
Scroll down for random, pointless facts about me!! :3
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I'm known as:
Siri, Siri-chan, Siri Sir, Randa, Randork, Siranwrap, DJ, Elvira, Elv, Elvie, Srnda, S'ran, Sirand, Siranalyn, Yuki, Sariah, Sari, Sereyuki, Adalena, Faerin, Squallet, Squallie, Sara, Minja, Midget, Red, Mistress, Sis

My actual name? Siranda.

Fun but pointless information about me!

Head over heels for my amazing fiancé Aaron. ♥ 07.14.14 ♥

I adore anything having to do with vampires! :3

The Rasmus = Epic win. That is all.

I graduated with honors from community college and received an Associate's of Applied Business degree.

I love straws. They're nifty! Especially the kind that are bright colors and those that twist everywhere! :3

I absolutely positively LOATHE cheese. Yeah, you heard me. Loathe. Period. >.>

Bacon owns my soul. It's like... God's food. ;D

I probably have about 20 million split ends in my hair, and don't really care.

I've been labeled as a 'Grammar Nazi'. Hooray! :]

I listen to almost any form of music you can think of. My thoughts on music are that every genre has it's good and bad. I like having a balance of all sorts of music in my life.

I tend to see the beauty in everything, even if it's hard to find.

I secretly wish that I could figure skate or do ballet. I can be feminine sometimes. ;P Yeah, that's not really a secret anymore, now is it?

My dream is to sing on stage with a band and a large audience, even though I can be incredibly shy and nervous in front of people. I can't go a day without singing. It's when I feel the most secure and happiest. It's the greatest feeling in the world to me. Sometimes, I imagine that singing to me must be what it feels like to fly.

I happen to think that Ewan McGregor is amazing. He still makes me cry everytime I see him in Moulin Rouge. Such a fantastically convincing role for him. And as Obi-Wan Kenobi? I mean, come ON! How bad a** is that? :]

Je parle la langue du Francais.
Ich spreche auch Deutsch.

Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. It's like an artform that only the coolest people have mastered.

I'm the girl that prefers the smell of burnt matches or gasoline over flowers.

I'd choose comfort over looks any day most days. I can be really self-conscious about how I look though.

I want a mobile of CDs hanging from the ceiling in my bedroom. Always have, and I plan on making one.

I should come with a hazard label, because I always figure out someway to hurt myself.

I graduated high school with a cumulative GPA of around 4.2, with highest honors and magna c** laude. I probably could have done better if I put all of my effort into it though.

I HAVE FRECKLES!! But people rarely get to see them because they only come out in the summer if I get enough sun. :3

You only get one life, so why waste it? Live for the moment, but keep plans for the future in mind, and whatever happens happens.

I aim to accomplish too much sometimes, so it ends up really biting me in the end.

I finally obtained my license by the age of 19, and sadly, I was just proud to have it before I hit 20. xD

I want a light green VW beetle. Badly.

I think that soy sauce isn't real unless it's La Choy!

I heart salami and pickle sandwiches. They're amazing. In fact, go to Subway right now. Get a Spicy Italian sub [salami and pepperoni] on Italian bread. Get it with no cheese. Then ask for lettuce, tomato, onions, green peppers and pickles. It's my signature sub. I've just shared that life secret with you now. Enjoy!

Actually, lettuce totally makes a sandwich. Without it, it's just some meat on bread. Ham or turkey with lettuce on bread, now THAT'S a good sammich! :3

Mild sauce from Taco Bell is the s**t. I drink that stuff from the package to get strange looks. In fact, I LOVE getting strange looks from people. I purposely do weird things to get them. ^^

Moulin Rouge makes me cry every time, and even though it's utterly unrealistic, I still love it! I blame Ewan McGregor's great acting there.

The most beautiful sound in the world to me is the sound of a guitar, preferably guitars in metal music. It can only be matched by my love for classical violin or piano music.

