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i do avi art as well as sell items so if you want any avi art message me and i'll give you a price

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Total Value: 18,593 Gold
After Exclusions: 13,299 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Spirited 2k7 Peppermint Lollipop
Red Leather Belt
Red Cat Collar
Black Whiskers Face Tattoo

i accept trades for some items if you have any of these items and want one of the ones i'm selling feel free to offer a trade.


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DeadKa7 Report | 12/31/2008 4:46 pm
okay. and I forgive you, if you forgive m I said. It will just take a bit for me to get over being caled racist =/ I dont hold grudges though, so dont worry xD And I removed your main from ignore, so it can Profile Comment me again xP
DeadKa7 Report | 12/31/2008 4:39 pm
You are a very nice person, and an extremly sweet girl, you where a good friend to add. I was very depressed after all that happened to be honest.. and I am not the least bit bad at you. I have a bit of sour taste in my mouth from being called racist, but I have been called much worse by people much closer to me =/
DeadKa7 Report | 12/31/2008 4:31 pm
I wasn't right to get as upset as I did in the first place =/ I did get rather upset when you called me raceist, wich I am not. Race does play a factor in my outlook on people, the same where there gender and age do. The only reason got as upset as I did, is because to me, while race doesnt matter that much as the individual person, anyone who would act another race is saying they hate the race they are =/ I didn't get upset because of what you did, it was the the idea behind it. I am southern, we ALL have odd pride issues. One of my pride issues is race. That everyone should take pride in there race. And that race shouldn't matter at all as to the way you act. I just get upset when people dont act like there proud of there race, or that they wish they where another race. If you'de had a black avatar and changed it to white, I would have been just as pissed you know =/ I will forgive you for everything if you forgive me. But I can't forgive you for calling me racist =/ I am one of the most unracist people there are. I just come off that way smetimes because I get mad when people act like another race. Which in almost all cases its a white person wishing they where black, which makes me come of as racist =/ If I got mad at a black person for wishing they where white I would imagen people would congradulate me for it. =/ I will remove your main from my ignore now.
team_anbu_sai Report | 10/19/2008 3:56 pm
thx for buying
Pandaaaa4 Report | 08/02/2008 9:04 am
I've been tired this whole week
Pandaaaa4 Report | 07/29/2008 7:29 pm
whats up
havnt talk to you in a while
so how are you today?
Mnem13osyne Report | 07/18/2008 12:03 pm
Well, thats not good, but who am I to say, since I was there myself not to long ago
Mnem13osyne Report | 07/17/2008 10:13 pm
Sorry it took me so long to respond....I've been about you?
sasuke_death_phantom Report | 06/12/2008 7:22 pm
yea thts true..thanks buddy ^^
sasuke_death_phantom Report | 06/01/2008 7:01 pm
ok well now im going out with the new girl..but my ex wont get over me...i told her tht maybe we wuld go bacc out sometime later but shes soo very emotional about it..and it kinda is annoying cuz she bugs me about something like tht everyday like she always tells me tht she will always love me n s**t..i care for her but i dont love her like tht....and then she gave my number to one of her friends n the girl started being all bitchy about it...i care about my ex as a friend but they make it seem liek i HAVE to go bacc out with her




SaraEee's avatar

Last Login: 01/08/2009 4:21 pm

Registered: 02/17/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/13/1992

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me and jesse (monoxide-klown)

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my name is Sara Sch. that is all you are getting from my name... i am 15 going on 16 in september. i am bi sexual. i go to school in a town in wisconsin. i am emo,hyper, wierd. anything else you can come up with. if you want to talk i will talk to you happily... so i hope to talk to you soon.

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this is my favorite picture of me and the wonderful guy with me is Jesse, so all those people asking me to show them a picture and those who are too lazy to look in my journal here you go.. stop asking me.

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Total Value: 252,704 Gold
After Exclusions: 251,104 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Buddhist Monk's Rosary Red
Buddhist Monk's Rosary Red
Red Stockings
Red Wulf Tail
Devoted Pawn
Devoted Pawn
Red Ball Ornament Earrings
Blush Clown Makeup (low)
Candy Stripe Underwear
Candy Stripe Bra
Certain Victory Hachimaki


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SaraEee's random book.

it will basiclly be just a random thing i'll write story's or a story and its chapters, put pictures that i drew in here, and all this other stuff about my day and about what i have said to my friends before.