
Saygen40's avatar

Last Login: 06/28/2019 9:24 pm

Registered: 11/10/2006

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"You believe there's good in everybody's heart, keep it safe and sound. With hope, you can do your part, to turn a life around. I cannot believe my eyes, is the world finally growing wise? Cause it seems to me, some kind of harmony is on the rise."


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Flariett Report | 03/01/2017 1:27 pm
Nah not really looking for a roomie. I like to live on my own. But currently me and my so's situation we live at his parent's house emotion_0A0 its such a small town it's driving me nuts. And no although I may do that in the future cause theres no colleges close by here. (I know its bad)
Flariett Report | 03/01/2017 1:12 pm
Yeahhh sometimes I regret not finish my one year left in college but it can't be helped. We didn't have enough money. Back there, there's no such thing as school loans lol I wanna move out somewhere reaaal bad. I'm kinda tied down here. But I'm glad everything's swell for you
Flariett Report | 03/01/2017 12:36 pm
Omg I didn't think you're that older than me rofl I am not entirely sure if they're supposed to be the same but I definitely over-worked gonk I was the only one in that hall and there was more than 10 residents there emo and besides that we had to do other things too. I can never keep a plant alive so we got a dog instead lol
Flariett Report | 03/01/2017 10:20 am
I was always sooo tired. Cause we pretty much do everything else. And theres only 4 people in the building. So besides from taking care of old people we clean, laundry, prep tables and etc.
Flariett Report | 03/01/2017 10:18 am
Yeah I am 21 now. Its crazy! I met you and slushie when I was 15 or something! I'm not sure if I like Tennessee. Or maybe its just the town I live in. There's no jobs where you can grow.
Flariett Report | 02/26/2017 8:15 pm
And its Tennessee
Flariett Report | 02/26/2017 8:14 pm
I quit today. I couldn't handle the job. I was an RA at this senior home. 12 hour shift it was. I noticed that I literally have no life cause I worked nights and when I come home I sleep and wake up three hours before work. But anyway they're trying to bring zomg back so you better go online! Lol. How's your work so far?
Flariett Report | 02/20/2017 10:04 am
I know! I went to your profile and seen it has been awhile. Lol I dropped it and moved here in the US! rofl I've been good! A lot of eventful stuff has happened in the past years 4laugh how is life for you? whee
Flariett Report | 01/22/2017 5:29 pm
Heyyy how are you? smile
Idiosyncratic Quirk Report | 03/14/2016 5:48 pm
Idiosyncratic Quirk
Say! Just reminding you that you're fantastic

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