
Hello there, it seems you've stumbled upon my profile o.o

I'm [samu-sama], but you can call me Samu or Sam. More likely than not, you saw me in the GCD; the GCD is my home forum after all :3 I occasionally venture to other forums, but that's only when I find the GCD to be exremely boring. Which is not often. xD

I am a lesbian, and I am happy to be who I am. I saw a quote in someone's profile once that read, "I'd say I was proud to be gay but I'd rather save my pride for something I put effort into." I think that quote is one of the more realistic quotes I've seen here on Gaia; I am happy to be who I am, but I'm not proud of it. I accept myself, and that's all I hope you will do as well. I don't need to be proud of who I am simply because I am who I am. That makes no sense at all and actually seems a bit self-centered, no?

Well anyway, if you're still here after that rant I applaud you lol. I have a habit of writing text walls, and I think grammar is the s**t. I am a high school student, and I live in the middle of nowhere. Seriously. I am happy to make new friends, so feel free to PM me if you truly desire.

Well, I guess I'll add more later o.o For now, that's everything.

Thanks for stopping by : D


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Teh Hottest Journal Evah ^_^

the coolest journal on earth for the coolest person on earth



Even though Sam's a guy, irl I'm a girl. Who only likes girls. x]

I'm questing for a Ninja Headband. And I'm basically putting this here as a reminder to myself. Because I tend to forget. sweatdrop

Mule ftw : D