I gotta go right now....going to the mall with my gang! Have fun and take care my bud!
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 06/28/2010 7:17 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

Hey Ryu-san!!! *hugs*
OMG You too? Well...looks like we totally have a lot in common....I mean, we even fail on the samethings!! XDD
Thank you for your support. It really means a lot and thank you! I shall let him know. Please, do the same with your dad. :3
Oh Nee-chan is moving to a place that's 30 minutes away..but just not having her live near by is heartbreaking since we normally go to so many places together, will now be a bit harder...D:

You got the new Transformers game!? That's so cool!! How is it? Can you like choose your own side and determine the future on? *w*
And really? There's a manga like that? That's so cool!!! A resident evil-ish manga....sweetness!!!! X3 I'm still reading Bleach and Reborn! And I must say they are both cool..but very strange...o.O Though, I've also gotten into this Alice in Wonderland one that's amazing!! And plenty others that I never even finished! XD As for me....video games....FFCC!! XDD That' like my summer past time now! XD Plus SoulSilver, which I just got last week and it is awesome!! I really wanted HeartGold..but they didn't have it..but oh well.... X3

FIFA TIME! XD Yeah...I know the USA lost!!! TTnTT Why did the refs suck so bad!? They could have totally won the other day but NO! Stupid ref! Just like they did yesturday with England and Mexico. But the USA will continue to grow, and I know they will succeed in the next one. biggrin LOL It's the same with me!! XD I'm now going more for Spain though, then Germany...but I'm also hoping the Netherlands do great too....*currently watching the game as we speak*
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P.S LOL Oh Ryu-san....:3
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 06/24/2010 7:49 am

xX_Chibi chan_XX

ryu-san!!!!!! *hugs*
OMG!! Hi!!! Woot!! Freedom from school!!!! X3 Finally...things were getting complicated for me at the end....so hard that I nearly failed my exam for Chemistry...D: But anyway....how's your summer going? Mine has been okay.... and lol don't worry, I received both of your comments...:3
Well...since you don't mind.....I shall tell you...though it might be a long, emo thing so....I'm just warning you.....
My grandma passed away last month...so it's been hitting my dad pretty hard. Not only that but my kitty Arthur did too...TTnTT Plus! My brother's girlfriend committed suicide. This past month was not good at all...especially even since it all happened really close to one another...Then nearly failing my test and finding out that Nee-chan is moving!!! TTnTT I'm going to have such a unbalanced summer.....*sniff* So I've been trying to brighten myself up by watching the FIFA World Cup, playing video games, going over other friend's houses and watching anime and movies. Which is some what working.
I need a hug....TnT So I'm gonna pretend that I'm lulu and you're c.c...hope you don't mind.
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XK_Mari's avatar

Report | 06/20/2010 10:49 am


Thanks. And oh yeah. I'm so excited, you can not imagine. xD I'm hoping they win today, but the team they're going against is pretty tough. Actually, it's going to start now, so I'm going. Say hi to your sis and mom from me too. ^^ Talk to ya later!!
XK_Mari's avatar

Report | 06/20/2010 10:43 am


Well 'ello there. ^^ How are ya?
Say Happy Father's day to your dad, for me, btw. =D
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 05/19/2010 7:47 pm

xX_Chibi chan_XX

hey ryu!!!!! How have u been lately?
We haven't spoken with eachother in forever!!!! I miss you! And omg the end of the school year is just around the corner!! I get out in two weeks!!! X3 what about u?
i'm sorry i haven't personally been on in a while....many things have happened recently.....if you wanna know, I wouldn't mind telling you. just let me know so i can pm you. Well, I hope everything is alright with you. take care!!!
heart chibi-chan
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 02/22/2010 1:22 pm

xX_Chibi chan_XX

You must have gotten annoyed for me not sending you anything. Things had been crazy over here because of the weather. I mean, I love winter.....but not that much! O.o Holy cow.

