
I'm C-Dub (South American Juggalo...like some of my homies like to call me or The PeRuViAn PsYcHo). Yeah just like a lot of ninjas around these sick world I was lost in sadness and depression and thanks to the Dark Carnival now I have my Juggalo Family and I'm happy for being one of them. I'm Just a Ninja who welcome all Juggalos and Juggalettes here to my world. All of us ('LOS and 'LETTES) must remember that being a Juggalo or Juggalette isn't about how much merchandise you own or knowing every little detail about ICP. It's about being yourself, seeking the world differently from normal people and not giving a ******** where your opinion goes. Juggalo's won't take s**t from people. They know and are who they are and accept it. A Juggalo knows what its like to be an outsider. Being a Juggalo is about being yourself and not caring what people think. A Juggalo is a true believer in the Dark Carnival and knowing that when life fails you, Shangri-La will always be a place for you to go. That's what a TRUE Juggalo is.

I'm an Open mind or BOOK for everything (Always willing to learn new things...Writing is the s**t!!!!). My Homeboys the DBC (Dirt Bag Crew) is my other Family which I really Care with my whole Life(Loyalty, Trust and Respect...that's what our code is all about!!) and of course all the people that always try to be there for me. Life is not as easy at it seems but I'll always be here to help my ninjas and all my homies when they need it....Until the time of my dead comes, NO matter where i go I'll always will be with my homies...Life is unexpected anyway, and Dead is only the start of new things to come....Life takes turns when we don't necessarily want them to take turns, and that's just a part of life. It's just something that as human beings we do have to come to accept....knowing that tomorrow is not promised. Juggalos....always walk into the light.



There was Pain without hope of healing.
There was life that refused to end.
Long after the mind had begged the body to cease.
And worst there where dreams come true...
