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well this is about my life

hello me name is Sarah.My birthday is september 25,1993.Im scared of daddy long legs because when i was at camp they got in all my stuff and even on my bed and i slept with them in there EWWW...I love to eat..lol..I can get very hyper when i eat chin


sak1993's avatar


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Arden_17 Report | 07/21/2007 4:01 am
If I could catch a rainbow

I would do it just for you

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

And share with you its beauty

On the days you're feeling blue.

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

If I could build a mountain

You could call your very own;

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

A place to find serenity,

A place to be alone.

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

If I could take your troubles

I would toss them in the sea,

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

But all these things I'm finding

are impossible for me.

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

I cannot build a mountain

Or catch a rainbow fair,

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

But let me be what I know best,

A friend who's always there.

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

Send One to All Your Friends Who You Think Deserve A Hug

(Which, Hopefully Includes the Person Who Sent It to You).

*..¨..*•.¸??¸.•*..¨..*•. ¸??¨..*•.¸??¸

.•*..¨..*• .¸??.•*..¨..*•.¸

If you receive this back 5 times. You're a good friend. There are angels watching over you!""
Arden_17 Report | 07/21/2007 4:01 am
Hey back

I knew ur nickname was lovely from me

But if anyone sees me calling you that they might think something lol

Anyways meow!!!!!!My name was spelled Kat

Hi Ali!

I'm pretty sure ur not talking to him though
aliengirl72 Report | 07/20/2007 11:25 am
oooooh! Sarah I did something that you've been wanting to do... AND HAVE BEEN TELLING ME you wanted to do. I got a tan. lol. I went to the ocean twice, once in North Carolina and another @ Jersey shore. And I got to the pool almost everyday. lol. EMAIL ME! he he he
aliengirl72 Report | 07/20/2007 11:22 am
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got on aim THREE TIMES TODAY! And... no one wuz on. lol. My grandpa'as comp. busted. Right now I'm using some persons computer that aparently is related to me lol. - I'm in Massechussettes or whatever 4 a wedding. ANything interesting going on. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arden_17 Report | 07/13/2007 4:28 pm
Hey sorry its taking me soooooooo long to comment back

I'm a little retarted *bites ear*

So whats up lovely*(I think thats ur nickname)

I love you backround so much

It ******** awesome

I <3 caution tape so much!
mickshell Report | 07/10/2007 3:27 pm
mickshell Report | 07/03/2007 7:45 am
no it dont!!!!
mickshell Report | 07/02/2007 8:10 pm
mickshell Report | 07/01/2007 7:33 pm
lolu better
mickshell Report | 07/01/2007 7:25 pm
lol ur gay

me and some of my best friends