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adriana7168 Report | 01/11/2010 4:11 pm
HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cool
Ricky is insane Report | 12/07/2009 8:33 pm
Ricky is insane
lol i can't remember the last tym someone called me cutie. :3 ty
how goes it in the land of annie?
Ricky is insane Report | 11/21/2009 10:41 pm
Ricky is insane
biggrin i love ur bckground
:3 hola, longtime no.. text?
adriana7168 Report | 08/29/2009 9:32 pm
start a trade with me.
adriana7168 Report | 08/29/2009 9:29 pm
ur right
Midnyte Screamer Report | 08/23/2009 9:46 am
Midnyte Screamer
The name told me who you are, I guessed XD Well I have Social Studies, Journalism, Theatre 2, Language, Lunch, Science, Pep Squad and Math. You?
Narutoxhinata109 Report | 04/02/2009 4:25 pm
I liked yours!
Someone that I'm not allowed to say gave it to me.
Narutoxhinata109 Report | 03/30/2009 6:28 pm
We're friends!^^
NyghtRose Report | 03/30/2009 4:58 am


is it any of those?
( razz )
NyghtRose Report | 03/29/2009 4:41 pm
nawwwwww....i don't think i will.....welll.....
how about this? on the count of three, we both yell our answers: i'll yell my guess, and you who u are.
okay? one....two....thre---
wait a second! that won't work!!!!! ^^


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I hate this thing, but I keep logging on hopelessly to talk to 2 people that I did meet on this that I did, for some reason, begin to care about. Only 1 moved on from this site a good few months ago, =/.

Well I'm Sydd. I'm 14. And for most of my life, I've wasted my time making sure i fukked it up. Destroying and hurting everything I ever had and everyone I ever cared about: Hurting myself most in the long run. Idk why I did it, Just knew that for some reason, I couldn't help it. Messing myself up was my drug, My addiction.

But, for once, I put myself out of my own lil bubble, and I saw the world and it's true colors for the first time. And ever since then, I have been replacing the time I spent ruining myself, and began rebuilding myself. I have grown up and changed a lot. Ha, For one, I am no longer a b***h. (I really don't cuss that much.) I actually care about myself and others. I care about my education because I learned that otherwise, Imma be screwed in life.. I found religion, I found Jesus. And I have found some true inspiration in musyk: Dancing to it, Singing with it, And playing it.

But prolly the most important thing to me is that I found my purpose of life. Some people find theirs late in life, Some never do, I was lucky enough to find it in my youth so I can definently use it to its full advantage. My purpose is to help people. I found that I am happiest sacrificing myself to help others. In fact I found out- with a tragedy I'll later further explain- that I even WANT to die in the act of helping someone. My life spent not helping as much and as drastically as I can is a life wasted. And when I can help no longer, I shall pass on to my next life and take throne next to my savior.

And I guess that tragedy. My bestfriend, William Taylor, Died mid April this year, 12 years old man.. 12.. Just a child. But he helped me a lot in the year we had together. He is the one who gave me my reality check. And he is the one who pointed out Jesus when I was blinded. Taylor was my savior, and I truely think I would still be in the dark if it wasn't for him. He had been there for me many many times, through thick and thin. And mourning that morning after he was struck (Car, DOI) I realised how the one time he truely needed a hand, no one could be there for him. No one. And I realised how much he was there for everyone. Everyone. And if I was there that evening, I know for a fact that I would have jumped out and saved him, even if it meant my life instead. And I know for a fact that I would have died that night a happy person. William Taylor deserved life much more than anyone I have ever met, he was very kind, very handsome, very giving, very loving, very happy, very full of life, very funny, and very loved. He never sinned, He never hated. And he will forever and always be in my heart. Every memory, Every laugh, Smile, And hug. I love you.

..And I guess that's my bio.