
Well...Im just me. I'm obsessed with Kingdom Hearts...and anime...I love to sing and draw even though Im not that good at it...^ ^ Just take note that I have indeed beat Kingdom Hearts 2 SO I might talk of spoilers in my journal and there are pictures as you can see... So if you haven't beaten it and you really don't want to see or read any spoilers TURN BACK NOW!!!!!

Anyway...this page will eventually be filled with pictures...mostly Kingdom Hearts but there will be a few random pictures in there somewhere...^ ^;; Well...what can I say about myself...I'm 16...I have brown hair and brown eyes...Im...*looks down* quite short compared to a lot of people in my school...My favorite anime is Fullmetal Alchemist...theres more anime i like but theres...too many to list...Anyway...As of April 4th I beat KH2 and need to talk about it with someone...before my head explodes...so if you have beaten it PM me...

Anyway. You must now view my Nanashi. He ish mine. My best friend made him up and I love him. I love him a lot. He's my Nana-Kun...^ ^ VIEW HIM!
BTW I didn't draw these!!! My friend did...Im not using names...but I just wanted to let everyone know I didn't draw them. Just wanted to clear that up.
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This is Kii...He's my fairy. My friend drew this one too.
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KAWAII!!! He's 5 and a half...and the size of my pinky. ^ ^

Anyway. Onto me.
Movie: PotC
Actor: Johnny Depp
Candy: It's a tie between gobstoppers and skittles.
Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist
Anime Guy: Umm...there are so many...but I have to say Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist
Anime Girl: Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura.
Band: Not quite sure how to answer that one....o.o
Song: *blink blink* I don't really have one..But im currently addicted to Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru.
Video Game Character: I love Dante from DMC...I love Cloud and Vincent and Tidus and Laharl and Vivi and Sephiroth and Reno and Rufus and Namine and Axel and Demyx BUT my favorite has to be SORA from Kingdom Hearts!
Video Game: The Kingdom Hearts series...
Language: French! ^ ^
Thing on avi: My KiKi Kitty!
Thing to do in spare time: Draw, Sing, Write..Play Kingdom Hearts...

Anyway. I shall add more as I think of it...

Random Fact: Did you know that if you take the 'x' out of the members of Organization XII's names and rearrange the letters you get some sort of word...For example....
Roxas. Minus the X. Roas. Rearrange the letters. Sora. ^ ^
And a non-member.
Xehanort. ehanort. Rearrange the letters you get either 'No Heart' or 'Another' YAY! Fun fun!

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"That's not true...I would..."
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Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 06/24/2006 9:48 pm


HaHa first comment...its mine all mine...no one can take it so says my poison banna of holyness MAwHAHAHAHA