
    My name is Sora!

    I'm one of the main characters in Squareenix's role-playing game called Kingdom Hearts.
    If you want to read more about me, check out this Kingdom Hearts wikia article.

    My two best friends are Riku and Kairi.
    You can visit them by clicking on their signs below!

    If you want to know how I go about role-playing as Sora or about me in general, read this.

"That's not true! The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!"

"C'mon, Riku! You've been hanging out in darkness too long. You gotta try and think positive!"

"My friends are my power!"

"You're wrong. I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts is light!"

"It's just, they really need me. I have to go. I am who I am... because of them."

That's Sora, Donald and Goofy to you! And don't you forget it!

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"Sora, you lazy bum. I knew I'd find you snoozing down here."

"That's good. Sora... don't ever change."

"Don't ever forget: wherever you go, I'm always with you."

"Well, there is one advantage to being me... Something you could never imitate. Having you for a friend."

"If the world is made of light and darkness... We'll be the darkness."

Nothing's changed, huh?

"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine."

Sora's longtime friend.
He had clad himself in darkness in order to wield it,
and had even changed in appearance.

But when the real Ansem's Kingdom Hearts Encoder exploded, Riku returned to his old form.

You could say it was a miracle- worked by a heart no darkness could eclipse.

To xxx Riku --

One of the first guys to approach me when I first started using this account as Aoi Yusaka.

For one, I'm ever so grateful to have met him as he's such a great person to talk to
and role-play with. I don't know if he'll understand that I got such deep respect for him.
It's not just because he's role-playing as Riku, but simply as a person. I always remember him being kind
and considerate to me, even when we don't talk as often.

In general, I considered him a great guy to be around with. <3

Other reasons why he's just awesome is that he's still willing to accepts my faults as a role-player.
I'll be honest that I'm not good with grammar and sentence fluency.
Yet, he still role-plays with me no matter how bad I got. I always considered in mind that they're
probably better Sora role-players than myself and how lucky I am to be under the entity of S0RA xxx alongside him.

Maybe this is why I feel inspired to do my very best, especially for him.

Thank you for all the memories we made together
and for everything else.

A girl born in Radiant Garden. Life carried her to the Destiny Islands,
where she met Sora and Riku.

Kairi is a princess of heart, and the forces of darkness tried to bend the pure light within her
to sinister purposes; for a long time, she and Sora and Riku were separated.
After a long journey, though, they were brought back together, their lives at last normal again.

To Badass_Kairi --

Yo-You awesome gal! She is legitimately the most badass Kairi I've met. It was around the same
time with Riku at the Kingdom Hearts forum on Chatterbox that I met her. She also knew as my previous username as well.

I'm so happy that you finally return after four long years away from here. You better stay on here with Riku and me
or we're not going to forgive you. >>;

Hmm, well, Kai here is very silly at times. But she got her mature streak indefinitely.
It's fun talking to her and hanging out~ Oh, we're also zOMG buddies haha.

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