
Anime, thats me, I love Anime. My new Favorite is Death Note nowadays, Favorite Charcter is Light/Kira. I also love Sailor Moon, Furuba, Naruto, and Cardcaptor Sakura. My Favorite Video Game series of all time is Fire Emblem followed in closely by the Tales Games and Luminous Arc!

My Second Favorite DN Character... now introducing Beyond Birthday!!!
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My favorite Fire Emblem characters!
My Favorite Fire Emblem game was Path of Radience, followed by Radiant Dawn, then Sacred Stones after that.

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And Sailor Moon!
I love the Starlights and most of the Outer senshi,
not so much the inner senshi, except for Jupiter!

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and now introducing Death note! Go Light!
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Viewing 12 of 22 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Tales of Treasury

Report | 06/13/2010 8:37 pm

Tales of Treasury

Hey there,

We're just dropping a line to draw your attention to the Tales of Symphonia Guild and to let you know that our summer contests are now under way! You are being notified this way due to issues with the notification system.

There are quite a few categories this summer, so we hope to see you there! And this time, things are different. We've seen from past contests that people have trouble with deadlines that are close at hand...so our major contests’ deadlines are at the end of August!

Fanart: Crafters | Hunters
Writing: Crafters | Hunters
Fanvideo: Crafters | Hunters

But that's not all! To keep activity fresh, we'll also be holding smaller contests each month. This June, we’ve got:

General Avatar Contest
Captions Contest

Also: those of you wishing to compete in Zelos' Scavenger Hunt, please be sure to make sure you enable notifications for full effect of the competition. See this thread for details.

***Due to the issues in the notification system, if you wish to be notified of our events instantly in the future, please drop me a friend request.***

Best of luck!
Your Guild Staff

Report | 04/24/2009 3:16 pm


Hey, nice profile! Weird how I found my picture of Beyond in your profile, though. o.o It's not even good!

Report | 08/04/2008 4:26 pm


Haha! "Ryukk's Sexyback! XD)
Angel of the End

Report | 08/01/2008 6:38 pm

Angel of the End

tight profile ^^

Report | 07/31/2008 5:16 pm


thats real positive, i don't think their satanist just really loud, i'd look up the translation, it definetely wasn't satanist ( unless you count their repeated mentions of f*****s)

Report | 07/31/2008 3:38 pm


Wow o-o I just listened to a little bit of the song. Vhat in the world!? That's like a satanist band o-o SKR3@M0 MUZIK SUKZ!

Report | 07/31/2008 10:23 am


Holy crap screamo-emo music o-0

Report | 07/31/2008 9:07 am


the Hey!Listen contest is now off. Sorry everyone but i couldn't take it, instead please enjoy this japanese death metal.

Report | 07/29/2008 12:39 pm


Ha! XD I would have liked it better if it wasn't the normal "hey" and then a freaky "listen." Lol! But still, HEYYY, LISTEN! XD

Report | 07/29/2008 12:03 pm


whoever sits through the 11 minutes of Navi going HEY! LISTEN! gets an imaginary prize of their choosing! Good luck everyone!


I Support Kira!
Kira is Justice!

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