Hear Me!

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Mikusagi Report | 03/26/2009 1:04 am
Xeiya Report | 12/25/2007 2:31 am
Merry Xmas! ^_^
Vegetarian Pork Report | 09/01/2007 12:41 pm
Vegetarian Pork
Din bajs! Det är bara typ jag som håller igång vår affär -slå på- x]
` M a n g o Report | 08/31/2007 8:38 pm
` M a n g o

Nuu. Ur Art shop closed! TnT

But you got a deviant! yay~

I'm planning to get one..

But like.

When i'm done with orders.

and when I get the Yuri Fanboy's deviant ID

Hehehe.. HUGS! <3
Skyblue Report | 05/28/2007 8:38 am
LOL. I check mine often nows to see the average post count (trying to make it go up D< wink but I'm always too lazy to reply comments =o=;;

lawl. xD

-hugs- I somehow tricked it and manage to do the quest >__>;;; Oh right, I clicked a link in the feather master's profile or something. My friend did the quest for me once though *O*~~
The sponsor is gae. D<

-dies spinning-

waii T___T at least it was above average <333 I was in the top class for Maths in Aussie. Now...-teartear- at least my final grade was 68 which mean I passed it =__=;;;
XD -hugs- I don't like it when you have to calculate crap. and I'm like HUHHH?! (DIEFORCES)

...I spelt scream wrong lawl. ==
Claire de Lune Report | 05/14/2007 5:04 pm
Claire de Lune
elephant neeeeeest! :'D
Xenintine Report | 05/14/2007 8:23 am
*kisses Saku for her generosity*
Xenshina Report | 05/13/2007 4:53 pm
User Image
Skyblue Report | 05/12/2007 10:04 am
Lol. I usually check comments when I'm not talking a lot in a thread o-o;;

Yay for spam! XDD

ROFL. -highfive-? <33 MOKONA HAT O___O!![/random]

ehh. I dot. -pokes school-

...you just made my head spin @____@C T___T

bwhaha. I finished my exams D<! and failed maths ==; but passed everything including physics lawl Dx;
wow. niice =oo GOOD LUCK! DIE PHYSICS! 3nodding :screan:
Skyblue Report | 04/30/2007 12:54 am
lmao. -patpats- I have one window open with your comments, then type the reply. Maybe even another one that shows my previous reply too xPP

YEAH. those evil...dictators DDDD<
....wait. I don't do any work. << >> XD

sugar plantation...and cows....riiiight. o____o;; xDDDD; My geo teacher loves talking about African countries (LEDCs) xO;

I'm not smart. wish I ammm. then I don't have to study for exam T__T;; I have a week holiday then exam when I get straight back to school Dx;

lol. xD <3

The Real Sakuu

Wiiee Hello and welcome to my profile, I'll update it a bit from time to time ><;;
right now I'm sitting here with a nice drink (non-alcohollic if you must know) having a blast all by myself. I'm not a picky person though I tend to be a little annoying at times when I feel like being a perfectionist. What else,,, I'm an Aries and I'm born in the year of the goat....baahaa xP
anyways I love meeting new people all the time, it's interesting to get to know how others have it in their daily lives ^^
anyways I also draw art *points to the left* I hope you can see those images there, right now I only draw chibis so if you're interested just click on the banner in my signature ^^
okay well that was a bit about myself why don't you drop a note? <3

Name: Saku
Birthday: 25'th of March
Birthplace: theee hospital xD
Current Location: Sweden~~
Eye Color: Dark dark dark...dark..brown..dark!
Hair Color: black-ish o_o
Height: 1.68 m//5'6?
Right Handed or Left Handed: RRRight
Your Heritage: Asia~~
The Shoes You Wore Today: Boots xD
Your Weakness: Cookies T__T
Your Fears: Spiders >>;;
Your Perfect Pizza: as long as it has pepperoni and cheese! and mushrooms..mm.. -drools-
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Being less nutty~~?
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "LOL xD"
Thoughts First Waking Up: "Shuttup"
Your Best Physical Feature: um my tiny mouth? (LOL)
Your Bedtime: it varies like wiie >>;;
Your Most Missed Memory: when school was like fun D:
Pepsi or Coke: Coca Cola~~
MacDonalds or Burger King: BK XD
Single or Group Dates: Romantic = Single//Friends = Group ^^
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton <3
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Ew no thanks
Do you Smoke: Nope
Do you Swear: wtf are you talking about? I mean..noo -smiles sweetly-
Do you Sing: xDD yes >>;;
Do you Shower Daily: LOL YES XD
Have you Been in Love: Very much so >>;;
Do you want to go to College: um yes? o.o
Do you want to get Married: not right now xD
Do you belive in yourself: Lol hard to say
Do you get Motion Sickness: Not really
Do you think you are Attractive: LOL not really ><;;
Are you a Health Freak: far from it >>;;
Do you get along with your Parents: yea ^^
Do you like Thunderstorms: if I'm not alone ><;;
Do you play an Instrument: yea, the piano but I suck nowadays xD
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes ><;;
In the past month have you Smoked: No
In the past month have you been on Drugs: HECK NO
In the past month have you gone on a Date: umm.,.no xD
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes o_o
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: LOL YES
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yea
In the past month have you been on Stage: Nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: No xD
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: LOL NO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: HELL NO
Ever been Drunk: Yes -__-
Ever been called a Tease: no o.o
Ever been Beaten up: Not really
Ever Shoplifted: NO
How do you want to Die: .,...unexpectedly xDDDD
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: an Architect/designer or whatnot >>;;
What country would you most like to Visit: Australia or Egypt o.o
In a Boy...
Favourite Eye Color: something light~~ but it doesn't matter xD
Favourite Hair Color: um darkish ^^
Short or Long Hair: preferably shorter than mine xD
Height: tall...er than myself xD
Weight: o__O idunno xD at least more than me gonk
Best Clothing Style: um...whatever he feels comfortable in xD
Number of Drugs I have taken: NONE
Number of CDs I own: ..like 30 ? XD
Number of Piercings: 2
Number of Tattoos: Zeeroo~~


quit/abandoned/got hacked, gaia. thank you and good night.
I'm not dead. PM me if you still wish to reach me. I'm on another account now (bet you don't know which one ;P)
This account has not been abandoned.


Nude without

You want to stalk me eh? D:

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[saku saku]'s avatar

Last Login: 04/21/2016 11:07 am

Registered: 01/08/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Sweden

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