They don't suck as much as my Wizzies.... TTnTT But I was happy to see Dwayne win the All Star MVP!!! heart Totally deserves it. And I was so happy to know that Bryant wasn't playing!! Haha! Guess Jesus didn't want him in the All Star after all!! X3 And When LeBron used quick attack on Pierce was amazing!! *w* I couldn't stop laughing for like the whole game. Because everytime they were near eachother, I'd be like.. "Be careful Pierce!! He's out to get ya!!! XD" and things like that..basically making fun of them. Oh and Garnet almost tripped too! I giggled on that part!!! :3 Hmmm...what else....

You went to the BudShoot out!? OMG you are so lucky!!! I wish I went! TTnTT Really!? I can't believe Jeffy took out Bobby!! TTnTT And did Kevy win again or no? *gasps* Did you watch how long and boring the Daytona race was?! I was happy when they played that Sprint Commercial on how this family was looking for Jimmy. Dude, that girl in that commercial totally reminded me of myself. XD I would have so freaked out!! heart And yay!! My Jimmy won yesturday so that made my day yesturday! heart DUDE SO MANY HEARTS!!! XD EPIC!

Did you watch the Percy Jackson movie? If you haven't then I won't say anything, but it was funny!! And awesome! Dude, I have this huge crush on Poseidon for some odd reason. And now Gaia has to come out with something for him and I can't get it!! I should totally buy the card thing-y..but I know my mommy won't get me it... I wish I was a DemiGod! That would be so amazing! *giggles* If not, I would probably have to marry Percy just because he's Poseidon's son!! heart Water babies for the win! >:3 Oops...I said I wasn't supposed to say anything. O.O I'm sorry!!! TTnTT
Sorry, I don't know his name. ^-^''
Well, how have things been lately? Anything new and exciting from your area? Or life? What's Guy been up too. She hasn't been on in ages!!
Well, take care my bff!
Happy Be-lated Valentine's day! Hope you gots lots of CANDY!!!! X3
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CURSES!!! IF ONLY THIS PIC WASN'T THIS Sluty chick...-3- Hmm...just pretend it's C.C That would make things twenty times better!
xX_Chibi chan_XX's avatar

Report | 01/26/2010 1:15 pm

xX_Chibi chan_XX

OMG I'm so sorry in not responding in like forever!!!! My family switched internet companies and stuff so setting it up took a while... I tried commenting to you during school but it would log me off before I would even have a shot in sending you one..TTnTT I mean, today I even wrote on my agenda in big letters and sharpie"TALK TO RYU-SAN!!!" LOL

So, how have you been? Well....I kind of have a feeling a bit angry and sad because of the game yesturday....I was so going for the heat! (btw, because of you, they have become like my 2nd favorite team!!) They totally had that game won too!!!!>.< Everyone in my school was like, "HELL YA, I knew they were gonna lose" or "The Heat suck anyway" I got so mad and even Yuri had to calm me down during Jade's class..because I got super mad. I even had an arguement with one kid...let's just say I ended up winning! biggrin I'm not kidding. It was a LeBron vs Wade conversation and I was ballin' at it! He basically couldn't back it up as much as I did!!! BWAHAHA!!!XD
And now, it's my little Wizards' turn against the Losers..... *crosses fingers* Please win Wizzies!!! <- lol like my nickname for them?

Oh and what do you think of the Saints vs Colts? I personally want the underdog team to win. I mean, they haven't won one so.... And it has nothing to do with the fact that their symbol looks like the Britannia's symbol..... >.>

Anyway...Lucky on you having the PS Triple. Super lucky....My friend Lloyd has one, but he doesn't talk about it too much with me. Oh I looked into Uncharted 2 a bit and that sounds like an awesome game. Maybe a cooler realistc version of the legend of Zelda!!! You know, puzzles and stuff!!! X3
Well, I got to go know...I actually have a lot of homework today... *sniff*
Take care!! heart
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