
Sabina7's avatar

Last Login: 08/24/2013 7:30 am

Registered: 10/29/2006

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Susanna Kaysen Report | 05/29/2011 11:46 am
HI remember me!?
Susanna Kaysen Report | 07/21/2008 11:20 pm
OK I just watched the Kerli 'Walking on air' video. The video was amazing and i liked the song but it was tottally creepy when she was a marrionette and I'm not even someone who is afraid of dolls. The video was so beautiful though, the whole thing was art, its something my ex best friend would love and probably does. I loved her make-up i think I'll try it on me with the jewels and all lol. It was a really good song and all but the chick doesn't seem to have a lot of range to her voice. Oh well. Thanks for telling me about it though.

I should ask you to listen/watch something I like...hmmm..... how about The Goo Goo Dolls song Iris. Its 10 years old so I'm sure you've heard it by now If you know exactly what it is already you can just say what you already think. If not watch it if you get time.
fabian9990 Report | 07/02/2008 4:30 am
copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 at the same time and you will get 100,000 gold it really works trust me
Susanna Kaysen Report | 05/31/2008 8:39 am
User Image oops! I forgot: How are you?
Susanna Kaysen Report | 05/31/2008 8:39 am
lol did you not like the comment (Gay ppl)?

well I am basically good I got sick again from my stupid dad. He coughs on me on purpose so I am going crazy waiting for him to bring me home lemonade from wal-mart and for especially, my Popsicles to freeze! AHH. But once i have them I will be happy, very happy! lol I like the pineapple ones =)
Susanna Kaysen Report | 05/28/2008 8:57 am
User Image

BTW cute outfit!
Feiyey Report | 04/30/2008 7:27 pm
mera locaaaaaaaaaaaa como estas?.que puti tu traje,te vas de party???,no le pegues lo cuernos a tu marido.
Susanna Kaysen Report | 03/29/2008 5:45 pm
I'm sorry I didn't catch you I got sick, as always and didn't log on yestuday. User Image It would have been a good time if i wasn't asleep from feeling bad, normally it would have been a good time..
Susanna Kaysen Report | 03/25/2008 5:27 pm
LOL I'm soo sorry I must have confused you with someone else around when we 1st met. SO are you hispanic? or did i get that confused too? I've never been to Florida Either but I'd like to go and see the other Sea World and Disney World (which is stupid because i have been to the oones in California lol) I wouldn't mind an encounter with an Alligator either(as long as its not really hungry or protecting babies) he he I'm seriously insane like that!!!

hmm are the only person I know who lives there. I'll have to look up the time difference in a minute..or right now lol

WOW! That was hard O.K> as i thougt initially its a 2 hr difference so where i live right now it is ~5:30 but where you live it's ~ 7:30 so just remember its always 2 hrs earliewr in the day for me. SO anytime betwen say 12:00 my time/2:00p.m. your time and 1:00my time/3:00a.m.(by then i'm sure you're sleeping lol) your time is when i'm available so pick a time(just be sure to specify if its your time or mine when you tell me the time) and a day and I will be online O.K.?
Susanna Kaysen Report | 03/23/2008 9:37 pm
Awesome! well I really hate making plans. you live in florida right? Or am i confusing you with someone else? well tommarrow afternoon see if I'm on either this Joey belle or Gill07 and pm me. If not leave me a comment/pm telling me a time for the next day and where you live so i can figure out time zones and we will meet up.


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