
    My name is Lita Kino (木野まこと). Everyone calls me Mako. I'm 14 years old, and in second year of junior high. My birthday is December 5th. My sign is Saggitarius, and my blood type is O. I am also the fighter for justice, Sailor Jupiter (セーラージュピター).

    My junior high is Juuban Junior High School in Minato-ku. I am in second year, class 6. My favorite subject in school is home economics, and my least favorite is physics.
    My favorite foods are cherry pie and meat loaf. There isn't any food that I dislike. I like cooking very much.

    My favorite color is sugar pink. My hobby is cooking.

    I currently live alone.



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Eliskuya Thurwolf

Report | 08/20/2013 12:07 am

Eliskuya Thurwolf

nice to meet you lita smile hope we become good friends soon