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My Cloud Strife Dream Avatar I made.

This is my Spin-Off I made for Cloud Strife using the Dream Avatar Generator. I did the best I could. (Cloud is my favorite Final Fantasy Character, and FFVII is the best! woot!)

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Yfandes Starfire Report | 09/14/2008 9:29 am
Yfandes Starfire
I just wanted to say Hi and I like your avvy.
poppute Report | 06/10/2008 9:13 pm
PrayAndSlay Report | 02/19/2008 9:27 pm
hey its been a long time since we last talk waz up?
PrayAndSlay Report | 02/06/2008 5:18 pm
poppute Report | 02/04/2008 8:50 pm
Shadowkite didn't let me in. Meh, big whoop. Sorry man.
poppute Report | 01/27/2008 8:35 pm
Soooo... got the rough sketches up.

So, sleepy--TaeKwonDo in the AM...

Updating Emelle's info tomorrow afternoon.

Talk to you Monday Eve!
The Devils Therapist Report | 01/26/2008 9:53 pm
The Devils Therapist
I don't have much either, but I do hope we can make more faster. That would be nice!!!!!
The Devils Therapist Report | 01/25/2008 6:33 pm
The Devils Therapist
Have you paid that guys back yet? I'm going to help put with that as well. User Image I hope that we can both get that stuff soon! It would be really awesome to see your avi finally finished!!!! User Image
The Devils Therapist Report | 01/25/2008 3:12 pm
The Devils Therapist
Don't worry. I'm saving up for you remember?
The Devils Therapist Report | 01/22/2008 5:57 pm
The Devils Therapist
Well, I guess that would be a little biast. (Sp?) But I seriously think you should draw more! Good job on getting the other piece of armour by the way. I'm still saving up. User Image

The Gang.


[img:13afc348ad] Drawings/DaisAnDAzaimisfitRPdrawing4.jpg[/img:13afc348ad]
(This is my sketch with MS Paint for my RP Characters)


The video has the song "To Zanarkand"- by Nobuo Uematsu, who does all Final Fantasy Music. That song is in the game Final Fantasy X and is one of my favorites.

Hey, I'm Sage.

I'm pretty laid back. I like to joke around alot, but serious when I need to be. I enjoy gaming, music, sports, and hanging out with friends. I also like to draw, and I like anything relating to art. I am a huge Final Fantasy Fan! (VII Preferably) and I love anything made by Square Enix (they do Final Fantasy Games as well as others.)

Here are my Authority's Misfits RP Character Bios:

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Character Name: Dais Mitsuhide (Day-es Mitsu-Hee-Day)

Race: Human

Alignment: None (Strongly believes in the Archaic ways)

Rank: Mercenary

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Weapon of choice: Self-Crafted Technoligically Enhanced Two-Handed Spear, and Human Enhancing Drugs called H.E.D.'s - these drugs cause amnesia/sickness after each use and become worse the more the user injects them.)

Skills: Very skilled with the spear/combat, the H.E.D.'s improve his fighting, he's a blacksmith (crafts weapons), wise with his words (speaks when he needs to.)

Personality: He is anti-social (at the moment). He is kind (though he doesn't express emotion very often), does not really pass judgement on others most of the time. He only talks when he feels he needs to. All he cares about is his mission, and wants to achieve it in anyway. If he has feelings for someone, whether it be love, friendship, etc.. he has a hard time of showing it because of his cocky attitude. He has the "Bad a**" attitude about him.

History: Raised by only his father on the planet, Miro'Nar, Dais was raised upon the Archaic ways. More so just the ways of fighting. Ever since he was 6 years old, his father trained him to be an expert at combat, and learn to be able to wear a full suit of heavy armor, and to craft weapons. He became more partial to the two-handed spear, which is the weapon he never leaves without. Dais became a mercenary like his father, but at age 17. He decided to take up this career after his father was murdered when he was 14 years old. He was raised as an orphan and his lust for revenge made him want to become a mercenary in hopes to somehow find out who killed his father. so, for the past 10 years, Dais has been taking jobs (assassinations/finding ancient artifacts, etc) and crafting weapons for money, whilst searching for his own personal target. Dais will do whatever it takes to get his missions completed. He has also picked up the habit of using H.E.D.'s (Human Enchancing Drugs) which increase speed and strength of the user, but have a side effect of amnesia or becoming ill. It gets worse after more uses. Dais can also be recognized by the black dragon emblem on his right shoulder piece of his armor. People who don't know him by his name, but his jobs or emblem usually call him the "Dragoon". [Miro'Nar is a planet of only humans a nd wildlife similar to that of earth's. Many undiscovered Ancient Artifacts still remain on the planet and are highly sought after to this day.]

Description/ Picture: Dais is about 5'10'', and has a weight of 145-150 lbs. He would be considered to have the "perfect body" from staying fit from his training/battles. He has Sandy-Blonde Hair, which is short and spiked, except his bangs extend about 6 inches in front of his face and over his left eye. His eye color is silver. Dais is hardly seen in anything other than his own crafted full suit of heavy armor, and self-crafted spear his upgraded to have energy emit around the blade to do more damage. Dais is an attractive male to the women, but he never acknowledges their flirting and so you never see him flirting back or with a woman..

Other: Although he hides most of his feelings, Dais is a caring individual. His father's death was hard, and it's difficult for him to focus on anything else right now other than his main goal and money to get him to where he needs to go. His uses of H.E.D.'s are starting to take a toll on him, and he's losing sense of who he is and what he's doing each time he uses them. -- "Let's get this over with..." --

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Character Name: Azai Olarin

Race: Human

Alignment: Soloist

Rank: Pilot/Assassin

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Weapon of choice: Katanas-class swords or Assault Rifle Blasters.

Skills: Skilled with sword types, and Rifles. Very agile. And she's a very good pilot.

Personality: She's is a great tactician. She knows what strategies to use in land or aerial battles. Being an assassin makes one think on their feet. She's decieving, too. She looks innocent, but don't let her looks fool you.

History: Much of Azai's background is unkown. Most people just know that she was an orphan, never adopted, and went on her own path at age 18. She took pilot courses as her main class in school, and trained under a martial arts master to learn to fight. At the time, that was just an interest of hers, but she soon benefited from it after she used her knowledge to become an N.E. Pilot and assassinate targeted people marked for whatever reason the corrupt N.E. members chose them for.

Appearance/Description: Azai is 5'4''. Her weight is roughly 120 lbs. She has the "hour glass" body shape,long sky-blue hair, and purple eyes. She has your average "nice girl" attitude, but during her flying or mission, she becomes focused and determined and becomes a whole other person. She only works for the N.E. to better use her abilites in things more exciting than the average human life.

Other: Azai wants a ship of her own one day, but for now just enjoys being able to fly others ships for people. Azai has many secrets, mainly because she doesn't like to talk about her life of being an oprhan. She is still open, just not completely. Azai hates when people talk about anything orphan related and gets either saddened, angry, or both.

My Other Dream Avatars

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