Me (Satchel Berry Goobermyster)

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Last Login: 03/05/2014 4:13 am

Registered: 06/21/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Birthday: 11/25/1987

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Useless information

I hate these sections.

This "about me" section. How broad and generic is this? Telling you about myself could take hundreds of pages - and who really wants to read that? I don't even want to read that. It couldn't possibly be that interesting. Now, if I had a magical power...

Anyway, that still leaves this dilemma of what to put here. I ask, what possible information would you actually want/need to know?
In the event that you answered this rhetorical question, I have compiled a list of top 10 things you don't need to know about me.

1. I am of the belief that Scrubs makes the world a happier place.
2. I love to dance in snow or falling leaves or... anything falling
3. There are shapes/pictures in the clouds and I like to find them.
4. I love video games
5. I love anime
6. I am a dork
7. In the near future, I plan on becoming an English teacher and thus I sometimes can be a grammar nazi. Woe to those who dare send me a message with text grammar.
8. The adjective of "adorkable" was once used to describe me. I like(d) it.
9. I have recently begun to use the word, "Blarg" due to my over-due exposure to 30 Rock. It rocks.
10. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
...Alright, so that last one wasn't really something "about me," but I thought it was something you needed to know.

Mindless Thinking

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Mindless Thinking

Let's be honest, I have nothing interesting to say. My life is fairly boring and ridiculously average. Plus, as bored as you are for even reading this, I don't really like sharing my innter most thoughts - thus - this may be used for mindless word vo

Video of the update!

Wall Talk

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Rainbowrific Renia Report | 12/17/2011 12:55 pm
Rainbowrific Renia
Haha, thanks!
iOw3n Report | 07/29/2011 4:45 pm
Did it work confused ?
mae-yomota Report | 07/22/2011 8:47 pm
How are you? I like your avatar.
mae-yomota Report | 07/21/2011 1:15 am
zirpchirp Report | 05/06/2011 5:26 am
Thank you for the purchase!
wellthisishawkeward Report | 04/25/2011 10:26 am
Hello!! CB
Rainbowrific Renia Report | 12/02/2010 8:42 pm
Rainbowrific Renia
Aww, thank you!
I like your avatar, by the way.
Kiseimaru Report | 10/22/2010 8:37 pm
Why thank you lovey ^_^
Yours is very Halloweeny XD

OH and Bethable told me to tell you that she used the phrase "draggin my wagon" or something like that when we were talking about black guys liking her butt. She said you'd get the reference XD
Kiseimaru Report | 09/23/2010 7:14 pm
awwww don't you look cute in your kitty costume!!! How do ya like mine?! The pink cardcaptor witch XD
Swervey Report | 09/20/2010 5:31 pm
*glomp* Hey, long time no talk, huh? :]


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