I have a cherry red Gibson Les Paul named Dante which I received for my 18th birthday and I'm absolutely in love with it. I took lessons for about a year and a half but haven't really touched it much since. *sadface*

If you're going to play it, play it LOUD. Bass = LOVE.

I love snow, but not when it's all wet and icky outside. I like it when it's really pretty and peaceful. It's just so beautiful. I'd sooner live in extreme cold than extreme hot.

I adore art of all kinds, be it drawing, painting, pastels, digital art, video editing, writing, photography, music.

I sing rather well, or so people say. Like I pointed out, it is the one thing I love doing most in the world.

I'm involved in a project called "Ambiguous Delusion", where my best friend John creates the music, and I supply the vocals.

I laugh in the face of drama. I love drama in movies and plays and such, but in real life, people just make me laugh when they make such a big deal out of nothing.

I massively dislike confrontation. I prefer to just say whatever and let it slide. If you cross the line enough, I will stand my ground though.

Cherry Italian Ice is like a gift from God.

My feet are almost always freezing.

I 100% believe in other lifeforms out there in space! Because we "advanced" humans here on Earth are really the only ones out there in this huge universe. I'm SURE. >.>

And quit telling me that I'm going to Hell for being a non-believer. I'll go wherever I damn well want, thank you very much. xD I have to quote The Mist here. "Hey lady, I believe in God too. I just don't think he's the blood-thirsty a*****e you make him out to be."

I stopped paying attention to Pokemon after the original 151. Mew is the best! x3

I'm the kind of person that can't sleep unless everything is settled. If too much is on my mind, I can lie there and just think for hours.

I like my potatoes any way but mashed. I'll eat them just about any other way, but I dislike the texture of mashed potatoes.

Spearmint is the best kind of mint there is. End of story. Spear-o-mint Lifesavers are like CRACK!

Hybrid Theory + Meteora + Minutes To Midnight = LOVE. Linkin Park is amazing! Projekt Revolution 2008 was ******** AWESOME!

Disturbed is also wonderful, and they NEVER fail to put on an EPIC show!!

Dr. Pepper + Coca Cola + Root Beer = Dr. Coke Beer, and it's pretty good. xD

I still listen to things like the Backstreet Boys <3, *N'sync, and the Spice Girls, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. :3

Rock concerts are where I feel most at home, especially Disturbed mosh pits. :]

I love Froot Loops! They're amazing.

Viggo Mortensen is the greatest! <3 I love listening to him when he speaks other languages. He's one of the greatest actors ever in my opinion, not to mention a brilliant artist.

I have an obsession with voices, both musical and speech. If I like someone's voice, I'll just be like "WHOA". Sean Bean as Boromir in Lord of the Rings is a good example of this. There are some vocalists whose voices I'd like to just trap in a jar and keep for myself. Josh Groban is DEFINITELY one of those. His voice is BEAUTIFUL!!

I have the attention span of a goldfish.

Lord of the Rings, hands down, still has to be my absolute favorite movie of all time.

I love hearing that people insult me when they've never even met me. It's like "Wow, you really don't have anything better to do with your time, do you?" >.> Sometimes it irks me, but now I just find it truly amusing.

I'm an anime dork and a proud one at that. I'm not as into it as a lot of other people out there, but I do enjoy it very much so! Colossalcon FTW!

I use the words amazing and fantastic way too much.

I don't act like it, but when the occasion calls for it, I love being a girly-girl. Sure, I can usually get ready to go out in minutes, but sometimes I can be girly and take forever picking out clothes or putting on make-up or doing my hair.

I love video games and totally beat my boyfriend at Guitar Hero. :]

Chivalry isn't dead yet.

I believe in the lifestyle of P.L.U.R. (Peace. Love. Unity. Respect.). I'm proud to call myself a raver. Kandi = <3

I'm a drug free kid and that's why I rock.

I love techno/trance/dance music and glowsticks. They're like candy, I always want more.

