
Hello, and welcome to my profile! o:
I'm SARCAZM, you can call me CAZM or
anything else you would like to call me.
I'm usually really friendly and nice; but if
you're a total b***h I'll be the same to you.
Just to warn you. (:

I dislike people that only like other
players with a lot of gold, it's whats
inside that counts. Don't even bother
to ask me to donate to you, I'll only donate
if I think you deserve it or you're really
awesome. ou o;

You can PM me anytime I'm online and we
can chat and talk about how awesome
we are. 8D

If you really want to know more about me
you can just feel free to PM me and we can chat.
(; Byee<3

&&I'm questing for Goti Clips
please donate? ow o