Satan the Dark Soul

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Birthday: 05/08


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Satan the Dark Soul i hve to admit i lik Satan more then i lik god, gods to to borning i love excitment but that doesnt mean im "satanic" im not i dnt worship anyone but it doesnt stop me from beliving i like vampires nd werewolves but im not all in love with them nd believe they are real even tho there are cases of ppl tryn to be vampires nd there are blood suckers in the world im bwt 5'"9 nd i weight bwt 65kgs i aint fat but i aint skinny but dnt ask my mates they all say im skinny nd that im crazy which i am crazy i love to live dangerously lik really dangerously nd get into alot of trouble nd get hurt alot well thats me oh nd my names Devon if you wanted to kno oh nd i lik science nd maths ino wierd ae but i do nd i wanna be a marine biologist nd no im not a nerd cuz i can nd will kick anyones a** anyday or atleast try to nd enjoy it even if i get beat up badly haha yea soo thats me oh nd i live in NZ (uumm New Zealand if you didnt kno the lil place by Ozzy)



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