I could live off of Top Ramen, chicken flavor. That or Little Caesar's crazy bread and marinara sauce. You know what? Screw that. Just give me unlimited breadsticks and salad from Olive Garden. :]

I may misspell some things, but at least I take the time to attempt to spell things out instead of typng lyk ths. Noobs. >.> It's like the word "you" being spelled "u". Would it KILL you to put the "yo" in there first? O.o

My hair is NOT naturally straight. For those of you who say it is, go shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun assault rifle raccoon.

Mint chocolatey is best flavor of ******** in the world! XD

You just lost the game.

Gaia Class of 2oo4 - Just sayin' xD

My passions include:
Video editing
Web Development
Digital art
Video Games
The Paranormal
Family & Friends
The Rasmus <3

Things I like/love:
Aaron Mitchell <3
The Rasmus <3
Three Days Grace [old]
Breaking Benjamin
Poets of the Fall
Linkin Park
[A ton of other bands]
Random sentimental things
Artistic / musically-inclined men
Geeks / nerds / dorks :3
Roses of any color @)-;---
True friends
Long walks on the beach xD
Video games!!
Video editing
Swimming [I'm like a fish]
Hugs & kisses!~
Salami & pickle sandwiches
Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos
La Choy, the real stuff!
KITTIES!!!!!! <3333
Snooow! [and sledding =]]
STRAWS! [They're nifty!]
Moogles <33
Sleeping / dreaming
Piggy back rides!~
The sweet & sour chicken combo from Chinese restaurants
Blowing things up in GTA
Being a total tomboy
Being a girly-girl
Being surprised [which is rare]
Going to the movies [if ever I do]
LOVE!! <33
Creating new words!! It's swizzle!~

Things I despise:
CHEESE! I hate it with a passion!
Unreliable people
Ignorant people
People who mentally abuse and try to control others
Lacking time to do everything I'd like to do
Society's distorted vision of beauty
Society over-sexualizing women ALL the time >.>
Being rushed
Trying new foods [but it depends]
People who put other people down
People who over-complicate things

If you want to know anything else, feel free to drop me a PM or a comment. ^^ You can talk to me anytime. I'm a very open person, and can be very friendly. =) Just send me a PM and I'll likely respond just to talk. x3

I warn you though, I'm not on as much as I used to be anymore, so responses may be delayed. My apologies! D:

Much Love


Viewing 12 of 138 friends


Sariah's Other Realm

Would you like to collide with my strange little world?

This journal will probably mainly contain my original characters' profiles, and perhaps a few other rants or something. xD



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/11/2017 3:21 pm


hey thanks for comming to the stream again today. it was such a pleasure to chat with you. emotion_hug gaia_angelright
Yuna Yuni Chan

Report | 04/20/2017 3:35 pm

Yuna Yuni Chan

Hi, I'm a big L fan too ^^

Report | 03/17/2017 8:45 am


xd xd
Love you more!
Old Fragile Doll

Report | 12/06/2013 11:38 am

Old Fragile Doll


Very welcome :3

Old Fragile Doll

Report | 12/06/2013 5:47 am

Old Fragile Doll


Happy Birthday,
Not sure if I'm late. >.<


Report | 03/07/2013 8:29 am


I'm happy to hear so, I'll just be the faster I can! blaugh

Report | 03/06/2013 5:05 am


Good then, I hope to finish it in a maximum of 3-4 days biggrin

Report | 03/05/2013 7:05 am


Hi, you asked me for a freebie a few days ago. I just realized your boyfriend birthday was yesterday, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it in time! Do you still want me to finish it, maybe for a late present? I'm really really sorry crying

Report | 07/19/2012 7:03 pm


Hi! Can I please have 30 seconds of your time lady?

Report | 07/16/2012 11:04 pm


Thanks for the purches.


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Here lies Sariah's signature
For it was as old and outdated as she
It will be missed